Will Poulter

Image of Will Poulter
I feel like there's a dangerous culture among young actors of going to posey joints and socialising - not doing hard work. I don't want to go and hang out in Soho House L.A. That's literally my worst nightmare. I'd rather be at home reading scripts.
- Will Poulter
Image of Will Poulter
The will to challenge myself is strong, but I think that's growing, the desire to stretch myself and make it hard.
- Will Poulter
Image of Will Poulter
I feel really blessed that I found what I love doing and was able to make it a living from such a young age. I realize that I'm really fortunate. I didn't train; I kind of got lucky. And I remember that every day. I think I have to remind myself of that to really, fully appreciate life now.
- Will Poulter
Image of Will Poulter
I hate the school of thought that says work is work and that you have to be unhappy at work because that's what work is. I totally respect the fact that not everyone has the choices that I have, and that some people have to work jobs that they don't like because they don't have any other options.
- Will Poulter
Image of Will Poulter
The Internet unfortunately means that, although a lot of truth and good stuff can spread as a result of the Internet, I think bad stuff and negativity spreads even more quickly.
- Will Poulter
Image of Will Poulter
It was incredibly daunting for me to go from 'Son Of Rambow' to 'Narnia' because of the natural jump that there is that is dictated by budget, and the number of people working on it. Even though a lot more people saw 'Son Of Rambow' than we expected, a lot more people were always going to go and see 'Narnia'.
- Will Poulter
Image of Will Poulter
I've always found that I have to audition, but that's a process that I kind of enjoy. I enjoy the challenge, and 'We're The Millers' was the same. It was a long audition process that I had to go through, but I enjoyed the challenge of that.
- Will Poulter
Image of Will Poulter
I first read 'The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe' when I was a kid. And I think it was read to me. Me and my sister both had a copy and loved the books.
- Will Poulter
Image of Will Poulter
I'd never read 'Prince Caspian'. I watched it and loved that film. Everybody was talking about its lack of success; its relative success in comparison to the other film. It's a great film. It deserved to do a lot better than it did. It's very difficult to make a film that will match up to the first.
- Will Poulter
Image of Will Poulter
Al Pacino never looks like he's being filmed.
- Will Poulter
Image of Will Poulter
I love fashion. I shop like a 16-year old girl. Sneakers. That's what I spend money I don't have on.
- Will Poulter
Image of Will Poulter
I'll just say it: I'm not the sharpest tool in the box. Being forced to go back to school is still a fear of mine.
- Will Poulter
Image of Will Poulter
I love food. I think arguably the thing I'm best at in life is eating food, which is not the best talent in the world, but it's a talent.
- Will Poulter
Image of Will Poulter
I love the camaraderie that develops on film sets and ensemble casts. It's really special.
- Will Poulter
Image of Will Poulter
I've not really been let down by anyone I've admired and then worked with.
- Will Poulter
Image of Will Poulter
I am very much a city boy, and I really don't get out into the countryside or the wilderness that much at all.
- Will Poulter
Image of Will Poulter
One of the challenges obviously with doing an accent from a time period early in history is that there aren't recordings. You would never really get the opportunity to hear exactly what you were shooting for.
- Will Poulter
Image of Will Poulter
I would love to do some motion capture work just to be able to challenge myself.
- Will Poulter
Image of Will Poulter
I come from this bubble in life - I come from a great family and went to a nice school, and I have friends, and life is pretty rosy.
- Will Poulter
Image of Will Poulter
Drama is what I'm really obsessed by. It's what gets me up in the morning, what I live for. But I'll always have a love for comedy because it was my first opportunity, and I associate it with my best friends, who I made during 'School of Comedy'.
- Will Poulter
Image of Will Poulter
My problem is I'm not talented enough to do everything, but I want to do everything. I'm like, 'Oh God, I wish I could dance! Oh God, I wish I could rap!' I can't be a rapper, and I'm sure as hell not going to be able to dance for a living, but I want to do it all, you know?
- Will Poulter
Image of Will Poulter
Everyone in New York wants to move to London, and everyone in London wants to live in New York. A few people want to live in L.A., but I'll never understand that. It's too much for me.
- Will Poulter
Image of Will Poulter
Anyone who supports your work, I like having the opportunity to thank them for that, and I think also Twitter provides an opportunity for people in the public eye to give a faithful account of who they are.
- Will Poulter
Image of Will Poulter
I think the one thing that I've experienced with American films is just that the size tends to be so much bigger, the budgets have been bigger, the size of the sets have been bigger, the number of people working on them is bigger, but that's not to say that I haven't been able to get close to people or develop good relationships.
- Will Poulter
Image of Will Poulter
I always wanted to play a 'Batman' villain; that was a big one for me. I may have missed the boat, but I always wanted to do that.
- Will Poulter
Image of Will Poulter
I'm fortunate enough to have had an opportunity to do a range of stuff, and the thing I admire most in actors is versatility, those that morph and change, those kind of chameleon actors who are unrecognisable from one job to another. That's something that I aspire to establish myself.
- Will Poulter
Image of Will Poulter
I fully accepted that I cannot grow facial hair, but it is quite emasculating.
- Will Poulter
Image of Will Poulter
I actually found 'We're the Millers' one of the toughest, if I'm honest, least fun experiences of my life, which is weird. It was such a huge opportunity for me to work with the people I worked with and I feel grateful to be a part of that, but it kind of messed me up.
- Will Poulter
Image of Will Poulter
Sometimes I've been more emotionally disturbed by the experience of shooting a comedy than a drama. After 'We're the Millers', I think playing this battered loser who's confidence was at zero for 90 percent of the movie, I did genuinely feel that way.
- Will Poulter
Image of Will Poulter
I think it reaffirmed something that I believed in and conceptually always had faith in which was that you're most effective when you work as a team. I love that about filmmaking. I stopped playing team sports at 15-16 because of acting. I think I find a kind of new team sport in filmmaking in a way.
- Will Poulter
Image of Will Poulter
I am not a fan of tarantulas.
- Will Poulter
Image of Will Poulter
It may sound strange to say it of someone so famous, but I think Leonardo DiCaprio is underrated, particularly from an awards perspective. He is a very versatile actor. He started very young, and 'What's Eating Gilbert Grape?' is one of my favourite films.
- Will Poulter
Image of Will Poulter
I haven't skied or snowboarded or anything like that.
- Will Poulter
Image of Will Poulter
It’s difficult to tell whether people are looking at you because they recognize you from your work, or whether it’s just because you’re six foot three and have the eyebrows of Satan.
- Will Poulter
Collection: Eyebrows
Image of Will Poulter
I wasn't really happy in school and didn't really have anything else going for me; I wasn't really good at anything. Drama was at least something I loved and was really passionate about.
- Will Poulter
Collection: Drama
Image of Will Poulter
I love the process of auditioning and having the chance to play a million different characters in one week - it's great.
- Will Poulter
Collection: Character
Image of Will Poulter
Kissing scenes are never romantic or sexy, they're actually super technical, like, "Move your head, you're blocking her light," or, "Stop looking like an idiot when you kiss her." You do it again and again because of the camera angles and takes and whatnot. So by the end of it, it's not even kissing. All the anything is totally drained out of it.
- Will Poulter
Collection: Sexy
Image of Will Poulter
I barely read. I'm not a good reader at all. Rather than reading, I used to sit in front of the TV and watch black-and-white cowboy movies. I'm a painfully slow reader. It's really bad as an actor, because you have to read a lot of scripts. It takes me like an average of three hours to read a script, which is pretty poor.
- Will Poulter
Collection: Reading