Top ambition Quotes Collection - Page 5

Discover a curated collection of ambition quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 5 provides more ambition quotes.

Image of Jean Patou
Certain dressmakers desire to pass for an artist. I have one ambition: that is to have good taste.
- Jean Patou
Collection: Ambition
Image of Atom Egoyan
Don’t get depressed about not being where you want to be. This nagging feeling of anxiety is actually called ambition. Ambition is your friend.
- Atom Egoyan
Collection: Ambition
Image of Pierre Pettigrew
We cannot tolerate comments of such hatred, such anti-Semitism, such intolerance. And these comments are all the more troubling given that we know of Iran's nuclear ambitions.
- Pierre Pettigrew
Collection: Ambition
Image of Alfred Kreymborg
Maybe I'm wrong, but I think that the people who really enjoy chess are the dubs and the duffers, experts who have resigned their ambitions, those who play only for pastime, and, of course, the great fraternity of the kibbitzers.
- Alfred Kreymborg
Collection: Ambition
Image of Fernando Torres
The Champions League is a big ambition and all the footballers want to play in it. It is a very important competition.
- Fernando Torres
Collection: Ambition
Image of Saul Leiter
I have a deep-seated distrust and even contempt for people who are driven by ambition to conquer the world … those who cannot control themselves and produce vast amounts of crap that no one cares about. I find it unattractive. I like the Zen artists: they’d do some work, and then they’d stop for a while.
- Saul Leiter
Collection: Ambition
Image of Jan Timman
I am still full of ambition.
- Jan Timman
Collection: Ambition
Image of Christopher Hibbert
There is little doubt that, until 1846 when he helped to engineer the resignation of Robert Peel, Disraeli was driven by an ambition to make his mark rather than by any consistent political purpose, and that his attacks on Peel would have not have been so mounted had he been given in 1841 the office for which he had asked.
- Christopher Hibbert
Collection: Ambition
Image of Justin Theroux
I didn't have a lot of ambition, which I think was a good thing. I mean, I was ambitious about quality, but I wasn't ambitious in the "I've got to get a pilot!" way. I never went out to L.A. for pilot season.
- Justin Theroux
Collection: Ambition
Image of Robert Langlands
Certainly the best times were when I was alone with mathematics, free of ambition and pretense, and indifferent to the world.
- Robert Langlands
Collection: Ambition
Image of George Jung
All I can say is that my ambition far exceeded my talent.
- George Jung
Collection: Ambition
Image of Mary Church Terrell
... no young colored person in the United States today can truthfully offer as an excuse for lack of ambition or aspiration that members of his race have accomplished so little, he is discouraged from attempting anything himself. For there is scarcely a field of human endeavor which colored people have been allowed to enter in which there is not at least one worthy representative.
- Mary Church Terrell
Collection: Ambition
Image of Thomas Higgons
What is ambition but desire of greatness? And what is greatness but extent of power?
- Thomas Higgons
Collection: Ambition
Image of Abba Eban
It [idolatry] nourishes mans ambition to domineer over his fellow man. Idolatry, therefore, is the source of all social and moral evil in the world.
- Abba Eban
Collection: Ambition
Image of Renee Fleming
In a sense, it's less about seeing how high up I can vault than about seeing how deeply I can explore my potential...Ambition for me is about the willingness to work, the ability to mine my own soul fearlessly.
- Renee Fleming
Collection: Ambition
Image of Michael Longley
I'm not against ambition and reach, but if you can say it in four lines, why waste your time saying it in more? Challenge the world by all means, but it's bad for your poetry to take steroids.
- Michael Longley
Collection: Ambition
Image of Greg Gutfeld
Republicans are systematically and deliberately trying to stop millions of American citizens from voting. What part of democracy are they afraid of? I call on Republicans at all levels of government, with all manner of ambition, to stop fear mongering about a phantom epidemic of election fraud. I'm calling for universal, automatic voter registration, every citizen in every state in the union.
- Greg Gutfeld
Collection: Ambition
Image of Jon Pareles
Wynton Marsalis' skills have grown as fast as his ambition, and he is the most ambitious younger composer in Jazz.
- Jon Pareles
Collection: Ambition
Image of Roger Milla
Dont just go there and play. Go there and play with pride and show your ambitions.
- Roger Milla
Collection: Ambition
Image of Charles Cumming
I'm fascinated by the journey that an intelligent and an ambitious woman makes in the professional world in contrast to the journey that a man of similar ambition, of similar intelligence makes. What sort of concessions does a woman have to make? Does she have to work 20 percent harder than a man?
- Charles Cumming
Collection: Ambition
Image of Hank Greenwald
When you start out in this business, the Hall of Fame is not what you're thinking about. You think all you want to do is make it to the major leagues. That's your goal, and that's your ambition as a broadcaster, just as it is with playing.
- Hank Greenwald
Collection: Ambition
Image of Paul Laurence Dunbar
We reduce the deity to vulgar fractions. We place our own little ambitions and label them ?divine messages?. With our short sight we affect to take a comprehensive view of eternity.
- Paul Laurence Dunbar
Collection: Ambition
Image of Dorothy Dunnett
And habits are hell's own substitute for good intentions. Habits are the ruin of ambition, of initiative , of imagination. They're the curse of marriage and the after-bane of death.
- Dorothy Dunnett
Collection: Ambition
Image of John W. Davis
Above all, as the keynote of all Democratic policy, in passing upon any question, let the controlling aim and ambition be to keep the road open for private enterprise and personal initiative.
- John W. Davis
Collection: Ambition
Image of Oliver Bierhoff
All sporting ambition considered, there should always be a relationship to Germany.
- Oliver Bierhoff
Collection: Ambition
Image of Richard Greenberg
A play gets on Broadway by fluke. And you don't even start out with that ambition. When I do a play, the intention is just to put it up somewhere.
- Richard Greenberg
Collection: Ambition
Image of Mike Tice
I don't have that same ambition I had when I was younger.
- Mike Tice
Collection: Ambition
Image of Peter Altenberg
There are only two things that can destroy a healthy [hu]man: love trouble, ambition, and financial catastrophe. And that's already three things, and there are a lot more.
- Peter Altenberg
Collection: Ambition
Image of Lucy Walker
Some documentaries are made by people who are driven more by one particular story, or have different backgrounds or ambitions, but I'm always looking for projects that let me be the best filmmaker I can be, and to be stretched and grow further.
- Lucy Walker
Collection: Ambition
Image of Louis van Gaal
It was always a wish for me to work in the Premier League. To work as a manager for Manchester United, the biggest club in the world, makes me very proud. I have managed in games at Old Trafford before and know what an incredible arena Old Trafford is and how passionate and knowledgeable the fans are. This club has big ambitions; I too have big ambitions. Together I'm sure we will make history.
- Louis van Gaal
Collection: Ambition
Image of Cao Cao
My ambition cannot be stopped!
- Cao Cao
Collection: Ambition
Image of Raymond Pettibon
I'm not God, but I'm working within my own means as an artist and a person, and I possibly have more power than God does, in whatever form he has, if he exists, because I can work without the overarching ambition of wanting to rule over everything. I can work just for the heck of it.
- Raymond Pettibon
Collection: Ambition
Image of Fergus Henderson
Ambition drives you on, ability certainly helps, but the fickle finger of fate and luck are great things.
- Fergus Henderson
Collection: Ambition
Image of Jean-Luc Godard
What is your greatest ambition in life?' 'To become immortal... and then die.
- Jean-Luc Godard
Collection: Ambition
Image of Young Thug
[I like in Kanye West] confidence in him, but also his aggressiveness, ambition and charisma.
- Young Thug
Collection: Ambition
Image of Deborah Feldman
As far as I can remember, I have always wanted everything from life, everything it can possibly give me. This desire separates me from people who are willing to settle for less. I cannot even comprehend how people's desires can be small, ambitions narrow and limited, when the possibilities are endless
- Deborah Feldman
Collection: Ambition
Image of Donald Grant Mitchell
Hard, withering toil only can achieve a name; and long days and months and years must be passed in the chase of that bubble, reputation, which, when once grasped, breaks in your eager clutch into a hundred lesser bubbles, that soar above you still.
- Donald Grant Mitchell
Collection: Ambition
Image of Tony Elumelu
Heirs Holdings has the ambition to generate at least a quarter of Nigeria's power consumption needs in the next five years
- Tony Elumelu
Collection: Ambition
Image of David Nevins
When it comes to storytelling, not taking risks is riskier than swinging for the fences. I have very simple ambitions when it comes to taking risks in storytelling and programming. I try very hard to avoid the expected.
- David Nevins
Collection: Ambition
Image of David Nevins
I have very simple ambitions. If I can just not be boring, I'm ahead of the game. It's hard in television. I think you get enormous reward from the audience. Just give them something they didn't see coming, and you get enormous points.
- David Nevins
Collection: Ambition
Image of Joaquin Sorolla
My only ambition was to create an honest picture that would interpret nature as she really is, as she ought to be seen.
- Joaquin Sorolla
Collection: Ambition
Image of Jenny Offill
Some women make it look so easy, the way they cast ambition off like an expensive coat that no longer fits.
- Jenny Offill
Collection: Ambition
Image of Beau Willimon
It's a rough and tumble game whenever power is involved - people's ambitions, their desires, their competitive spirit will often push them to play outside the rules. It's dramatic, it's interesting, and I think it's something we can all identify with to a degree.
- Beau Willimon
Collection: Ambition
Image of Kathie Lee Gifford
If you settle for what you've got, you deserve what you get.
- Kathie Lee Gifford
Collection: Ambition
Image of N. C. Wyeth
I hope the time will never come when I shall feel satisfied. To reach the goal of one's ambitions must be tragic.
- N. C. Wyeth
Collection: Ambition
Image of Marcus Garvey
Ambition is the desire to go forward and improve one's condition. It is a burning flame that lights up the life of the individual and makes him see himself in another state. To be ambitious is to be great in mind and soul. To want that which is worth while and strive for it. To go on without looking back, reaching to that which gives satisfaction.
- Marcus Garvey
Collection: Ambition
Image of Diet Eman
Because your character is always full of ambition, the news of my being locked up must have been much harder on you than it was on me. When I was arrested, it was almost a relief to know that I could now experience what you were experiencing yourself. I am so afraid that they are breaking your spirit.
- Diet Eman
Collection: Ambition
Image of Doris Kearns Goodwin
If your ambition comes at the price of an unbalanced life, that there's nothing else that gives you comfort but success, it's not worth it.
- Doris Kearns Goodwin
Collection: Ambition
Image of Hugh Grant
My grandmother was utterly convinced I'd wind up as the Archbishop of Canterbury. And, to be honest, I've never entirely ruled it out.
- Hugh Grant
Collection: Ambition