Terry Rozier

Image of Terry Rozier
Going into my second Summer League, I felt like I had more knowledge. Just being around the game and learning your routines, and just learning from other guys that you're around, you feel like you pick up on a lot of stuff.
- Terry Rozier
Collection: Learning
Image of Terry Rozier
I'd rather spend my money on clothes. I have a budget. Why not want to look nice? It's something I just value for myself. Instead of just spending money on cars and stuff, I'd rather buy clothes. It's just something I like.
- Terry Rozier
Collection: Car
Image of Terry Rozier
It's easy to play pretty well if you play hard. Things start working in your favor.
- Terry Rozier
Image of Terry Rozier
I don't trust squirrels.
- Terry Rozier
Image of Terry Rozier
Scouting is important. You just want to know whom you are playing against and how to play them well within the team's defense.
- Terry Rozier
Image of Terry Rozier
It's all a mind thing, just all mental. You have to know going into the game you have to play at a high level, as many minutes, stuff like that. It's just all mental. You get yourself mentally prepared for it and go out there and play.
- Terry Rozier
Image of Terry Rozier
Spaghetti is good with ranch, and spaghetti is good with sugar. You put all of that together and make a sandwich out of it, and you get greatness. People shouldn't judge unless they try it.
- Terry Rozier
Image of Terry Rozier
I give 110 percent, and that's in practice and every game and everything.
- Terry Rozier
Image of Terry Rozier
D-Wade is my favorite player of all time.
- Terry Rozier
Image of Terry Rozier
I always tell myself every day, I'm just as good as anybody.
- Terry Rozier
Image of Terry Rozier
I always had a chip on my shoulder.
- Terry Rozier
Image of Terry Rozier
Kyle Korver - got to treat him like J.J. Redick and not let him get good looks.
- Terry Rozier
Image of Terry Rozier
I always brag about my football skills.
- Terry Rozier
Image of Terry Rozier
When I say I saw shotguns and pistols in the house, I saw them. It was what I grew up around.
- Terry Rozier
Image of Terry Rozier
Just being able to be around your kid, I don't think anything can beat that.
- Terry Rozier
Image of Terry Rozier
Hargrave made me mature. It made me grow up, and I needed that.
- Terry Rozier
Image of Terry Rozier
Man, just to think back, like, I was one of the craziest D. Wade fans ever.
- Terry Rozier
Image of Terry Rozier
You want to make as much money as you can and enjoy playing this game as much as you can, but it has a lot to do with how you take care of yourself.
- Terry Rozier
Image of Terry Rozier
I learned a lot of stuff from Jae Crowder.
- Terry Rozier
Image of Terry Rozier
My thing is fashion. I love fashion.
- Terry Rozier
Image of Terry Rozier
I've been working on a lot of things, just knocking down the three consistently, making smarter moves off the pick-and-roll, improving my dribble a lot.
- Terry Rozier
Image of Terry Rozier
You ain't gotta jump too high to shoot the ball.
- Terry Rozier
Image of Terry Rozier
I don't ever want to get caught in the moment where I'm satisfied.
- Terry Rozier
Image of Terry Rozier
In college, the whole two years, I never sat out a practice or a game. So your body kind of wears down.
- Terry Rozier
Image of Terry Rozier
I'm a guy that, I like to learn by seeing things.
- Terry Rozier
Image of Terry Rozier
I think it shows my toughness that guys feel like I can rebound. You put me in there to rebound, and I'm gonna get the job done. Anything the coach needs me to do.
- Terry Rozier
Image of Terry Rozier
You can't really teach rebounding. You can teach how to box out, but rebounding, that's something you've got to have in you.
- Terry Rozier
Image of Terry Rozier
I think rebounding is more heart and toughness.
- Terry Rozier
Image of Terry Rozier
I know the Boston fans are all about their basketball.
- Terry Rozier
Image of Terry Rozier
You never want to hear your name get booed, but it's fine. I'm not going to let it bother me because I know what type of guy I am.
- Terry Rozier
Image of Terry Rozier
I know the fans are going to end up falling in love with me and how I play the game.
- Terry Rozier
Image of Terry Rozier
When I wake up in the morning, I'm not worried about nobody. When I go to work, I'm not worried. That's not me trying to say how tough I am, but that's just what it is. I have no fear.
- Terry Rozier
Image of Terry Rozier
I ain't got no bad blood with nobody.
- Terry Rozier
Image of Terry Rozier
It's tough to tell a group of competitors that you'll get it next season.
- Terry Rozier
Image of Terry Rozier
I don't really like to talk too much about what I've been working on. I'm more of a 'show' type of guy.
- Terry Rozier
Image of Terry Rozier
I want to be the best I can be and be a complete player.
- Terry Rozier
Image of Terry Rozier
Every game and every minute you get to step on the court is an opportunity to feel more comfortable and get better.
- Terry Rozier
Image of Terry Rozier
I didn't really care about the individual stats.
- Terry Rozier
Image of Terry Rozier
Any chance a rookie gets to go play in the playoffs, that should be a boost going into summer league. That should be a boost for the rest of your career. That's something that a lot of rookies can't say they did.
- Terry Rozier
Image of Terry Rozier
I wake up every day like, 'How can I get better, how can I help my teammates be successful? I try to control what I can control and worry about us, nothing else.
- Terry Rozier
Image of Terry Rozier
I'm already self-motivated, so I don't really pay attention what people are saying.
- Terry Rozier
Image of Terry Rozier
I'm not afraid of taking big shots and things like that. It's a 50-50 chance. It might go in, it might not, but I'm not scared to take it.
- Terry Rozier
Image of Terry Rozier
I know I have the ultimate eye of confidence to take a shot down the stretch if a coach needs me to do it.
- Terry Rozier
Image of Terry Rozier
I'm going to find my minutes to do something really well to help my team. Whether that's pushing the ball really fast down the court and trying to beat them up the court, rebounding at the guard spot, or something else, I'm going to get in there and do it.
- Terry Rozier
Image of Terry Rozier
A basketball was in my hands 24/7, playing one-on-one against everybody and anybody, trying to prove against the older guys, just playing. The wind blowing outside, double rims, stuff like that, just always playing ball.
- Terry Rozier
Image of Terry Rozier
I grew up at a rec center, man.
- Terry Rozier
Image of Terry Rozier
I just love the game.
- Terry Rozier
Image of Terry Rozier
I'm a guy that always had to prove himself on every level I've played, always was the guy that was overlooked.
- Terry Rozier
Image of Terry Rozier
I don't really care about no hype.
- Terry Rozier
Image of Terry Rozier
I feel like I was born a Celtic.
- Terry Rozier