Top balance Quotes Collection - Page 5

Discover a curated collection of balance quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 5 provides more balance quotes.

Image of Antonio Porchia
He who makes a paradise of his bread makes a hell of his hunger.
- Antonio Porchia
Collection: Balance
Image of Bill Vaughan
Life is about balance too much excess is chaos.
- Bill Vaughan
Collection: Balance
Image of Orson Scott Card
Sometimes happiness consists of finding the right balance of misery.
- Orson Scott Card
Collection: Balance
Image of Dorothy Allison
she got a reputation for an easy smile and a sharp tongue, and using one to balance the other, she seemed friendly but distant
- Dorothy Allison
Collection: Balance
Image of Sandra Cisneros
I've come to some balance now and calmness. If anything happened to me and I got hit by a bus - I hope this doesn't happen, but if something happened - my body of work is something I could rest on. I don't feel, "Oh God, I have to hurry up . . ."
- Sandra Cisneros
Collection: Balance
Image of Lindsey Vonn
Trying to coordinate everything, it can be really hard to balance.
- Lindsey Vonn
Collection: Balance
Image of Alva Myrdal
A great amount has been talked and written about what constitutes a sufficient balance and what really is meant by the concepts of "balance" and "deterrence".
- Alva Myrdal
Collection: Balance
Image of Hillary Clinton
Our lives are a mixture of different roles. Most of us are doing the best we can to find whatever the right balance is . . . For me, that balance is family, work, and service.
- Hillary Clinton
Collection: Balance
Image of Edgar Cayce
The life must be a well-balanced life, not lopsided in any manner to bring contentment.
- Edgar Cayce
Collection: Balance
Image of John C. Bogle
On balance, the financial system subracts value from society
- John C. Bogle
Collection: Balance
Image of Deepak Chopra
Fear, anger, stubbornness, and distrust portray themselves as your rescuers. Actually these energies only make you more closed off. Tell yourself: Nobody ever solved a situation by panicking; no one ever solved a situation by refusing to hear new answers; no one solved a situation by shutting down.
- Deepak Chopra
Collection: Balance
Image of Robin Sharma
Success is the result of a delicate balance between making things happen and letting things happen.
- Robin Sharma
Collection: Balance
Image of Felicity Jones
I'm keen to have balance, as much as possible.
- Felicity Jones
Collection: Balance
Image of Hortense Calisher
Balance is compromise. Of the muscles.
- Hortense Calisher
Collection: Balance
Image of Deepak Chopra
Living in balance and purity is the highest good for you and the earth.
- Deepak Chopra
Collection: Balance
Image of Fred Alan Wolf
Illness is something out of balance, rather than something within balance. It's been something that is created and it's been created for a purpose and a reason, and that purpose or reason may not be obvious to the person that has the disease. Nevertheless, there is something going on and it's not always easy to find that out.
- Fred Alan Wolf
Collection: Balance
Image of Walter Russell
Cooling bodies gravitate and heat as they gravitate-heating bodies radiate, and cool as they radiate.
- Walter Russell
Collection: Balance
Image of Wes Fesler
By life's very nature we are compelled to find and maintain balance, or be subject to the symptoms of the lack thereof.
- Wes Fesler
Collection: Balance
Image of Deepak Chopra
Like hunger or thirst, the instinct for balance is built into the human body.
- Deepak Chopra
Collection: Balance
Image of Jimmy Carter
We simply must balance our demand for energy with our rapidly shrinking resources. By acting now we can control our future instead of letting the future control us.
- Jimmy Carter
Collection: Balance
Image of Tony Abbott
I'm not really managing the work-life balance, I'm just accepting that the work increases and the ordinary life has to decrease when you're the prime minister.
- Tony Abbott
Collection: Balance
Image of Walter Russell
Every action in Nature is voided as it occurs, is repeated as it is voided, and is recorded as it is repeated.
- Walter Russell
Collection: Balance
Image of Stephen Covey
Success in one role can't justify failure in another.
- Stephen Covey
Collection: Balance
Image of Stephen Covey
Balance isn't either/or; it's 'and'.
- Stephen Covey
Collection: Balance
Image of Mark Z. Danielewski
Physics depends on a universe infinitely centred on an equals sign.
- Mark Z. Danielewski
Collection: Balance
Image of John Dewey
Balance is balancing.
- John Dewey
Collection: Balance
Image of Ellen DeGeneres
My point is, life is about balance. The good and the bad. The highs and the lows. The pina and the colada.
- Ellen DeGeneres
Collection: Balance
Image of Tony Gaskins
You want a woman who shares your belief and your faith because that is usually your core. So, you want a woman whom you know can stand on that same foundation you both equally embrace and share. You also want a woman who is ambitious but also knows how to balance it with family.
- Tony Gaskins
Collection: Balance
Image of Henri Frederic Amiel
When everything is in its right place within us, we ourselves are in balance with the whole work of God.
- Henri Frederic Amiel
Collection: Balance
Image of James C. Collins
A visionary company doesn't simply balance between idealism and profitability: it seeks to be highly idealistic and highly profitable.
- James C. Collins
Collection: Balance
Image of Leonard Ravenhill
Christianity is not being weighed in the balance and found wanting. It's being tried, found difficult and rejected!
- Leonard Ravenhill
Collection: Balance
Image of M. J. Ryan
Wholeness invokes balance.
- M. J. Ryan
Collection: Balance
Image of Sarah Dessen
It’s never something huge that changes the everything, but instead the tiniest of details, irrevocably tweaking the balance of the universe while you’re busy focusing on the big picture.
- Sarah Dessen
Collection: Balance
Image of Marc Andreessen
There's always more demands than there's time to meet them, so it's constantly a matter of trying to balance them
- Marc Andreessen
Collection: Balance
Image of Stephen Covey
As we create synergy among the roles of our lives, there's more of us to put into the time we have.
- Stephen Covey
Collection: Balance
Image of Peter Drucker
Balance Sheets are meaningless. Our accounting systems are still based on the assumption that 80% of costs are manual labor.
- Peter Drucker
Collection: Balance
Image of Maya Angelou
Only equals make friends, every other relationship is contrived and off balance.
- Maya Angelou
Collection: Balance
Image of Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach
To be content with little is difficult; to be content with much, impossible.
- Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach
Collection: Balance
Image of Owen Feltham
He who would be singular in his apparel had need have something superlative to balance that affectation.
- Owen Feltham
Collection: Balance
Image of Frederick Lenz
The study of Zen is the study of energy, power, knowledge and balance. It is the science of energy conservation and control. We use energy to aid others, to see beauty, to discover love where we saw no love at all.
- Frederick Lenz
Collection: Balance
Image of Megyn Kelly
I feel like I'm at a level in my business where I've established myself as a professional. And the one thing I haven't managed to do is find a way to achieve a better balance.
- Megyn Kelly
Collection: Balance
Image of Albert Einstein
I have come to know the mutability of all human relationships and have learned to insulate myself against both heat and cold so that a temperature balance is fairly well assured.
- Albert Einstein
Collection: Balance
Image of Maya Angelou
We are the victims of the world's most comprehensive robbery. Life demands a balance. It's all right if we do a little robbing now.
- Maya Angelou
Collection: Balance
Image of Elle Fanning
You have to have a balance between your normal life and movies.
- Elle Fanning
Collection: Balance
Image of Clifton Fadiman
One newspaper a day ought to be enough for anyone who still prefers to retain a little mental balance.
- Clifton Fadiman
Collection: Balance
Image of Bethenny Frankel
I balance it all by being extremely organized, and I am a very efficient delegator.
- Bethenny Frankel
Collection: Balance
Image of Mahatma Gandhi
The taking of vows that are not feasible or that are beyond one's capacity would betray thoughtlessness and want of balance.
- Mahatma Gandhi
Collection: Balance
Image of Nikki Giovanni
We are all either wheels or connectors. Whichever we are we must find truth and balance, which is a bicycle. Trust and balance are also essential to true love.
- Nikki Giovanni
Collection: Balance
Image of Ameen Rihani
I deposit in many banks including the bank of wisdom. The more I draw on my accounts, no matter how big the sum, the bigger my balance becomes
- Ameen Rihani
Collection: Balance