Sofia Coppola

Image of Sofia Coppola
I just try to do what I'm interested in and hope that some people will connect.
- Sofia Coppola
Collection: People
Image of Sofia Coppola
My father is so in love with making movies, and he'sso charismatic about it, that it's hard to be around him withoutwanting to make movies.
- Sofia Coppola
Collection: Father
Image of Sofia Coppola
I always try to make the soundtrack a good CD on its own.
- Sofia Coppola
Collection: Trying
Image of Sofia Coppola
When I was working on the music for this I didn't want to just use pop songs as the score - most movies do it and I've done it before.
- Sofia Coppola
Collection: Song
Image of Sofia Coppola
My dad told me, 'Your movie's never as good as the dailies and never as bad as the rough cut.
- Sofia Coppola
Collection: Dad
Image of Sofia Coppola
I like doing personal films, after doing a bigger movie, I enjoy doing smaller, intimate films.
- Sofia Coppola
Collection: Film
Image of Sofia Coppola
Having a kid, it makes you slow down; when you're walking with a toddler to pick up a leaf it can take a half hour. You've never spent that time looking at a leaf before, having that kind of interaction. So I think it does make you change the way you look things.
- Sofia Coppola
Collection: Kids
Image of Sofia Coppola
More actors in action movies should be gangly because that way it's believable when they move through tight spaces.
- Sofia Coppola
Collection: Moving
Image of Sofia Coppola
Generally I just pick music that I like. That's the part I really enjoy: When I get permission for the songs I want and put them into the scenes. It's always hard when you're doing a low-budget film, so it's great when you can get all the music you want to get.
- Sofia Coppola
Collection: Song
Image of Sofia Coppola
It bugs me when they have people my age [28] playing teenagers.
- Sofia Coppola
Collection: Teenager