Terry Crews

Image of Terry Crews
Our strategic evolution has established Monsanto as the leading innovator in agricultural seeds and technology, .. The financial discipline we have exercised has also allowed us to establish a solid foundation which is poised for growth in the years ahead.
- Terry Crews
Collection: Technology
Image of Terry Crews
I was a sports nut. I stayed after school probably three hours every day - from fall, to winter, to spring. I went from football to basketball to track and it started all over again. I loved all of it. I just loved being an athlete and all that it entailed. It really accounts for who I am.
- Terry Crews
Collection: Basketball
Image of Terry Crews
The only thing intimidating about Cube is that he's the father of gangsta' rap. You just worry about getting your lines right, or he might shoot you.
- Terry Crews
Collection: Father
Image of Terry Crews
There was definitely a pecking order, and when Stallone walked in, we were like, "All hail!" He came in with his big forearms, pointing and telling everybody where he wanted the cameras with his big cigar ablazing, and you just go, "This is Stallone!" with admiration, because none of us would be here without this guy. That's the thing, he changed movies forever
- Terry Crews
Collection: Order
Image of Terry Crews
If everyone's happy, then I'm the character where when I enter that means there's trouble. In a movie, when I enter, it's not a good thing. But I know where I'm at. But, you know, you don't have to call me by my character's name for months on end. Football taught me that, because you can go from being best friends to having to play that person on another team, you have to be able to turn that on and off. You need to find that middle ground.
- Terry Crews
Collection: Football
Image of Terry Crews
I had a party to raise money, spent 15 grand on the party alone. People ate, drank and left. I thought all these bigwig ballplayers would give; you know I had all the big players come. Nothing, I lost money on that party. I think maybe someone put like $400 in the pot or something. I was like come on, throw me a bone!
- Terry Crews
Collection: Party
Image of Terry Crews
I promise you, I'm fake sometimes, but other times I'm like, dude sit down.
- Terry Crews
Collection: Fake
Image of Terry Crews
I would always be painting and drawing. If I was stuck at home, I was in the basement working on a painting.
- Terry Crews
Collection: Home
Image of Terry Crews
And remember how he wrote the first Rocky in a few days, and wouldn't sell the script even though he was starving, because they wanted to put somebody else in the lead role. To see what he's accomplished, dog, that's what it's all about.
- Terry Crews
Collection: Dog
Image of Terry Crews
I would never do a role where I'm naked in bed with a chick having sex.
- Terry Crews
Collection: Sex
Image of Terry Crews
I constantly get out of my comfort zone. Looking cool is the easiest way to mediocrity. The coolest guy in my high school ended up working at a car wash. Once you push yourself into something new, and whole new world of opportunities opens up. But you might get hurt. In fact you will get hurt. But amazingly when you heal – you are somewhere you’ve never been.
- Terry Crews
Collection: Motivational
Image of Terry Crews
Everybody says they’re trying to get their piece of the pie. They don’t realize that the world is a kitchen – you can make your own pie.
- Terry Crews
Collection: Motivational