Top Baptism Quotes Collection

Discover a curated collection of Baptism quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category.

Image of Pope Leo I
By Baptism we are made flesh of the Crucified
- Pope Leo I
Collection: Baptism
Image of Henri Nouwen
Based or our baptism, all are called to a mystical life, to communion with God. We need to claim that, to taste it and feel it, to trust that the deeper we live this communion, the more our behavior will witness to the truth.
- Henri Nouwen
Collection: Baptism
Image of Ambrose Bierce
DELUGE, n. A notable first experiment in baptism which washed away the sins (and sinners) of the world.
- Ambrose Bierce
Collection: Baptism
Image of Watchman Nee
Baptism is faith in action.
- Watchman Nee
Collection: Baptism
Image of Joseph Fielding Smith
The Lord will grant to any honest person who earnestly seeks to know the truth one manifestation by the Holy Ghost; but he is not entitled to repeated manifestations. After such a revelation is given, he is to act, for the Holy Ghost cannot be appealed to for continued manifestations until after baptism and the gift has been bestowed.
- Joseph Fielding Smith
Collection: Baptism
Image of Henri Nouwen
The Church is the body of Christ fashioned by baptism & the Eucharist.
- Henri Nouwen
Collection: Baptism
Image of John Piper
I do not elevate the time or mode of baptism to a primary doctrine.
- John Piper
Collection: Baptism
Image of Boyd K. Packer
You must know that baptism for someone who is dead is quite as essential as baptism for some one who is living.
- Boyd K. Packer
Collection: Baptism
Image of Brian D. McLaren
Baptism is rich in meaning. It suggests cleansing. When you are a disciple, you understand that you are cleansed by Christ. You understand that Christ died in your place on the cross, paying for your sins, fully forgiving you for all your wrongs. You are cleansed from guilt, and you are becoming a cleaner, healthier, more whole person.
- Brian D. McLaren
Collection: Baptism
Image of Robert D. Hales
When we understand our baptismal covenant and the gift of the Holy Ghost, it will change our lives and will establish our total allegiance to the kingdom of God.
- Robert D. Hales
Collection: Baptism
Image of Cyprian
Baptism pertains to the Church alone.
- Cyprian
Collection: Baptism
Image of George Eliot
There are natures in which, if they love us, we are conscious of having a sort of baptism and consecration.
- George Eliot
Collection: Baptism
Image of Pope Francis
We are called to live our baptism every day, as new creatures, clothed in Christ.
- Pope Francis
Collection: Baptism
Image of Saint Augustine
No one can begin a new life, unless he repent of the old.
- Saint Augustine
Collection: Baptism
Image of Saint Augustine
Although among heretics and schismatics there is the same Baptism, nevertheless, the remission of sins is not operative among them because of the very rottenness of discord and wickedness of dissension ... Baptism was in them, but it did not profit them outside the Church ... Outside the Church, Baptism works death because of discord.
- Saint Augustine
Collection: Baptism
Image of Martin Luther
For that purpose Christ instituted holy baptism, thereby to clothe you with his righteousness. It is tantamount to his saying, My righteousness shall be your righteousness; my innocence, your innocence. Your sins indeed are great, but by baptism I bestow on you my righteousness; I strip death from you and clothe you with my life.
- Martin Luther
Collection: Baptism
Image of Max Lucado
Is it possible for an unbaptized believer to be saved? Yes, definitely. Should every believer be baptized? Yes, definitely.
- Max Lucado
Collection: Baptism