Valerie Plame

Image of Valerie Plame
There's no way you can possibly intellectually justify, 'Well, it's okay for the Western Judeo-Christian countries to have nuclear weapons, but not for a country like Iran.' That logic goes nowhere fast.
- Valerie Plame
Image of Valerie Plame
Certainly, if we had not invaded Iraq on intelligence that was clearly manipulated and cherry picked, we would be in a different position today.
- Valerie Plame
Image of Valerie Plame
There is no question that what we are seeing - the horrible advance of ISIS - goes back, if you will, to the original sin of the invasion of Iraq.
- Valerie Plame
Image of Valerie Plame
I think the Bush Administration was bound and determined on regime change, and we will be paying the price of that for some time to come.
- Valerie Plame
Image of Valerie Plame
The entire intelligence community is so bloated and so reliant on contractors. There's no question there's many tasks that make sense to outsource, and yet, we have followed blindly this dogma that if it's private contracting, it must be better.
- Valerie Plame
Image of Valerie Plame
A chief of station is the head of all intelligence operations in any given country.
- Valerie Plame
Image of Valerie Plame
For me, I thought I had the best job in the world.
- Valerie Plame
Image of Valerie Plame
Any time you're a poster child for the CIA, there are a lot of people that are - either have ideological or they are mentally unbalanced - that are going to try to find you and perhaps cause you harm.
- Valerie Plame
Image of Valerie Plame
I come from a family in which public service was something to aspire to.
- Valerie Plame
Image of Valerie Plame
My father was an air officer in the Second World War. My brother was a marine in Vietnam. When I was given this opportunity, I leapt at the chance because I thought it would be a hell of a lot more interesting than what my friends were doing.
- Valerie Plame
Image of Valerie Plame
When you're in the CIA, you anticipate the possibility that you'll be betrayed by a foreign government or a source, but you never anticipate that it would be by your own government.
- Valerie Plame
Image of Valerie Plame
I am angry when I hear things like Cheney whispering into Bush's ear on the way to Obama's inauguration to ask him to pardon 'Scooter' Libby and not to 'leave a soldier on the battlefield'. What kind of metaphor is that for his petty partisan views, when you have men and women giving the ultimate sacrifice? I have nothing but contempt.
- Valerie Plame
Image of Valerie Plame
In the CIA, they recruit you to be an officer, an ops officer, in part due to how well you cope with stress and how well you adapt to new situations.
- Valerie Plame
Image of Valerie Plame
When I was happily married and found myself pregnant, I just thought that this would be just the next, normal chapter. I was absolutely thrilled. So what a surprise it was when it turned out to be the hardest thing I've ever done.
- Valerie Plame
Image of Valerie Plame
It's some weird idea to think that you've always got to say everything is great and perfect.
- Valerie Plame
Image of Valerie Plame
Joe and I are still very aware of the fact that we live in a country where he criticised the government and lived another day. That trumps all. To paraphrase Churchill, democracy is the worst form of government apart from all the other forms of government. You constantly have to fight for it; you have to keep your government honest.
- Valerie Plame
Image of Valerie Plame
When we were subjected to a vicious character assassination campaign orchestrated by senior White House officials and championed by their allies in the right-wing echo chamber, Hillary reached out to us. Her counsel during that tumultuous period was as timely as it was wise.
- Valerie Plame
Image of Valerie Plame
After President Obama's election in 2008, there was a widespread hope that it would mark an end to unseemly partisan nastiness.
- Valerie Plame
Image of Valerie Plame
Hillary stood with us, as she has stood with so many over the years, and we are proud to stand with her for our country now.
- Valerie Plame
Image of Valerie Plame
I'm not terribly confrontational, but I've gotten better at holding my ground.
- Valerie Plame
Image of Valerie Plame
I want to shine a spotlight on showing how dangerous Trump and his Twitter button can be.
- Valerie Plame
Image of Valerie Plame
I was working for the CIA and prohibited from speaking publicly.
- Valerie Plame
Image of Valerie Plame
After I resigned, I could eventually speak for myself, but when it first happened, I was in complete shock, and it took a long time for me to overcome it.
- Valerie Plame
Image of Valerie Plame
Hollywood does tend to portray CIA officers as totally the honey trap. Looks matter as they do in any profession. But the most important thing for me when I was working was blending into my environment.
- Valerie Plame
Image of Valerie Plame
Hair and make-up always helps. I did always try to be well-groomed, professional at all times. Take your job seriously - but not yourself.
- Valerie Plame
Image of Valerie Plame
She was very kind to us when Joe and I went through the darkest days of the leak of my name in 2003. And, of course, Joe worked in the Clinton White House.
- Valerie Plame
Image of Valerie Plame
Even those that hate Hillary admit she is a work horse and not a show horse. She gets down into the nuts and bolts and figures out, 'What's the policy, what's the substance?'
- Valerie Plame
Image of Valerie Plame
So many times, genuine health workers and genuine NGO folks are really just trying to help other humans in whatever capacity they can. But they are perceived as being CIA, and therefore, it blocks their effectiveness.
- Valerie Plame
Image of Valerie Plame
In many, many parts of the world, being a female, you're really just wallpaper. If you take care to blend in, no one would think in a thousand years that you were doing anything suspicious.
- Valerie Plame
Image of Valerie Plame
I know having a Jason Bourne all alone in a field firing at bad guys is much more dramatic, but it's not real.
- Valerie Plame
Image of Valerie Plame
Of course, we all watch James Bond with envy - knowing the U.S. government would never pay for the lifestyle he enjoys.
- Valerie Plame
Image of Valerie Plame
I did a book event with a former colleague, Bob Bauer, and was so relieved that he said I got all the CIA stuff right.
- Valerie Plame
Image of Valerie Plame
Looking back at my career, I wish I knew then what I know now... that gender bias is built into the system, and it's unconscious in many ways. I wish I had the maturity and courage to have pushed back more. I was always trying to be a 'good girl' and play by the rules.
- Valerie Plame
Image of Valerie Plame
I didn't appreciate how special and sometimes strange my CIA world was - until it suddenly and spectacularly ended in a newspaper column.
- Valerie Plame
Image of Valerie Plame
My CIA colleagues were smart, dedicated, funny, and creative. Yes, there was sometimes stifling bureaucracy, boredom, colleagues who never should have been there, and later, deeply disturbing stories of the CIA's involvement in torture. Still, I got to do work I thought was incredibly important and, many times, had fun doing it.
- Valerie Plame
Image of Valerie Plame
I go to my kids' sports games and don't have to carry the enormous burden of secrecy with me every day. However, adrenaline still courses through my body whenever I go through passport control to another country.
- Valerie Plame
Image of Valerie Plame
One characteristic that I hope I never relinquish is an intense curiosity about the world around me.
- Valerie Plame
Image of Valerie Plame
Over the years, from serving in the CIA to sitting on non-profit boards, I have observed first-hand what the addition of even one woman to a meeting or to a decision-making body can do. Put simply, in very many instances, group dynamics improve markedly.
- Valerie Plame
Image of Valerie Plame
I first learned the power of trust in the CIA. There is no question that when I joined the Agency as a covert operations officer, it was still run along the 'old boys' network' model.
- Valerie Plame
Image of Valerie Plame
The truth is, as long as nuclear weapons exist, we are not safe.
- Valerie Plame
Image of Valerie Plame
The Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty, which in 1996 set out to ban nuclear tests, is an important step, but we need to do more - and we can.
- Valerie Plame
Image of Valerie Plame
According to the 2000 'Report of the U.N. Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation,' the long-lasting effects of nuclear testing can be qualified in simple scientific terms: 'Radiation exposure can damage living cells, causing death in some of them and modifying others.'
- Valerie Plame
Image of Valerie Plame
No matter what age people are, I hope the lesson is to be engaged. Understand what your government is doing. Follow them. Ask questions. There is a price to be paid for speaking truth to power, but you can live through it.
- Valerie Plame
Collection: People
Image of Valerie Plame
Despite the obvious fault in the universe, it cannot be used as an excuse for not trying to be your best self. Instead, use unfairness as a starting point to be sure that your actions are the best you can muster, and find peace in navigating your time here with grace and humor whenever possible.
- Valerie Plame
Collection: Self
Image of Valerie Plame
The emergent terrorist threats and the spread of nuclear technology and materials have made it much more likely that terrorists will get their hands on a nuclear weapon and that just changes the whole calculus. I love the quote by Rev. Richard Cizik: "If you've never changed your mind about anything, then pinch yourself, you might be dead." The world has changed and we need to start talking about this.
- Valerie Plame
Collection: Technology
Image of Valerie Plame
I think human intelligence is the only one that will actually tell you intent.
- Valerie Plame
Collection: Thinking
Image of Valerie Plame
The Cold War has ended. It's very simple. We are no longer living in a bipolar world. The chances that we will go to war with Russia are pretty much ended. Mutually Assured Destruction was a doctrine that worked very well for decades as a deterrent, but the world has fundamentally changed.
- Valerie Plame
Collection: War
Image of Valerie Plame
I think a nuclear detonation is society-altering in ways that other attacks, even as horrific as 9/11, are not. This isn't because we have power-hungry political leaders, but I think it might be demanded by the people themselves out of fear.
- Valerie Plame
Collection: Thinking
Image of Valerie Plame
I would much prefer to be overseas in a covert capacity working on issues, but that is hypothetical. That is no longer open to me. So if I can use my voice in this manner, and talk about something that I care about, then I feel fortunate.
- Valerie Plame
Collection: Care