Top Becoming One Quotes Collection

Discover a curated collection of Becoming One quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category.

Image of Harpo Marx
I don't know whether my life has been a success or a failure. But not having any anxiety about becoming one instead of the other, and just taking things as they come along, I've had a lot of extra time to enjoy life.
- Harpo Marx
Collection: Becoming One
Image of Sibel Edmonds
You get to a point where it gets very complex, where you have money laundering activities, drug related activities, and terrorist support activities converging at certain points and becoming one.
- Sibel Edmonds
Collection: Becoming One
Image of Danilo Kis
You can't play the role of a victim all your life without becoming one in the end.
- Danilo Kis
Collection: Becoming One
Image of Craig Childs
The land is not old. It only changes, becoming one thing and the next. We are the ones who ascribe age, the brevity of our lives demanding a beginning, middle and end.
- Craig Childs
Collection: Becoming One
Image of Mumia Abu-Jamal
The United States is Fast Becoming One of the Biggest Open-Air Prisons on Earth
- Mumia Abu-Jamal
Collection: Becoming One
Image of Muhammad Ali Jinnah
My guiding principle will be justice and complete impartiality, and I am sure that with your support and co-operation, I can look forward to Pakistan becoming one of the greatest Nations of the world.
- Muhammad Ali Jinnah
Collection: Becoming One
Image of Trent Lott
Money is becoming one of the most corrosive elements of politics.
- Trent Lott
Collection: Becoming One
Image of Henry B. Eyring
It is only with the companionship of the Holy Ghost that we can hope to be equally yoked in a marriage free from discord. I have seen how that companionship is crucial for felicity in a marriage. The miracle of becoming one requires the help of heaven, and it takes time.
- Henry B. Eyring
Collection: Becoming One
Image of Susan Sontag
Though collecting quotations could be considered as merely an ironic mimetism -- victimless collecting, as it were... in a world that is well on its way to becoming one vast quarry, the collector becomes someone engaged in a pious work of salvage. The course of modern history having already sapped the traditions and shattered the living wholes in which precious objects once found their place, the collector may now in good conscience go about excavating the choicer, more emblematic fragments.
- Susan Sontag
Collection: Becoming One
Image of Gordon Ramsay
Having worked my a - off over here for the last 10 years really hard, really f - ing hard, to see that unfolding every Tuesday and then watching the interviews, and the Megyn Kelly ... It's just extraordinary. It's quite a horrible situation because something needs to happen to stop this thing [Donald Trump] from becoming one of the most embarrassing scenarios ever in the history of politics.
- Gordon Ramsay
Collection: Becoming One
Image of Chuck Palahniuk
I could imagine myself becoming one of Marla's stories.
- Chuck Palahniuk
Collection: Becoming One
Image of Brian Tracy
You can't help the poor by becoming one of them.
- Brian Tracy
Collection: Becoming One
Image of Jeffrey Eugenides
But that was in the days when they expected perils to come from without, and nothing made less sense by that time than a survival room buried in a house itself becoming one big coffin.
- Jeffrey Eugenides
Collection: Becoming One
Image of Isaac Marion
Warm Bodies ended up becoming one of the most personal relatable things I've written.
- Isaac Marion
Collection: Becoming One