Tate Taylor

Image of Tate Taylor
After all, the ordinary hero hiding in each of us is often the most powerful catalyst for change.
- Tate Taylor
Collection: Powerful
Image of Tate Taylor
As a writer, as much as I try, I can't stop writing female characters. They have so much more to offer; they have to wear so many different hats. There's so much wonderful gray matter in a female's life that it just makes for a stronger character.
- Tate Taylor
Collection: Writing
Image of Tate Taylor
In the South, we tell stories. We tell stories if you're in a sales position, if you're in a retail position, you lure your customer by telling a story. You just do.
- Tate Taylor
Collection: Educational
Image of Tate Taylor
I love going back in time, and the only time you can really do that is on a movie set.
- Tate Taylor
Collection: Go Back In Time
Image of Tate Taylor
People return my phone calls now, which is really interesting. I'll tell you what I've learned that's kind of bittersweet. So many doors have opened up. I've met everybody in the business. I'm fortunate people want to work with me.
- Tate Taylor
Collection: Phones
Image of Tate Taylor
It's easy to forget history or give it a cliff notes. The cliff notes of history. But mainly, so much of what happens in 'Eyes on the Prize' happened in Jackson, Mississippi. Jackson, Mississippi isn't really known for any other touchstone to the movement, other than Medgar Evers being killed. There were sit-ins and riots and atrocities.
- Tate Taylor
Collection: Eye
Image of Tate Taylor
I met this woman who was a hundred, this housekeeper, a hundred years old. I interviewed her. She just told me about her whole life. She's like, 'I can't read, I can't write; I can tell you who I was working for, and I can tell you the year, but who was president?
- Tate Taylor
Collection: Writing
Image of Tate Taylor
To write, you have to know how to act and know about directing. To act, you also need to know how to write and direct.
- Tate Taylor
Collection: Writing
Image of Tate Taylor
I knew I had to write a good screenplay to be taken seriously, and I knew I needed to present Mississippi on visuals instead of just saying, 'Hey I wanted to film it in Mississippi.' It would seem like it was a hometown boy just wanting to be home.
- Tate Taylor
Collection: Taken
Image of Tate Taylor
I don't steer towards anything. I steer towards character and truth. If it's funny then so be it. If it's dramatic, so be it. I just steer towards characters.
- Tate Taylor
Collection: Character
Image of Tate Taylor
Everybody in the South loves the one closeted homosexual who's married. It's just too funny to not have in a movie about the South. It's an epidemic. You gotta represent!
- Tate Taylor
Collection: Epidemics
Image of Tate Taylor
There's the movie you write, there's the movie you shoot and the movie you edit, and often, you find that you're getting the same information out of a scene that you already have and a scene that's actually more powerful, so you have to make the tough decision to take it out.
- Tate Taylor
Collection: Powerful