Stockard Channing

Image of Stockard Channing
These things have a life of there own and never existed when I was growing up certainly worrying when one would get made. It's kind of amazing how that one movie kept living through all these years.
- Stockard Channing
Collection: Amazing
Image of Stockard Channing
It's funny, I had dinner with my dear friend John Spencer last night and I'm not in the first episode, but he's at the beginning of it and he was telling me about it and I thought this sounds very hot because I think this is definitely the last year of West Wing.
- Stockard Channing
Collection: Funny
Image of Stockard Channing
You're talking to someone who has been married to various people for the last 40 years of her life. Dating is not really something familiar. I've never really been a dater.
- Stockard Channing
Collection: Dating
Image of Stockard Channing
I think the end of last year when we were aware of that transition was for everyone in their own way kind of bittersweet, but it's also what the show's about, one administration ends and another begins.
- Stockard Channing
Image of Stockard Channing
I'm kind of spoiled, but the great thing about life is that you never know what's around the corner.
- Stockard Channing
Image of Stockard Channing
It would be interesting if this sitcom works, so I could be doing one thing all the time instead of going back and forth between all this different media which I sort of thrive on, I'm a bit of a moving target in that way.
- Stockard Channing
Image of Stockard Channing
I couldn't do it at all. I was never really good at it, but I can't imagine what it can be like as a fortunate person not having to deal with it. I mean, people of all ages, not just my age, 25, 35, all the way down the line.
- Stockard Channing
Image of Stockard Channing
I think that's the phenomenon of our time is that a lot of women keep themselves in good shape but that there's not a lot of accommodation or people out there to connect with and the technology.
- Stockard Channing
Image of Stockard Channing
Well, I mean she's of a certain biological age but she didn't have to go around with fat patches and stuff.
- Stockard Channing
Image of Stockard Channing
I want to go working with good people on something that's good, because otherwise it's a big waste of time. I don't have that much time.
- Stockard Channing
Image of Stockard Channing
Oh, my only - if I had one frustration in being on 'West Wing' is I wasn't on it enough, because I was in and out.
- Stockard Channing
Image of Stockard Channing
I'm rather uncomfortable with celebrity, to be honest.
- Stockard Channing
Image of Stockard Channing
I lead a very boring, normal life.
- Stockard Channing
Image of Stockard Channing
I hate parties. I really don't like public events. I hate dressing up. I am the worst celebrity ever!
- Stockard Channing
Image of Stockard Channing
You don't want to play a character you can't inhabit or commit to fully.
- Stockard Channing
Image of Stockard Channing
When I was younger I thought I was an artist, and inspiration would just come to me.
- Stockard Channing
Image of Stockard Channing
Casting can be heartbreaking. Dealing with the disappointment is the hardest part.
- Stockard Channing
Image of Stockard Channing
Acting is such a bizarre way of life. Unless you're really passionate about it, you should give it up. Don't beat yourself up.
- Stockard Channing
Image of Stockard Channing
My darling girl, when are you going to understand that "normal" isn't a virtue? It rather denotes a lack of courage.
- Stockard Channing
Collection: Girl
Image of Stockard Channing
I have no idea if world peace is attainable. But aiming for it is.
- Stockard Channing
Collection: Peace
Image of Stockard Channing
It's always great to have another chance at something.
- Stockard Channing
Collection: Another Chance
Image of Stockard Channing
I think even if you're on a screen or you're in a play, it's always a group effort. It's not just the actors, it's the editor.
- Stockard Channing
Collection: Thinking
Image of Stockard Channing
I hope that the American public understands that we have three levels of government. We have the (unintelligible) the executive, but there's legislative and the judicial, and the legislative obviously need to be just doing their job.
- Stockard Channing
Collection: Jobs
Image of Stockard Channing
I can barely even run a computer. God knows what I'd get on online dating. I'd get something that was subhuman or something.
- Stockard Channing
Collection: Running
Image of Stockard Channing
Oh, my only – if I had one frustration in being on “West Wing” is I wasn’t on it enough, because I was in and out.
- Stockard Channing
Collection: Frustration