Vermin Supreme

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Can a serious party put up an individual perceived previously or continuously as a joke candidate? I say yes.
- Vermin Supreme
Image of Vermin Supreme
If I were to become a serial glitter-bomber, it would seriously impact my ability to get close enough to candidates to ask them a stupid question.
- Vermin Supreme
Image of Vermin Supreme
A country's future depends on its ability to bite back.
- Vermin Supreme
Image of Vermin Supreme
My own personal goal was always to beat Lyndon LaRouche.
- Vermin Supreme
Image of Vermin Supreme
One of the most important things about using a bullhorn is you don't have to yell over it.
- Vermin Supreme
Image of Vermin Supreme
My personal view of the anarch-capitalists is that it's an oxymoron.
- Vermin Supreme
Image of Vermin Supreme
As a rule, I feel more comfortable on the Republican slate.
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Image of Vermin Supreme
I am a beacon of hope to a vast number of young people and others who are still disillusioned and disgusted with the system.
- Vermin Supreme
Image of Vermin Supreme
The militarization of the police is obviously not a secret. And the militarization of the force is to circumvent Posse Comitatus.
- Vermin Supreme
Image of Vermin Supreme
The police represent the authority of the state, the willingness of the state to use violence to assert their will.
- Vermin Supreme
Image of Vermin Supreme
Imagination is very important to having vision and trying to find things that are different, alternate ways.
- Vermin Supreme
Image of Vermin Supreme
Everyone's a mixed bag. I'm a utopian social anarchist, but I'm also a pragmatist.
- Vermin Supreme
Image of Vermin Supreme
One of the things I like about what it is that I do... is that people can have a little bit of pretend.
- Vermin Supreme