Top baseball Quotes Collection - Page 4

Discover a curated collection of baseball quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 4 provides more baseball quotes.

Image of George V. Higgins
The seductiveness of baseball is that almost everyone with an abiding interest in it knows exactly how it should be played. And secretly believes that he could do it, if only God had seen fit to make him just a little bit less clumsy.
- George V. Higgins
Collection: Baseball
Image of George V. Higgins
The Red Sox are a religion. Every year we re-enact the agony and the temptation in the Garden. Baseball child's play? Hell, up here in Boston it's a passion play.
- George V. Higgins
Collection: Baseball
Image of Jose Canseco
I am and will always be just simply a basball player, my tomb stone will just say. Baseball.
- Jose Canseco
Collection: Baseball
Image of Jose Canseco
The truth is, no one wants to face the fact that there was a huge double standard in baseball, and white athletes like Mark McGwire, Cal Ripken Jr., and Brady Anderson were protected and coddled in a way that an outspoken Latino like me never would be. The light-eyed and white-skinned were declared household names. Canseco the Cuban was left out in the cold, where racism and double standards rule.
- Jose Canseco
Collection: Baseball
Image of Jose Canseco
I think baseball owes McGwire a gratitude of thanks for putting baseball back on the map where it should be.
- Jose Canseco
Collection: Baseball
Image of Frank Robinson
Listen, I was the first black manager in baseball and there was incredible pressure. I don't blame anyone else. I was too tough . . . I lack patience. I probably got on guys a little too hard, with the wrong tone of voice.
- Frank Robinson
Collection: Baseball
Image of Frank Robinson
Probably the most dramatic change in pitching I've observed in my years in baseball has been the disappearance of the knockdown or brushback pitch. This is why record numbers of home runs are flying out of ballparks, why earned run averages are soaring, and why there are so few twenty game winners in the majors.
- Frank Robinson
Collection: Baseball
Image of Tris Speaker
Taking the best left-handed pitcher in baseball and converting him into a right fielder is one of the dumbest things I ever heard.
- Tris Speaker
Collection: Baseball
Image of Tris Speaker
Babe Ruth made a great mistake when he gave up pitching.
- Tris Speaker
Collection: Baseball
Image of Dave Revering
If you want to get off this team you have to take a number.
- Dave Revering
Collection: Baseball
Image of Don Mattingly
Honestly, at one time I thought Babe Ruth was a cartoon character. I really did, I mean, I wasn't born until 1961, and I grew up in Indiana.
- Don Mattingly
Collection: Baseball
Image of Don Mattingly
Baseball's still a game. I don't want it to be work. I want it to be a game.
- Don Mattingly
Collection: Baseball
Image of Ted Page
Josh wanted to be the one to break the color barrier. When the Dodgers signed Jackie Robinson he knew it was over for him. He wasn't going to make the big leagues, and he also knew that because of his health and his bad knees his career with the Grays was about over. He didn't know what to do with himself. They say a man can't die of a broken heart, and I guess that's true. But I'll tell you this, all of this sure lessened Josh's will to keep going, to keep fighting to stay alive.
- Ted Page
Collection: Baseball
Image of Norm Cash
Pro-rated at 500 at-bats a year that means that for two years out of the fourteen I played, I never even touched the ball.
- Norm Cash
Collection: Baseball
Image of E. Michael Burke
A baseball club is part of the chemistry of the city. A game isn't just an athletic contest. It's a picnic, a kind of town meeting.
- E. Michael Burke
Collection: Baseball
Image of Tyler Hoechlin
I played [baseball] in college, so it wasn't that much a stretch. But I would say the main thing for guys who hadn't played before it's just one word - swagger. If you have swagger on the field, and look like you know how to play, that's 90% of it.
- Tyler Hoechlin
Collection: Baseball
Image of Rich Davis
Long distance running is 90% mental and the other half is physical.
- Rich Davis
Collection: Baseball
Image of Kenesaw Mountain Landis
If a jury of your peers finds you not guilty, I will reinstate you back into baseball.
- Kenesaw Mountain Landis
Collection: Baseball
Image of Lawrence Ritter
The strongest thing that baseball has going for it today are its yesterdays.
- Lawrence Ritter
Collection: Baseball
Image of Lawrence Ritter
The most overrated underrated player in baseball.
- Lawrence Ritter
Collection: Baseball
Image of James Carville
I used to think that if there was reincarnation, I wanted to come back as the President or the Pope or as a 400 basball hitter. But now I would like to come back as the bond market. You can intimidate everybody.
- James Carville
Collection: Baseball
Image of Deborah Wiles
Baseball is an art! A drama! A ballet without music! Let us give it a Greek chorus!
- Deborah Wiles
Collection: Baseball
Image of Nick Markakis
Everybody makes mistakes. You have to be careful when you make your mistakes. Now is not a good time to make a mistake.
- Nick Markakis
Collection: Baseball
Image of Tony La Russa
Just because you're down to your last strike, you're not out yet. You can always do more. You'll always have more at-bats to take. That's true in baseball, in rescuing animals, and in life generally.
- Tony La Russa
Collection: Baseball
Image of Tony La Russa
I'm very distressed that the report was leaked early so that the initial headline said 'dismissed, fired.' That's 180 degrees from the arrangement we have potentially.
- Tony La Russa
Collection: Baseball
Image of Don Drysdale
The pitcher has to find out if the hitter is timid. And if the hitter is timid, he has to remind the hitter he's timid.
- Don Drysdale
Collection: Baseball
Image of Don Drysdale
Where do you want it?
- Don Drysdale
Collection: Baseball
Image of Don Drysdale
It's a bottom line business where a lot of gray suits are brought in and then, within two years, these guys suddenly know everything about baseball.
- Don Drysdale
Collection: Baseball
Image of Ted Kluszewski
I'm not sure what the hell charisma is, but I get the feeling it's Willie Mays.
- Ted Kluszewski
Collection: Baseball
Image of Elisabeth Moss
I love baseball games. I got to go to World Series last year. I watch almost every Cubs game. If I can't watch, I get the updates on my phone. I don't like to go to parties that much. I don't like a lot of people around me, but not in like a weird anxiety way. I just don't like to have to talk to a lot of people.
- Elisabeth Moss
Collection: Baseball
Image of Ray Fitzgerald
A critic once characterized baseball as six minutes of action crammed into two-and-one-half hours.
- Ray Fitzgerald
Collection: Baseball
Image of Greg Maddux
You're not going to win by automatically going out there. It's hard to know what people really expect of you, and I've never tried to live up to expectations anyway. That's no way to play baseball.
- Greg Maddux
Collection: Baseball
Image of Greg Maddux
My stuff was all right, but it's not about pitching good. It's about winning. I pitched just good enough to lose.
- Greg Maddux
Collection: Baseball
Image of John Sterling
You just cant predict baseball
- John Sterling
Collection: Baseball
Image of Gaylord Perry
Greaseball, greaseball, greaseball, that's all I throw him (Rod Carew), and he still hits them. He's the only player in baseball who consistently hits my grease. He sees the ball so well, I guess he can pick out the dry side.
- Gaylord Perry
Collection: Baseball
Image of Gaylord Perry
Wait until Tommy Lasorda meets the Lord and finds out He's wearing pinstripes
- Gaylord Perry
Collection: Baseball
Image of Frederick Busch
Baseball is a game where you are always waiting, and then when something happens it's like turning a kaleidoscope when you were a kid.
- Frederick Busch
Collection: Baseball
Image of Frederick Busch
I love baseball. What I love about baseball is that you are always waiting.
- Frederick Busch
Collection: Baseball
Image of Jimmy Cannon
He was a parade all by himself, a burst of dazzle and jingle, Santa Claus drinking his whiskey straight and groaning with a bellyache... Babe Ruth made the music that his joyous years danced to in a continuous party... What Babe Ruth is comes down, one generation handing it down to the next, as a nation heirloom.
- Jimmy Cannon
Collection: Baseball
Image of Jimmy Cannon
[A knuckleball is] a curve ball that doesn't give a damn.
- Jimmy Cannon
Collection: Baseball
Image of Andy Van Slyke
I have an Alka-Seltzer bat. You know-plop, plop, fizz, fizz, when the pitcher sees me walking up there he says, 'Oh, what a relief it is'.
- Andy Van Slyke
Collection: Baseball
Image of Andy Van Slyke
Who says there's an unemployment problem in this country? Just take the five percent unemployed and give them a baseball stat to follow.
- Andy Van Slyke
Collection: Baseball
Image of Walter O'Malley
Baseball isn't a business; it's more like a disease.
- Walter O'Malley
Collection: Baseball
Image of Walter O'Malley
I have never discussed a player contract with an agent and I like to think I never will.
- Walter O'Malley
Collection: Baseball
Image of Harry Kalas
The Philadelphia Phillies are 2008 world champions of baseball.
- Harry Kalas
Collection: Baseball
Image of Kim Young-kwang
Other than hitting the ball...there's nothing else I have ever done or know how to do. How to live on the outside, how to earn a living, how to take of my family, I'm a stupid idiot who doesn't know how to do any of that. Therefore...Please let me play baseball.
- Kim Young-kwang
Collection: Baseball
Image of Graig Nettles
Some kids dream of joining the circus, others of becoming a major league baseball player. I have been doubly blessed. As a member of the New York Yankees, I have gotten to do both.
- Graig Nettles
Collection: Baseball
Image of Graig Nettles
The more we lose, the more he'll fly in. And the more he flies in, the better the chance there'll be a plane crash.
- Graig Nettles
Collection: Baseball
Image of Graig Nettles
The best thing about being a Yankee is getting to watch Reggie Jackson play every day. The worst thing about being a Yankee? Getting to watch Reggie Jackson play every day
- Graig Nettles
Collection: Baseball