Top Cases Quotes Collection

Discover a curated collection of Cases quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category.

Image of W. G. Sebald
How far, in any case, must one go back to find the beginning?
- W. G. Sebald
Collection: Cases
Image of Alexandra Potter
just in case" is the curse of packing
- Alexandra Potter
Collection: Cases
Image of Gregory Bateson
In the nature of the case, an explorer can never know what he is exploring until it has been explored.
- Gregory Bateson
Collection: Cases
Image of Ken Buck
A jury could very well conclude that this is a case of buyer's remorse.
- Ken Buck
Collection: Cases
Image of Maajid Nawaz
It's not always the case that Muslims have been theocrats.
- Maajid Nawaz
Collection: Cases
Image of Karen Kingston
Keeping things 'just in case' indicates a lack of trust in the future.
- Karen Kingston
Collection: Cases
Image of Marissa Mayer
Do something youre not ready to do. In the worst case, youll learn your limitations.
- Marissa Mayer
Collection: Cases
Image of Eckhart Tolle
I know that at the core of each religion there is the truth, heavily obscured in some cases, but it's there.
- Eckhart Tolle
Collection: Cases
Image of Gail Carriger
How was I to know idiocy was only a temporary condition, especially in your case? It never has been before!
- Gail Carriger
Collection: Cases
Image of Nassim Nicholas Taleb
But it remains the case that you know what is wrong with a lot more confidence than you know what is right.
- Nassim Nicholas Taleb
Collection: Cases
Image of Mark Twain
Experience teaches us only one thing at a time - and hardly that, in my case.
- Mark Twain
Collection: Cases
Image of Horace
Let not a god interfere unless where a god's assistance is necessary. [Adopt extreme measures only in extreme cases.]
- Horace
Collection: Cases
Image of Nachman of Breslov
A drunkard cannot plead his case.
- Nachman of Breslov
Collection: Cases
Image of Joanna Baillie
The plainest case in many words entangling.
- Joanna Baillie
Collection: Cases
Image of Carl von Clausewitz
There are cases in which the greatest daring is the greatest wisdom.
- Carl von Clausewitz
Collection: Cases
Image of Paul Davies
It's always good in science to say "Well how do you know that?" and "Are you really sure?" and "Could there be an exceptional case?"
- Paul Davies
Collection: Cases
Image of Galileo Galilei
I do not know what to say in a case so surprising, so unlooked for and so novel.
- Galileo Galilei
Collection: Cases
Image of Mahatma Gandhi
In any case, the fear of subservience is quite imaginary.
- Mahatma Gandhi
Collection: Cases
Image of Thomas Chandler Haliburton
Circumstances alter cases.
- Thomas Chandler Haliburton
Collection: Cases
Image of J.H. Wyman
I would much rather have somebody say, "You know what? I just didn't like what you were doing," then say, "They didn't know what they were doing." I know what I'm doing. If it's going to be bad, or if it's great, it's me, in either case.
- J.H. Wyman
Collection: Cases
Image of St. Jerome
If it is good not to touch a woman, then it is bad to touch a woman always and in every case.
- St. Jerome
Collection: Cases
Image of Nicholson Baker
In my case, adulthood itself was not an advance, although it was a useful waymark.
- Nicholson Baker
Collection: Cases
Image of Ethel Merman
In my case, things have pretty much been handed to me
- Ethel Merman
Collection: Cases
Image of Norman Maclean
The hardest thing usually to leave behind, as was the case now, can loosely be called the conscience.
- Norman Maclean
Collection: Cases