
Image of Sophocles
Now I see that going out into the testing ground of men it is the tongue and not the deed that wins the day.
- Sophocles
Collection: Communication
Image of Sophocles
Of all human ills, greatest is fortune's wayward tyranny.
- Sophocles
Collection: Fortune
Image of Sophocles
You would rouse to anger a heart of stone.
- Sophocles
Collection: Anger
Image of Sophocles
It is God's giving if we laugh or weep.
- Sophocles
Collection: Happiness
Image of Sophocles
But this is a true saying among men: the gifts of enemies are no gifts and profitless.
- Sophocles
Collection: Men
Image of Sophocles
To revive sorrow is cruel.
- Sophocles
Collection: Sorrow
Image of Sophocles
Whoever thinks his friend more important than his country, I rate him nowhere.
- Sophocles
Collection: Country
Image of Sophocles
Fate has terrible power. You cannot escape it by wealth or war. No fort will keep it out, no ships outrun it.
- Sophocles
Collection: War
Image of Sophocles
A broad-backed ox can be driven straight on his road even by a small goad.
- Sophocles
Collection: Driven
Image of Sophocles
No oath can be too binding for a lover.
- Sophocles
Collection: Lovers
Image of Sophocles
The ideal condition would be, I admit, that men should be right by instinct; but since we are all likely to go astray, The reasonable thing is to learn from those who can teach
- Sophocles
Collection: Learning
Image of Sophocles
How dreadful it is when the right judge judges wrong!
- Sophocles
Collection: Judging
Image of Sophocles
You can kill a man but you cant kill a idea.
- Sophocles
Collection: Men
Image of Sophocles
Gentle time will heal our sorrows.
- Sophocles
Collection: Grief
Image of Sophocles
God will not punish the man Who makes return for an injury.
- Sophocles
Collection: Revenge
Image of Sophocles
No speech can stain what is noble by nature.
- Sophocles
Collection: Noble
Image of Sophocles
Oh child, may you be happier than your father, but in all other respects alike. And then you would not be bad.
- Sophocles
Collection: Children
Image of Sophocles
Each say following another, either hastening or putting off our death--what pleasure does it bring? I count that man worthless whois cheered by empty hopes. No, a noble man must either live or die well.
- Sophocles
Collection: Hope
Image of Sophocles
Dark, dark! The horror of darkness, like a shroud, wraps me and bears me on through mist and cloud.
- Sophocles
Collection: Halloween
Image of Sophocles
When trouble ends even troubles please.
- Sophocles
Collection: Trouble
Image of Sophocles
For this I see, that we, all we that live, Are but vain shadows, unsubstantial dreams.
- Sophocles
Collection: Life
Image of Sophocles
A friend in word is never friend of mine.
- Sophocles
Collection: Mines
Image of Sophocles
In season, all is good.
- Sophocles
Collection: Good Times
Image of Sophocles
Thoughts are mightier than strength of hand.
- Sophocles
Collection: Strength
Image of Sophocles
Brave hearts do not back down back off.
- Sophocles
Collection: Heart
Image of Sophocles
It is hope that maintains most of mankind.
- Sophocles
Collection: Mankind
Image of Sophocles
Though a man be wise it is no shame for him to live and learn.
- Sophocles
Collection: Wise
Image of Sophocles
Wealth makes an ugly person beautiful to look on and an incoherent speech eloquent; and wealth alone can enjoy pleasure even in sickness and can conceal its miseries.
- Sophocles
Collection: Beautiful
Image of Sophocles
Ignorant men do not know what good they hold in their hands until they've flung it away.
- Sophocles
Collection: Appreciation
Image of Sophocles
To the person who is afraid, everything rustles.
- Sophocles
Collection: Persons
Image of Sophocles
The tyrant is a child of Pride Who drinks from his sickening cup Recklessness and vanity, Until from his high crest headlong He plummets to the dust of hope.
- Sophocles
Collection: Children
Image of Sophocles
A mind at peace does not engender wars.
- Sophocles
Collection: War
Image of Sophocles
They are not wise, then, who stand forth to buffet against Love; for Love rules the gods as he will, and me.
- Sophocles
Collection: Wise
Image of Sophocles
The gods plant reason in mankind, of all good gifts the highest.
- Sophocles
Collection: Reason
Image of Sophocles
It is not righteousness to outrage A brave man dead, not even though you hate him.
- Sophocles
Collection: Hate
Image of Sophocles
It becomes one, while exempt from woes, to look to the dangers.
- Sophocles
Collection: Looks
Image of Sophocles
The curse of ignorance is that man without being good or evil is nevertheless satisfied with himself
- Sophocles
Collection: Ignorance
Image of Sophocles
Many things are formidable, and none more formidable than man.
- Sophocles
Collection: Men
Image of Sophocles
It has been hard, I know, my daughters, but one word alone wipes out all of the hardships: love.
- Sophocles
Collection: Love
Image of Sophocles
Kids are anchors of mothers' life
- Sophocles
Collection: Mother
Image of Sophocles
Ill-gotten gains work evil.
- Sophocles
Collection: Evil
Image of Sophocles
To him who is afraid, everything rustles.
- Sophocles
Collection: Worry
Image of Sophocles
The man the state has put in place must have obedient hearing to his least command when it is right, and even when it's not.
- Sophocles
Collection: Men
Image of Sophocles
The dice of Zeus always fall luckily.
- Sophocles
Collection: Fall
Image of Sophocles
I would rather miss the mark acting well than win the day acting basely.
- Sophocles
Collection: Winning
Image of Sophocles
No greater evil can a man endure Than a bad wife, nor find a greater good Than one both good and wise; and each man speaks As judging by the experience of his life.
- Sophocles
Collection: Marriage
Image of Sophocles
There is a time when even justice brings harm.
- Sophocles
Collection: Justice
Image of Sophocles
For no one loves the bearer of bad tidings.
- Sophocles
Collection: Men