Top anger Quotes Collection - Page 21

Discover a curated collection of anger quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 21 provides more anger quotes.

Image of Kathleen Dowling Singh
Anger is our reaction to the violation of our boundaries.
- Kathleen Dowling Singh
Collection: Anger
Image of Robert Mandel
The only one you get even with is yourself.
- Robert Mandel
Collection: Anger
Image of Edward Hyde, 1st Earl of Clarendon
Angry and choleric men are as ungrateful and unsociable as thunder and lightning, being in themselves all storm and tempest; but quiet and easy natures are like fair weather, welcome to all.
- Edward Hyde, 1st Earl of Clarendon
Collection: Anger
Image of Edward Hyde, 1st Earl of Clarendon
Anger is an affected madness, compounded of pride and folly, and an intention to do commonly more mischief than it can bring to pass; and, without doubt, of all passions which actually disturb the mind of man, it is most in our power to extinguish, at least, to suppress and correct, our anger.
- Edward Hyde, 1st Earl of Clarendon
Collection: Anger
Image of Buddy Hackett
Why should I be angry at someone when they are out dancing?
- Buddy Hackett
Collection: Anger
Image of James Vila Blake
Like all passions, anger has degrees, ascending from slight vexation through deepening clouds to rage, and finally to fury, which is a black and horrible tempest. In its mid-region, where it is neither too little to be motive nor too furious to be ungovernable, it has usefulness. For all feeling is as fuel, and where there is none life has no fire, and then no flame of ascent.
- James Vila Blake
Collection: Anger
Image of James Vila Blake
As anger is a passing storm, so it comes not gradually and with signs, but like a sudden sweep of wind or black squall.
- James Vila Blake
Collection: Anger
Image of James Vila Blake
As anger is a passion, it is to be ruled; as it is a weak passion, he is weak who rules it not.
- James Vila Blake
Collection: Anger
Image of Tian Dayton
Above all, anger needs to be felt so it can be talked through, understood and integrated, rather than acted out. In this way, it cleanses the self.
- Tian Dayton
Collection: Anger
Image of J. G. Holland
A fit of anger is as fatal to dignity as a dose of arsenic is to life.
- J. G. Holland
Collection: Anger
Image of Kelly Nelson
Why is it that the uneducated minds always criticize the brilliant minds?
- Kelly Nelson
Collection: Anger
Image of Laurence Steinberg
Adolescents need to be reassured that nothing-neither their growing maturity, their moods, their misbehavior, nor your anger at something they have done-can shake your basic commitment to them.
- Laurence Steinberg
Collection: Anger
Image of Richard Savage
When anger rushes unrestrained to action, like a hot steed, it stumbles on its way. The man of thought strikes deepest and strikes safely.
- Richard Savage
Collection: Anger
Image of Jim Henson
Watch out for each other. Love everyone and forgive everyone, including yourself. Forgive your anger. Forgive your guilt. Your shame. Your sadness. Embrace and open up your love, your joy, your truth, and most especially your heart.
- Jim Henson
Collection: Anger
Image of Lucy Freeman
Reason finds it difficult to take root in the arid soil of wrath.
- Lucy Freeman
Collection: Anger
Image of G. Frank Lawlis
Anger can serve a useful purpose if it is justified and directed appropriately. But when it's only a substitute for self-loathing and a justification for cruelty to others, the trigger in your brain can become horribly destructive and addicted to that emotion. It's like a tornado that blows away all of your pleasure and replaces it with emotional poison.
- G. Frank Lawlis
Collection: Anger
Image of Pope Agapetus I
To abandon yourself to rage is often to bring upon yourself the fault of another.
- Pope Agapetus I
Collection: Anger
Image of Eloise Lownsbery
the reason for anger is always fear.
- Eloise Lownsbery
Collection: Anger
Image of Patti LaBelle
Anger is like the blade of a butcher knife - very difficult to hold on to for long without harming yourself.
- Patti LaBelle
Collection: Anger
Image of Gina Barreca
Interestingly, anger and lust are also elusive states once they have passed. Trying to recall why you were angry about something when you've calmed down is like trying to remember why you were in love with someone who no longer attracts you: the initial impulse triggering the emotion is impossible to recapture.
- Gina Barreca
Collection: Anger
Image of Gina Barreca
Anger is the quintessential individual-signature emotion: I am what makes me mad.
- Gina Barreca
Collection: Anger
Image of Bernard Malamud
No use fanning up hot coals when you have to walk across them.
- Bernard Malamud
Collection: Anger
Image of David O. McKay
There should be no yelling in the home unless there is a fire.
- David O. McKay
Collection: Anger
Image of David O. McKay
He who harbors hatred and bitterness injures himself far more than the one towards whom he manifests these evil propensities.
- David O. McKay
Collection: Anger
Image of Doc Childre
Learning to "just say no" to emotional reactions isn't repression. Saying no means not engaging the frustration, anger, judgment, or blame. Without engagement, you won't have anything to repress.
- Doc Childre
Collection: Anger
Image of Doc Childre
Physiologically, it simply doesn't matter whether your anger is justified or not. The body doesn't make moral judgements about feelings; it just responds.
- Doc Childre
Collection: Anger
Image of Marshall B. Rosenberg
It's never what people do that makes us angry; it's what we tell ourselves about what they did.
- Marshall B. Rosenberg
Collection: Anger
Image of Horace Walpole
The passions seldom give good advice but to the interested and mercenary. Resentment generally suggests bad measures. Second thoughts and good nature will rarely, very rarely, approve the first hints of anger.
- Horace Walpole
Collection: Anger
Image of Bernard Baruch
No man can humiliate me or disturb me. I won't let him.
- Bernard Baruch
Collection: Anger
Image of Sathya Sai Baba
Anger is like an intoxicant; it reduces man and degrades him to the level of an animal.
- Sathya Sai Baba
Collection: Anger
Image of Bill Vaughan
Above all, we must abolish hope in the heart of man. A calm despair, without angry convulsions, without reproaches to Heaven, is the essence of wisdom.
- Bill Vaughan
Collection: Anger
Image of Toni Morrison
Anger ... it's a paralyzing emotion ... you can't get anything done. People sort of think it's an interesting, passionate, and igniting feeling — I don't think it's any of that — it's helpless ... it's absence of control — and I need all of my skills, all of the control, all of my powers ... and anger doesn't provide any of that — I have no use for it whatsoever." [Interview with CBS radio host Don Swaim, September 15, 1987.]
- Toni Morrison
Collection: Anger
Image of Gretchen Rubin
Studies show that aggressively expressing anger doesn't relieve anger but amplifies it. On the other hand, not expressing anger often allows it to disappear without leaving ugly traces.
- Gretchen Rubin
Collection: Anger
Image of Rajneesh
Meditation is the alchemy of transforming. The unconscious into the conscious. It gives you a tremendous power, Far greater than anger, greed and lust.
- Rajneesh
Collection: Anger
Image of Swami Vivekananda
Good works are continually being undone by the tons of hatred and anger which are being poured out on the world.
- Swami Vivekananda
Collection: Anger
Image of Rajneesh
You are angry, and you watch it. You are not just angry, a new element is introduced into it: you are watching it. And the miracle is that if you can watch anger, the anger disappears without being repressed.
- Rajneesh
Collection: Anger
Image of Brigham Young
The best remedy for anger is delay.
- Brigham Young
Collection: Anger
Image of William Penn
Not to be provok'd is best: But if mov'd, never correct till the fume is spent; for every stroke our fury strikes, is sure to hit our selves at last.
- William Penn
Collection: Anger
Image of Rajneesh
If you want to observe anger in its entirety, you will have to observe it alone, in the privacy of your room. Then alone can you see it in its fullness, for then there are no limitations. This is why I advise the pillow meditation to certain people, so that they can observe their anger fully.
- Rajneesh
Collection: Anger
Image of Harriet Lerner
Anger is a signal, and one worth listening to.
- Harriet Lerner
Collection: Anger
Image of Henry Rollins
Nothing brings people together more, than mutual hatred.
- Henry Rollins
Collection: Anger
Image of William Shakespeare
Do not plunge thyself too far in anger.
- William Shakespeare
Collection: Anger
Image of Seneca the Younger
The entire world would perish, if pity were not to limit anger.
- Seneca the Younger
Collection: Anger
Image of Rajneesh
Whenever you are in anger, remember yourself. In that very remembering the focus changes, the gestalt changes. You become more and more centred. Anger remains there just on the periphery of your being, but you know now that it is separate from you. You are not angry, you are only a witness to it. Now it is up to you to choose to be angry or not to be angry. You are no more identified; hence the freedom to choose.
- Rajneesh
Collection: Anger