Top Agreement Quotes Collection

Discover a curated collection of Agreement quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category.

Image of M. John Harrison
Identity is not negotiable. An identity you have achieved by agreement is always a prison.
- M. John Harrison
Collection: Agreement
Image of David Allen
The sense of anxiety and guilt doesn't come from having too much to do; it's the automatic result of breaking agreements with yourself.
- David Allen
Collection: Agreement
Image of Jose Bergamin
Do we have to talk in order to agree or agree in order to talk?
- Jose Bergamin
Collection: Agreement
Image of Kay Ryan
The satisfactions/of agreement are/immediate as sugar--/a melting of the/granular, a syrup/that lingers, shared/not singular./Many prefer it.
- Kay Ryan
Collection: Agreement
Image of Boyd Rice
What I question is the extent to which any of us truly knows what the facts really are. I mistrust every ideal cherished in western democratic civilization. The words that make others smile and nod in agreement cause me to recoil.
- Boyd Rice
Collection: Agreement
Image of Anders Fogh Rasmussen
I am happy to announce that we have reached an agreement on the question of transit between the Kaliningrad region and the rest of the Russian Federation.
- Anders Fogh Rasmussen
Collection: Agreement
Image of Miroslav Volf
The goal of pursuit of justice must not simply be that justice happens but that reconciliation also happens.
- Miroslav Volf
Collection: Agreement
Image of Strom Thurmond
By its attempt to regulate and govern the private businesses, which are miscalled public accommodations in the bill, this proposal would inject the Government into the most sensitive areas of human contractual relations-agreements for personal services. In so doing, constitutional interpretations of long standing are being swept aside in favor of tortuous rationalizations which studiously ignore the constitutionally-forbidden imposition of involuntary servitude on citizens
- Strom Thurmond
Collection: Agreement
Image of Clay Shirky
The more people are involved in a given task, the more potential agreements need to be negotiated to do anything, and the greater the transaction costs.
- Clay Shirky
Collection: Agreement
Image of Dan Barker
There is no evidence for a god, no coherent definition of a god, no good argument for a god, good positive arguments against a god, no agreement among believers about the nature or moral principles of a god, and no need for a god. We can live happy, moral, productive lives without such belief, and we can do it better.
- Dan Barker
Collection: Agreement
Image of Monique Wittig
The basic agreement between human beings, indeed what makes them human and makes them social, is language.
- Monique Wittig
Collection: Agreement
Image of Marguerite Yourcenar
Morals are a matter of private agreement; decency is of public concern.
- Marguerite Yourcenar
Collection: Agreement
Image of Gene Sharp
Whatever promises offered by dictators in any negotiated settlement, no one should ever forget that the dictators may promise anything to secure submission from their democratic opponents, and then brazenly violate those same agreements.
- Gene Sharp
Collection: Agreement
Image of Leon Trotsky
Where force is necessary, there it must be applied boldly, decisively and completely.
- Leon Trotsky
Collection: Agreement
Image of M. R. DeHaan
We need not all agree, but if we disagree, let us not be disagreeable in our disagreements.
- M. R. DeHaan
Collection: Agreement
Image of Michael Emerson
Maybe there's even anger. But if they make it through that they come to a new agreement, and they start creating a new culture, and it becomes something that people just - a lot of times they'll say, "I couldn't live without it. I just have to be there."
- Michael Emerson
Collection: Agreement
Image of Forbes Burnham
Consensus is something you have if you cannot have agreement.
- Forbes Burnham
Collection: Agreement
Image of Fethullah Gulen
Tolerance is our safest refuge and our fortress against the handicaps that arise from schism, factions, and the difficulties inherent in reaching mutual agreement
- Fethullah Gulen
Collection: Agreement
Image of Peter Schjeldahl
You could say that clinical depression is an incapacity to aesthetic response. It's like there's a constant agreement within ourselves, a kind of mutual understanding between ourselves and the world.
- Peter Schjeldahl
Collection: Agreement
Image of Bliss Carman
A 'fact' merely marks the point where we have agreed to let investigation cease.
- Bliss Carman
Collection: Agreement
Image of Francisco Franco
Let us be under no illusion. The Jewish spirit, which was responsible for the alliance of large-scale capital with Marxism and was the driving force behind so many anti-Spanish revolutionary agreements, will not be got rid of in a day.
- Francisco Franco
Collection: Agreement
Image of Mark Tobey
We all feel a separateness; we wish that a drop of water would soften our ego; the world needs a common conscience: agreement... we must concentrate outside ourselves.
- Mark Tobey
Collection: Agreement
Image of David Talbot
EFR entered into an agreement to sell some noncore assets for $2.05M.
- David Talbot
Collection: Agreement
Image of Marwan Barghouti
Resistance is a holy right for the Palestinian people to face the Israeli occupation. Nobody should forget that the Palestinian people negotiated for 10 years and accepted difficult and humiliating agreements, and in the end didn't get anything except authority over the people, and no authority over land, or sovereignty.
- Marwan Barghouti
Collection: Agreement
Image of Rivers Cuomo
The internet has not granted us more control in relation to the record company because we're still bound by an agreement with them not to release our music without their consent. But they generally let us do what we want, anyway, so it doesn't matter who's officially in control.
- Rivers Cuomo
Collection: Agreement
Image of Chris Huhne
Denmark and the UK are in agreement that our future prosperity depends on stimulating green growth, and getting off the oil hook.
- Chris Huhne
Collection: Agreement
Image of Alberto Fujimori
You can't talk about peace nor agreement while terror is used as the main argument.
- Alberto Fujimori
Collection: Agreement
Image of Dora Russell
anybody who has anything abusive to say of women, whether ancient or modern, can command a vast public in the popular press and a ready agreement from the average publisher.
- Dora Russell
Collection: Agreement
Image of Lee L Jampolsky
Though few would admit it, most of the time, when people are upset they don't actually want to feel differently, they want agreement and ways to make a situation, condition, or person change.
- Lee L Jampolsky
Collection: Agreement
Image of Kent Conrad
Negotiating sugar trade in bilateral free trade agreements is a recipe for disaster for the U.S. sugar industry, and it is unnecessary.
- Kent Conrad
Collection: Agreement
Image of Shaul Mofaz
I am not at all sure we could ever reach a peace agreement with the Palestinians' present leadership. We shall have to wait for the next generation. The most we could expect is, perhaps, another interim agreement. A Palestinian state? A permanent settlement? I do not see that happening in the coming years.
- Shaul Mofaz
Collection: Agreement
Image of Gwynne Dyer
But we are almost certainly going to miss our [global warming] deadline. We cannot get the 10 lost years back, and by the time a new global agreement to replace the Kyoto accord is negotiated and put into effect, there will probably not be enough time left to stop the warming short of the point where we must not go.
- Gwynne Dyer
Collection: Agreement
Image of Marcus Vitruvius Pollio
Proportion is that agreeable harmony between the several parts of a building, which is the result of a just and regular agreement of them with each other; the height to the width, this to the length, and each of these to the whole.
- Marcus Vitruvius Pollio
Collection: Agreement
Image of James Bryant Conant
Democracy is a small hard core of common agreement, surrounded by a rich variety of individual differences.
- James Bryant Conant
Collection: Agreement
Image of Ethan Zuckerman
People who know me well have learned to insist that I commit to obligations by opening my laptop and putting them onto the appropriate calendar or list - a verbal agreement and a promise to remember won't work.
- Ethan Zuckerman
Collection: Agreement
Image of D. T. Max
Grammar, he saw, was agreement, community, consensus.
- D. T. Max
Collection: Agreement
Image of Phil Bredesen
When John Kerry and Zell Miller and George Bush can agree on an issue, you know its got legs.
- Phil Bredesen
Collection: Agreement
Image of Martin Bashir
It was not possible to broadcast any of that because of an agreement between Jackson and the family [of the child]. Our legal advice was that we could not broadcast it.
- Martin Bashir
Collection: Agreement
Image of Jonathan Edwards
Truth is the agreement of our ideas with the ideas of God.
- Jonathan Edwards
Collection: Agreement
Image of Ari Fleischer
The reason the world is in the spot it's in is because North Korea entered into an agreement and then did not keep up their terms of the agreement. They received aid in return for promising not to develop nuclear weapons. They took the aid, they ran with the aid and then they developed a nuclear weapons anyway.
- Ari Fleischer
Collection: Agreement
Image of Enrique Pena Nieto
We`re not in agreement on all topics. I had a conversation with Mr. [Donald] Trump that was open and constructive.
- Enrique Pena Nieto
Collection: Agreement
Image of Neelie Kroes
The E.U.-U.S. Open Aviation Area agreement therefore envisages the establishment of a broadly similar cooperation framework between the Commission and the Department of Transportation.
- Neelie Kroes
Collection: Agreement
Image of David E. Bonior
China has not lived up to any other trade agreements over the last decade. They don't have any compliance, they don't have any enforcement.
- David E. Bonior
Collection: Agreement
Image of Bill Bonner
Both the liberal and the conservative are in agreement: it is all very well to let the people alone, but only if they do what you want them to do.
- Bill Bonner
Collection: Agreement
Image of Hank Stuever
I'm pretty sure the world is in solid agreement that "The Wire" is worth watching all the way through.
- Hank Stuever
Collection: Agreement
Image of Jay Lake
Any cause that requires mockery and abuse to advance itself isn't one I need to engage with, regardless of my basic beliefs or agreement with the underlying goals.
- Jay Lake
Collection: Agreement
Image of Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa
Magic is a faculty of wonderful virtue, full of most high mysteries, containing the most profound contemplation of most secret things, together with the nature, power, quality, substance and virtues thereof, as also the knowledge of whole Nature, and it doth instruct us concerning the differing and agreement of things amongst themselves, whence it produceth its wonderful effects, by uniting the virtues of things through the application of them one to the other.
- Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa
Collection: Agreement
Image of Paul P. Enns
Our abilities and giftedness does not end of this earth; we will continue to serve the Lord in agreement with our abilities on this earth.
- Paul P. Enns
Collection: Agreement
Image of Frank Gaffney
To be sure, President Clinton reached an accord called "The Agreement" in 1994 that purports to address some of President Reagan's concerns.
- Frank Gaffney
Collection: Agreement
Image of Jubal
Morality is your agreement with yourself to abide by your own rules.
- Jubal
Collection: Agreement