William Tapley Bennett Jr.

Image of William Tapley Bennett Jr.
Hue does not refer to how light, dark, or intense, but only what kind of color: what hue. It takes all three aspects to make a color, therefore 'red' is not a color, but only one aspect, the hue, of some partially defined color.
- William Tapley Bennett Jr.
Collection: Dark
Image of William Tapley Bennett Jr.
Full color experience is peculiarly satisfying even though it is exhausting and leaves you feeling two-thirds color blind when you're not making the effort.
- William Tapley Bennett Jr.
Collection: Color
Image of William Tapley Bennett Jr.
When you want full color perception, you must give up preferring some colors and hating others, for you can only hate one aspect of a color, not a whole color, it seems, hate being blind, like 'love.
- William Tapley Bennett Jr.
Collection: Giving Up