Sylvia Day

Image of Sylvia Day
Heaven with my angel. It doesn't get any better than this.
- Sylvia Day
Collection: Angel
Image of Sylvia Day
I’ll do whatever you want, whatever you need. Anything. Just take me back.
- Sylvia Day
Collection: Needs
Image of Sylvia Day
I keep what's mine, and I do not share.
- Sylvia Day
Collection: Share
Image of Sylvia Day
I supposed, perhaps, you miss the promise of what could have been, while at the same time you are grateful that what it was instead is over.
- Sylvia Day
Collection: Grateful
Image of Sylvia Day
Your kisses are mine.
- Sylvia Day
Collection: Kissing
Image of Sylvia Day
Confucius say, man with hand in pocket feel cocky all day
- Sylvia Day
Collection: Cocky
Image of Sylvia Day
Oh, I’ll fight you,” she promised, her eyes clear of shadows. “That’s the way I roll.
- Sylvia Day
Collection: Eye
Image of Sylvia Day
You're an obsession.
- Sylvia Day
Collection: Addiction
Image of Sylvia Day
The idea I'd been toying with fully formed in my mind. "I'm plotting." "oh?" His mouth curved in a wicked grin. "Do Tell." Chapter 5 pg. 50
- Sylvia Day
Collection: Ideas
Image of Sylvia Day
..nothing in your past can change how I feel about you. And God knows I’m no saint.
- Sylvia Day
Collection: Past
Image of Sylvia Day
If I owned Gideon, he possessed me. I couldn’t imagine belonging to anyone else.
- Sylvia Day
Collection: Gideon
Image of Sylvia Day
Gideon was an untamed animal behind closed doors, a lover who bared me to the soul every time he made love to me.
- Sylvia Day
Collection: Animal
Image of Sylvia Day
Maybe there were people out there whose love could survive anything, but mine was fragile. It needed to be nurtured in order to thrive and grow.
- Sylvia Day
Collection: Order
Image of Sylvia Day
Gideon was a man who’d lived an entirely solitary life, and yet he’d accepted me into it so completely that he could envision a future I was afraid to imagine. I was so scared I’d only be setting myself up for a heartbreak I couldn’t survive.
- Sylvia Day
Collection: Men
Image of Sylvia Day
I want love and I won't settle for less
- Sylvia Day
Collection: Want
Image of Sylvia Day
You've got to have as many good times as bad, or it all becomes too painful and too much work.
- Sylvia Day
Collection: Too Much
Image of Sylvia Day
And yet I understood the alienation of being around others who couldn't really see you or chose not to. I'd felt the self-loathing that came with being a fraud, protraying an image of what you wished you could be but weren't. I'd lived with the fear that people you loved might turn away from you if they ever got to know the true person hidden inside.
- Sylvia Day
Collection: Self
Image of Sylvia Day
I’m losing my mind without you.
- Sylvia Day
Collection: Mind
Image of Sylvia Day
I require distance from the past in order to grasp the future.
- Sylvia Day
Collection: Distance
Image of Sylvia Day
More like Cross blew your circuits during one of his sexathons. Still can’t get over that man’s stamina. Wish he’d swing my way and wear me out.
- Sylvia Day
Collection: Men
Image of Sylvia Day
I'm afraid I'll lose myself in you, Gideon. I'm scared I'll lose the part of me I worked so hard to get back." "I'd never let that happen." he promised fiercely. Chapter 8, pg 140
- Sylvia Day
Collection: Gideon
Image of Sylvia Day
You put your hand on Corinne's back like this again and I'm breaking your fingers.
- Sylvia Day
Collection: Hands
Image of Sylvia Day
I had to bite back a laugh. "Cary Taylor. Loving you isn't a character defect." Chapter 12, pg 213
- Sylvia Day
Collection: Character
Image of Sylvia Day
Ive been told by readers that they love how my heroes fall in love fast, first, and with conviction.
- Sylvia Day
Collection: Falling In Love
Image of Sylvia Day
He caught me to him and cupped my cheek in one hand. “I want to keep feeling the way I feel when I’m with you. Just tell me what I have to do.
- Sylvia Day
Collection: Hands
Image of Sylvia Day
I’d wait forever for you, as long as you’re mine.
- Sylvia Day
Collection: Long
Image of Sylvia Day
If you don’t open up, we’re going to lose each other down the road.
- Sylvia Day
Collection: Romance
Image of Sylvia Day
I’ve never worked so hard for anything in my life as I have for you.
- Sylvia Day
Collection: Romance