Will Poulter

Image of Will Poulter
Themes of redemption, temptation, and faith don't necessarily apply directly to religion. A lot of people find faith in their lives outside of God and still deal with notions of temptation and redemption that aren't religious.
- Will Poulter
Collection: Religion
Image of Will Poulter
I wasn't picked for any of the sports teams at school because I was half the size of everyone else, but now everyone assumes I must have been some sort of rugby player.
- Will Poulter
Collection: Sports
Image of Will Poulter
My brother's my best friend, without a doubt. Me and my big sister get along so well. She moved to East London, though, so points off, but she's wicked. And then my little sister is a little genius. She's super talented and such a great person, always been far more mature and cool than me.
- Will Poulter
Collection: Cool
Image of Will Poulter
My teacher told my mum, 'I think William has dyspraxia,' and Mum asked what that meant. She said, 'Well, if I put a chair in the middle of the room and asked every child in the class to walk around it, William would be the only child in the class to walk into it.' Mum was like, 'Yeah, that's my boy'.
- Will Poulter
Collection: Teacher
Image of Will Poulter
There's such a thing, if you're a finance man, as hitting the figures you need to hit. But there's no equivalent in acting. It's a creative field. It's subjective. That's what I love about it.
- Will Poulter
Collection: Finance
Image of Will Poulter
My dad's a professor of medicine; my mum was a nurse. My little sister is going into healthcare. My older sister is a nurse; my brother's in finance - I'm the runt of the litter.
- Will Poulter
Collection: Finance
Image of Will Poulter
Seeing the actual 'The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe', I absolutely loved it. It became one of my favourite films. It was a real Christmas classic, and it was one of the most popular films ever in British history.
- Will Poulter
Collection: Christmas
Image of Will Poulter
I don't think Tom Hardy has an actual voice of his own. Except maybe the one in 'The Dark Knight Rises,' as Bane.
- Will Poulter
Image of Will Poulter
For one thing, there is no guarantee that I am even going to work again. I hope I will and will go on to have a long career.
- Will Poulter
Image of Will Poulter
I feel character description from a book can mislead you and actually make you fall off course when you're representing a character using a script.
- Will Poulter
Image of Will Poulter
I think for anybody, regardless of what industry you work in, when you get a new job, and it's progressive in terms of your career, that is one of the best feelings in the world.
- Will Poulter
Image of Will Poulter
I remember power-sliding on my knees the first time I got a job.
- Will Poulter
Image of Will Poulter
I just like the prospect of playing lots of different types of characters and just the opportunity to challenge yourself, do something different and surprise people.
- Will Poulter
Image of Will Poulter
I don't really want to play Will Poulter for the rest of my life, because that's boring.
- Will Poulter
Image of Will Poulter
It's difficult to tell whether people are looking at you because they recognise you from your work or just because you're 6 ft. 3 in. and have the eyebrows of Satan. It's difficult to distinguish between the two.
- Will Poulter
Image of Will Poulter
What's hilarious is people taking photos and they think you don't know. It's the funniest thing I've ever seen. Like taking a picture of their mate for example but about three foot wide of their face - and the flash is on half the time!
- Will Poulter
Image of Will Poulter
If I could be something other than an actor, I'd be a chef; I've got a big interest in food. I'm a proper fan boy.
- Will Poulter
Image of Will Poulter
Leonardo DiCaprio I find very inspiring... He's my idol. I absolutely love Leonardo DiCaprio. Christian Bale, obviously, being a British actor and going from 'Empire of the Sun.' Now he's Batman.
- Will Poulter
Image of Will Poulter
As much as I would love to do roles in big movies and am keen to establish myself in the industry. I don't want to sacrifice things that I really enjoy, like spending time with my family and friends.
- Will Poulter
Image of Will Poulter
I'd like to go to university. I'd like to do a bit of travelling.
- Will Poulter
Image of Will Poulter
If I tried to do comedy for the rest of my career, I would not be very successful.
- Will Poulter
Image of Will Poulter
I was lucky that I had friends who have maintained a very regular attitude with me and haven't changed how they interact with me.
- Will Poulter
Image of Will Poulter
I have got some fantastic friendships that I have had for a long, long time.
- Will Poulter
Image of Will Poulter
This is a business, and no one enters a race not to finish first. I wouldn't say I'm in it for the competition, but I'm certainly not just in it to coast along. I want to be the best I possibly can be.
- Will Poulter
Image of Will Poulter
I think I'm slightly OCD. I'll be desperate to get a part, but as soon as I do, the sense of pride wears off almost immediately, and fear of not doing a good job sets in. I'll think, 'This is a dream come true,' and then, 'It's not OK until I get a good review.'
- Will Poulter
Image of Will Poulter
I just felt that I might to go to university and get some real life. It wasn't stimulating in the same way. I loved being at Bristol, but I missed the thrill of being on set.
- Will Poulter
Image of Will Poulter
Confidence is the greatest gift for an actor.
- Will Poulter
Image of Will Poulter
The transitional period is tough. You can find yourself too old to play high school roles but too young to play the leading man. You have to be quite smart about how you present yourself. Your public image reflects your range.
- Will Poulter
Image of Will Poulter
Hollywood has never been a goal, necessarily - there was no 'Conquer America' game plan for me.
- Will Poulter
Image of Will Poulter
The fact that there aren't more restrictions on the media is disgraceful.
- Will Poulter
Image of Will Poulter
I think what makes Narnia a magical place is that it offers escapism - escapism from a world that is so different from the reality known by the characters and the reality known by the fans.
- Will Poulter
Image of Will Poulter
Cara Delevingne and I took an eyebrow selfie. We both have prominent eyebrows, but hers are much better than mine. Maybe we should do a swap.
- Will Poulter
Image of Will Poulter
I love student life, but I also loved, from a young age, being in a working environment where you are treated as an adult.
- Will Poulter
Image of Will Poulter
Kissing scenes are never romantic or sexy. They're actually super technical, like, 'Move your head; you're blocking her light,' or, 'Stop looking like an idiot when you kiss her.'
- Will Poulter
Image of Will Poulter
How often do I call my mom? You can never call your mum enough, and I should call my mum more often. But I speak to my mum very regularly and have a close relationship with my parents.
- Will Poulter
Image of Will Poulter
I didn't want to be behind a desk. I didn't want to do a normal job. I had made my mind up. I became despondent prematurely. I had my mid-life crisis when I was 16. I suppose I'd agree with that. But acting has helped me develop a lot in my private life.
- Will Poulter
Image of Will Poulter
I wasn't good at anything at school, and acting was the only thing that I really loved doing and was interested in. It was kind of like my only option. For me to get opportunities in acting is so fortunate. I found something I loved doing and wasn't terrible at; it was quite nice.
- Will Poulter
Image of Will Poulter
I joined the after-school club, School of Comedy, which progressed wildly, and in quite a Hollywood way. It sounds like 'School of Rock', right up to trying to raise money to pay for a venue in Edinburgh.
- Will Poulter
Image of Will Poulter
Somehow I got a place at Bristol University. I'm still waiting for the phone call to say that they made a mistake and got the wrong person.
- Will Poulter
Image of Will Poulter
The thing I get a lot is, 'You've got a very recognisable face.' I'm never quite sure what to make of it.
- Will Poulter
Image of Will Poulter
I absolutely love Leonardo DiCaprio.
- Will Poulter
Image of Will Poulter
I need to try and get away from that brat role, or people are going to think I'm a natural brat.
- Will Poulter
Image of Will Poulter
I am the biggest Kanye and Jay Z fan.
- Will Poulter
Image of Will Poulter
I am the black sheep of my family. They are all super talented and intelligent and got proper jobs. Most of my family is in medicine, actually. They are all too clever to be doing what I do.
- Will Poulter
Image of Will Poulter
I hate going into the audition room. I find it the most nerve-wracking, inhumane experience, and I think it's such an inhospitable environment to give an honest account of the character and, I guess, your ability.
- Will Poulter
Image of Will Poulter
I have a relationship with New Line, so I'm grateful to them for taking a punt on me - both for 'We're The Millers' and 'It'.
- Will Poulter
Image of Will Poulter
Working with people like Jennifer Aniston and Jason Sudeikis is such a blessing because I've watched them a great deal. I grew up with 'Friends' and always aspired to work with someone from that cast. Jason is just such an amazing comedian.
- Will Poulter
Image of Will Poulter
High school was interesting. For the most part, I quite enjoyed it. But everyone is trying to find their footing, and school can be a tough environment. Kids can be cruel to each other. It's quite unforgiving at times.
- Will Poulter
Image of Will Poulter
I look up to Leonardo DiCaprio and Matt Damon. I'm a huge fan of their work. I also like actors who really transform themselves, like Joaquin Phoenix. And I loved Robin Williams growing up. He does comedy and drama so brilliantly.
- Will Poulter
Image of Will Poulter
I think we have a responsibility to shape the zeitgeist with the movies we put out there. Because 'After Earth' isn't going to do it. 'The Expendables 3' isn't going to do it. You could make one million amazing films for the amount of money they spend on those films. I get frustrated.
- Will Poulter