Seve Ballesteros

Image of Seve Ballesteros
I like to keep going forward.
- Seve Ballesteros
Image of Seve Ballesteros
We never know what tomorrow will bring, so we must enjoy ourselves today.
- Seve Ballesteros
Image of Seve Ballesteros
The Spanish never appreciated me like the British.
- Seve Ballesteros
Image of Seve Ballesteros
Making your opponents fear the worst is a powerful weapon in match play.
- Seve Ballesteros
Image of Seve Ballesteros
We all make mistakes. I make a lot of mistakes and I will continue to make mistakes in the future.
- Seve Ballesteros
Image of Seve Ballesteros
In Britain, there was always a great connection between me and the gallery. It was a very good chemistry because I was never flat in my face. The British liked that.
- Seve Ballesteros
Image of Seve Ballesteros
Without wishing to seem arrogant, I think that my victory in the Masters in 1980 was crucial for European golf because my fellow players saw that the door to America had opened up for them. I'm sure that players who had beaten me on the European Tour told themselves, 'Well, if Seve can do it, so can I.'
- Seve Ballesteros
Image of Seve Ballesteros
The Ryder Cup is one of the greatest sporting events and will always hold a special place in my heart.
- Seve Ballesteros
Image of Seve Ballesteros
There is only one way forward, to keep on fighting.
- Seve Ballesteros
Image of Seve Ballesteros
Nothing is forever.
- Seve Ballesteros
Image of Seve Ballesteros
When they paint the greens it is very nice for TV but not for players.
- Seve Ballesteros
Image of Seve Ballesteros
My brothers, my children, I see how much they care about me.
- Seve Ballesteros
Image of Seve Ballesteros
Play your own game, but also 'play the man.' I take the view that my opponents are not there for me to ignore, rather to help me in my choice of shots. That means I have to be a good decision maker.
- Seve Ballesteros
Image of Seve Ballesteros
Players who keep hitting fairways are boring.
- Seve Ballesteros
Image of Seve Ballesteros
Golf has given me everything and I am especially pleased to be able to support and help young people in need.
- Seve Ballesteros
Image of Seve Ballesteros
You can't have it all in life.
- Seve Ballesteros
Image of Seve Ballesteros
I've been given the mulligan of my life.
- Seve Ballesteros
Image of Seve Ballesteros
I suffered like a dog, but maybe the fact that I am a professional sportsman and used to competing and fighting helped me.
- Seve Ballesteros
Image of Seve Ballesteros
You know, when you win special tournaments and you become a superstar, the first thing you lose is your freedom. That's big. That's hard. It's hard for others to understand.
- Seve Ballesteros
Image of Seve Ballesteros
I've had a very good life.
- Seve Ballesteros
Image of Seve Ballesteros
For the Spanish people, it's not normal to leave where you were born. For Americans, it is more natural to leave, to go someplace else to find a good job. In Spain, the philosophy is to stay close to your family.
- Seve Ballesteros
Image of Seve Ballesteros
I have never been in any favor of the U.S. Open in any way, and I think it is the worst of the majors. The golf courses are good, but it is the way they set up the courses.
- Seve Ballesteros
Image of Seve Ballesteros
It's boring if everyone thinks the same.
- Seve Ballesteros
Image of Seve Ballesteros
Spain is the only country where it's difficult to lift the game of golf. I don't know why, but it's just the way it is.
- Seve Ballesteros
Image of Seve Ballesteros
I don't like to see myself struggling.
- Seve Ballesteros
Image of Seve Ballesteros
My reputation as a wild driver is a little bit over-rated. I wouldn't do as well as I have if I was really that wild.
- Seve Ballesteros
Image of Seve Ballesteros
When the doctors explained all they had done in my brain, it's a miracle.
- Seve Ballesteros
Image of Seve Ballesteros
Sometimes you feel like you're playing very well and, for some reason, you just don't win the tournament.
- Seve Ballesteros
Image of Seve Ballesteros
One day you feel fantastic, the next you never know what is going to happen.
- Seve Ballesteros
Image of Seve Ballesteros
My back is riddled with arthritis and I have no feeling in my neck. I have hardly any mobility.
- Seve Ballesteros
Image of Seve Ballesteros
Everything has a beginning and an end and this is the same thing in golf.
- Seve Ballesteros
Image of Seve Ballesteros
I have many moments of glory, but I have many more, moments of very tough times. I don't mean anyone should feel sorry for me, but it's true.
- Seve Ballesteros
Image of Seve Ballesteros
I have always felt great support in the U.K. and every time I visit it's like being at home.
- Seve Ballesteros
Image of Seve Ballesteros
Controversy can be a good thing.
- Seve Ballesteros
Image of Seve Ballesteros
To be part of the Ryder Cup is very special. And Valderrama was that for me, even though I wasn't playing. To win as a player was great, to win as captain, and in my own country, that was very special too.
- Seve Ballesteros
Image of Seve Ballesteros
Players should be penalised when they hold up the rest of the field.
- Seve Ballesteros
Image of Seve Ballesteros
Life changes.
- Seve Ballesteros
Image of Seve Ballesteros
I don't want people to feel sorry for me.
- Seve Ballesteros
Image of Seve Ballesteros
I've had a lot of luck, which is the truth.
- Seve Ballesteros
Image of Seve Ballesteros
Everyone knows how much I love matchplay and team golf events in general.
- Seve Ballesteros
Image of Seve Ballesteros
When I think about what the doctors told me they had to do with my brain, it is a miracle.
- Seve Ballesteros
Image of Seve Ballesteros
It's hard for people to understand that my life has not been very easy.
- Seve Ballesteros
Image of Seve Ballesteros
I have been fortunate enough to experience some fantastic Ryder Cup moments during my career and play alongside great friends and some of the best players in history.
- Seve Ballesteros
Image of Seve Ballesteros
I've had a tremendous life. Tremendous things happen to me over the years.
- Seve Ballesteros
Image of Seve Ballesteros
Throughout my career I've been one of the best at overcoming obstacles on the golf course.
- Seve Ballesteros
Image of Seve Ballesteros
Everyone knows the British Open is my favorite tournament.
- Seve Ballesteros
Image of Seve Ballesteros
No one likes to play aggressive golf more than me, but at times it's better to temper your ambition.
- Seve Ballesteros
Image of Seve Ballesteros
It is very boring if just fairway, fairway, fairway. It doesn't matter where you hit the drive if you make the putt.
- Seve Ballesteros
Image of Seve Ballesteros
I look into eyes, shake their hand, pat their back, and wish them luck, but I am thinking, I am going to bury you.
- Seve Ballesteros
Collection: Funny