Stan Musial

Image of Stan Musial
Used to be bats had thick handles and a big barrel. Then they found it's not the size of the bat that gets home runs - it's the speed with which you can swing it.
- Stan Musial
Collection: Home
Image of Stan Musial
Hitting is like swimming. Once you learn the stroke, you never forget it.
- Stan Musial
Image of Stan Musial
What I try to do is never to hurt anybody else and figure if I don't, then I'm not likely to get hurt myself.
- Stan Musial
Image of Stan Musial
When we played the Dodgers in St. Louis, they had to come through our dugout, and our bat rack was right there where they had to walk. My bats kept disappearing, and I couldn't figure it out. Turns out, Pee Wee Reese was stealing my bats. I found that out later, after we got out of baseball. He and Rube Walker stole my bats.
- Stan Musial
Image of Stan Musial
The first principle of contract negotiations is don't remind them of what you did in the past - tell them what you're going to do in the future.
- Stan Musial
Image of Stan Musial
I think I had the smallest handle around. When I got my bats, I even trimmed them down. I used to scrape them. Some years later when I started getting older, I used to start with a 33 and in the summer it got down to 31 and then probably in September got down to 30.
- Stan Musial
Image of Stan Musial
When a pitcher's throwing a spitball, don't worry and don't complain, just hit the dry side like I do.
- Stan Musial
Image of Stan Musial
I'm proud to be a Cardinal.
- Stan Musial
Image of Stan Musial
I'm a musician. I play harmonica for relaxation. A good way to relax and entertain people. An excellent way to have fun.
- Stan Musial
Image of Stan Musial
There was never a day when I was as good as Joe DiMaggio at his best. Joe was the best, the very best I ever saw.
- Stan Musial
Image of Stan Musial
I consciously memorized the speed at which every pitcher in the league threw his fastball, curve, and slider. Then, I'd pick up the speed of the ball in the first 30 feet of its flight and knew how it would move once it has crossed the plate.
- Stan Musial
Image of Stan Musial
Get eight hours of sleep regularly. Keep your weight down, run a mile a day.
- Stan Musial
Image of Stan Musial
Back in my day, we didn't think about money as much. We enjoyed playing the game. We loved baseball. I didn't think about anybody else but the Cardinals.
- Stan Musial
Image of Stan Musial
I came up in 1941 and I played against men who played in the 1930s. I stayed until 1963 playing against men who will be playing in the 1970s. So I think I can feel qualified to say that baseball really was a great game, and baseball is really a great game, and baseball will always be a great game.
- Stan Musial
Image of Stan Musial
I have no hesitation to say that St. Louis is a great place in which to live and work.
- Stan Musial
Image of Stan Musial
I could always hit. I learned to hit with a broomstick and a ball of tape and I could always get that bat on the ball.
- Stan Musial
Image of Stan Musial
A lot of hitters stay away from the plate, some are close up, some are forward, some are back. The thing about hitting is this: You have to know the strike zone. That's the most important thing. Hit strikes and put the bat on the ball.
- Stan Musial
Image of Stan Musial
It seemed like I always did some great hitting in Brooklyn. The field there was close to the stands. Every time I started walking to the plate, I could hear the fans say, 'Here comes that man again. Here comes that man.'
- Stan Musial
Image of Stan Musial
Always wanted to be a Major League player. Loved baseball. Followed it. Loved to play. Plus, I could always hit.
- Stan Musial
Image of Stan Musial
I consciously memorized the speed at which every pitcher in the league threw his fastball, curve, and slider; then, I'd pick up the speed of the ball in the first thirty feet of its flight and knew how it would move once it had crossed the plate.
- Stan Musial
Collection: Moving
Image of Stan Musial
Unless you give it all you've got, there isn't any sense in playing.
- Stan Musial
Collection: Giving
Image of Stan Musial
I love to play this game of baseball. I love putting on the uniform.
- Stan Musial
Collection: Baseball
Image of Stan Musial
The key to hitting for high average is to relax, concentrate, and don't hit the fly ball to center field.
- Stan Musial
Collection: Baseball
Image of Stan Musial
I learned to hit with a broomstick and a ball of tape and I could always get that bat on the ball.
- Stan Musial
Collection: Bats
Image of Stan Musial
There is no one correct way to bat, and so of course there is no one correct stance for it.
- Stan Musial
Collection: Bats
Image of Stan Musial
The one unbreakable rule about hitting is this: if a batter hits well with his own particular stance and swing, think twice - or more - before suggesting a change.
- Stan Musial
Collection: Thinking
Image of Stan Musial
I never realized that batting a little ball around could cause so much commotion. I now know how (Charles) Lindbergh must have felt when he returned from St. Louis.
- Stan Musial
Collection: Balls
Image of Stan Musial
What made me sign with the Cardinals? Because they used salesmanship, the personal touch.
- Stan Musial
Collection: Used
Image of Stan Musial
I started to crouch because that way I could guard the plate better, and I always wanted to hit .300 in the big leagues.
- Stan Musial
Collection: League