Wally Olins

Image of Wally Olins
Overall, because branding is about creating and sustaining trust it means delivering on promises. The best and most successful brands are completely coherent. Every aspect of what they do and what they are reinforces everything else.
- Wally Olins
Collection: Success
Image of Wally Olins
The only requirement of a symbol is that it have substance underneath: The first thing to do is to try to establish the substance. The style comes after the substance. Only then can the style help the substance, and vice versa.
- Wally Olins
Collection: Style
Image of Wally Olins
Branding is a profound manifestation of the human condition
- Wally Olins
Collection: Profound
Image of Wally Olins
Brands and branding are the most significant gifts that commerce has ever made to popular culture.
- Wally Olins
Collection: Culture
Image of Wally Olins
Brands and branding are the most significant gifts that commerce has ever made to popular culture. Branding has moved so far beyond its commercial origins that its impact is virtually immeasurable in social and cultural terms.
- Wally Olins
Collection: Impact
Image of Wally Olins
We have to be alert to the way brands behave and misbehave. We have to reward the good ones with our loyalty and punish the bad ones by avoiding them.
- Wally Olins
Collection: Loyalty
Image of Wally Olins
It's quite extraordinary that a recourse (branding/identity) which is generally regarded as so significant, and is now so ubiquitous, is so little understood.
- Wally Olins
Collection: Identity
Image of Wally Olins
What I really, hugely, and antagonistically dislike is the attempt to quantify the unquantifiable. And if you are a branding consultant, you have to accept that there are a lot of things you just cannot quantify.
- Wally Olins
Collection: Accepting