Top Adoption Quotes Collection

Discover a curated collection of Adoption quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category.

Image of Max Ehrmann
Whether of not it is clear to you, no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should.
- Max Ehrmann
Collection: Adoption
Image of John Calvin
Faith is the evidence of divine adoption.
- John Calvin
Collection: Adoption
Image of Aaron Hill
Shame on those breasts of stone that cannot melt in soft adoption of another's sorrow.
- Aaron Hill
Collection: Adoption
Image of Scott Simon
There are times when the adoption process is exhausting and painful and makes you want to scream. But, I am told, so does childbirth.
- Scott Simon
Collection: Adoption
Image of Caroline Leavitt
Open adoption, when it works, is fabulous. But when it goes wrong, it's so traumatizing for everybody.
- Caroline Leavitt
Collection: Adoption
Image of Jean-Claude Trichet
For a small open economy such as Cyprus, the euro adoption provides protection against international financial turmoil, which often has a disproportionate effect on smaller economies.
- Jean-Claude Trichet
Collection: Adoption
Image of Chris Crutcher
Adopted. Big Deal; so was Superman
- Chris Crutcher
Collection: Adoption
Image of Patricia McConnell
A crisis of confidence is so common that it should be considered a universal part of the adoption process.
- Patricia McConnell
Collection: Adoption
Image of Barbara Ehrenreich
Frankly, I adore your catchy slogan, "Adoption, not Abortion," although no one has been able to figure out, even with expert counseling, how to use adoption as a method of birth control, or at what time of the month it is most effective.
- Barbara Ehrenreich
Collection: Adoption
Image of Julius Genachowski
As consumer adoption of wireless devices continues to soar, Wi-Fi congestion is becoming a critical problem for consumers and innovators.
- Julius Genachowski
Collection: Adoption
Image of Jennifer Gilmore
I want to say that, in general, when it works, open adoption is great.
- Jennifer Gilmore
Collection: Adoption
Image of Jennifer Gilmore
The process of open adoption is not discussed in the way it should be. Everyone I know who has adopted domestically has at least one tragic story. It was important to me to be able to describe those situations.
- Jennifer Gilmore
Collection: Adoption
Image of Germaine Greer
If women understand by emancipation the adoption of the masculine role then we are lost indeed.
- Germaine Greer
Collection: Adoption
Image of Charles Roven
The story of Kal-El is actually a great story about adoption. He is an alien who has embraced his human side. As much as he loves and honours his heritage, and he needed to know where he came from and discover who he was, he has to decide who he is going to be.
- Charles Roven
Collection: Adoption
Image of Chelsea Handler
I tried to put myself up for adoption several times.
- Chelsea Handler
Collection: Adoption
Image of Frederic G. Kenyon
All we can say is that, as the result of a process which went on from the fourth century to about the eighth, a standard type of text was produced, which is found in the vast majority of the manuscripts that have come down to us. At least ninety-six per cent of the extant manuscripts of the Greek New Testament are later than the eighth century; and of those only a handful preserve traces of the other types of text which were in existence before the adoption of the standard text, and out of which it was created.
- Frederic G. Kenyon
Collection: Adoption
Image of George Dana Boardman Pepper
We need a spirit of adoption to take us out of the foundling hospital of the world, and to put us into the celestial family.
- George Dana Boardman Pepper
Collection: Adoption
Image of Kristen Stewart
Adoption was something that was always under my skin, that I knew would be a part of my life, and, when I decided to start filing, it was very clear. It was like I knew that this was exactly what it needed to be. So then you go through the process, and it's tough. It's not the easiest process - and then again, I've never liked things too easy in life. But it emotionally knocks you out.
- Kristen Stewart
Collection: Adoption
Image of John Piper
The Gospel is not a picture of adoption, adoption is a picture of the Gospel.
- John Piper
Collection: Adoption
Image of John Piper
Adoption is the visible Gospel.
- John Piper
Collection: Adoption
Image of J. I. Packer
Adoption is the highest privilege the gospel offers.
- J. I. Packer
Collection: Adoption
Image of George Washington
[The adoption of the Constitution] will demonstrate as visibly the finger of Providence as any possible event in the course of human affairs can ever designate it.
- George Washington
Collection: Adoption
Image of Jen Hatmaker
Adoption is an answer to a tragedy that has already happened, but may it never be the impetus for one that hasn’t.
- Jen Hatmaker
Collection: Adoption
Image of Bill Gates
Software was changing so fast, so unbelievable, that that got very quick adoption.
- Bill Gates
Collection: Adoption
Image of Keegan-Michael Key
[Adoption] could turn you into an exquisite comedian. Ask Richard Pryor's ghost.
- Keegan-Michael Key
Collection: Adoption
Image of Immanuel Kant
Human freedom is realised in the adoption of humanity as an end in itself, for the one thing that no-one can be compelled to do by another is to adopt a particular end. - 'Metaphysical Principles of Virtue
- Immanuel Kant
Collection: Adoption