Seve Ballesteros

Image of Seve Ballesteros
Golf is a very interesting game. It's funny.
- Seve Ballesteros
Collection: Funny
Image of Seve Ballesteros
Life goes on and life is full of setbacks. You have to fight, that's all.
- Seve Ballesteros
Collection: Life
Image of Seve Ballesteros
We must confront any situation, however difficult it may be, with courage, faith, serenity, confidence and a lot of mental strength.
- Seve Ballesteros
Collection: Faith
Image of Seve Ballesteros
My face showed every emotion - from happiness to anger.
- Seve Ballesteros
Collection: Anger
Image of Seve Ballesteros
Patience has never been my strongest point and to spend 22 days in intensive care and 72 days in one room you need tremendous patience.
- Seve Ballesteros
Collection: Patience
Image of Seve Ballesteros
It is very sad to see real champions finishing plus-20, and I don't think that is the spirit of the game.
- Seve Ballesteros
Collection: Sad
Image of Seve Ballesteros
I'm not called Seve Ballesteros, I'm called Seve Mulligan because I've had the luck to be given a mulligan, which in golf is a second chance.
- Seve Ballesteros
Collection: Chance
Image of Seve Ballesteros
I so valued the love the British public showed me that it was respectful to retire in Great Britain.
- Seve Ballesteros
Image of Seve Ballesteros
Once you reach 30, I don't think you can change your basic swing.
- Seve Ballesteros
Image of Seve Ballesteros
Not to get impressed by me doesn't mean they can't win a major because every year there are four majors and someone has to win.
- Seve Ballesteros
Image of Seve Ballesteros
I've always felt solidarity with those people who have to cope with illnesses, including ones that are far worse than mine.
- Seve Ballesteros
Image of Seve Ballesteros
My beginnings as a caddie were not easy and I had the good fortune to be able to rely on a number of people who helped my career take off.
- Seve Ballesteros
Image of Seve Ballesteros
Hitting thoughtless shots is the fastest way to defeat.
- Seve Ballesteros
Image of Seve Ballesteros
Valderrama is the most elitist club in the world, even more elitist than Augusta.
- Seve Ballesteros
Image of Seve Ballesteros
I'd like to thank the media for the respect they have shown me. It's nice to have achieved something by being ill that I never got when I was playing.
- Seve Ballesteros
Image of Seve Ballesteros
I enjoy England. It's my second country.
- Seve Ballesteros
Image of Seve Ballesteros
I don't like to be bought.
- Seve Ballesteros
Image of Seve Ballesteros
I have my principles.
- Seve Ballesteros
Image of Seve Ballesteros
When I'm playing in the majors, I don't remember waking up at 4 in the morning.
- Seve Ballesteros
Image of Seve Ballesteros
I just like to set objectives for myself.
- Seve Ballesteros
Image of Seve Ballesteros
I would like to win the U.S. Open, but I don't have a chance.
- Seve Ballesteros
Image of Seve Ballesteros
I don't hit my drive very straight.
- Seve Ballesteros
Image of Seve Ballesteros
I just want to be a very lucky player for many years.
- Seve Ballesteros
Image of Seve Ballesteros
I guess everybody has to pay duties at the Masters.
- Seve Ballesteros
Image of Seve Ballesteros
When you play Augusta and don't miss one green all day, that means something.
- Seve Ballesteros
Image of Seve Ballesteros
It's easier to win Masters than to follow all the PGA rules.
- Seve Ballesteros
Image of Seve Ballesteros
Deane Beman only cares about the U.S. tour. A man who loves this game should care about an international tour.
- Seve Ballesteros
Image of Seve Ballesteros
No top player in the U.S. plays more than 25 tournaments.
- Seve Ballesteros
Image of Seve Ballesteros
I never say I don't like the U.S. I say I don't want to play 15 tournaments in the U.S.
- Seve Ballesteros
Image of Seve Ballesteros
In the end, you have to have luck and luck comes to those who fight.
- Seve Ballesteros
Image of Seve Ballesteros
When you win, it's great. When you lose, you have to be a good sport.
- Seve Ballesteros
Image of Seve Ballesteros
Deane Beman is a very tough man.
- Seve Ballesteros
Image of Seve Ballesteros
Monte Carlo - it's a nice place, I can tell you.
- Seve Ballesteros
Image of Seve Ballesteros
I play more in England than anywhere else and that is where I practice and the wind is always blowing.
- Seve Ballesteros
Image of Seve Ballesteros
Players should not be concerned too much with the wind. If you think too much about it, you lose your swing.
- Seve Ballesteros
Image of Seve Ballesteros
Everyone makes bogeys at the Masters. What difference does it make when you make them? Just go on to next hole.
- Seve Ballesteros
Image of Seve Ballesteros
My memory is very short.
- Seve Ballesteros
Image of Seve Ballesteros
I really don't remember bad things when I come to the Masters, I only remember the good things.
- Seve Ballesteros
Image of Seve Ballesteros
The best players, the best courses, the best weather is here in the United States. If all those things were in Europe, maybe I stay in Europe. But they are here. So I come here.
- Seve Ballesteros
Image of Seve Ballesteros
I remember when I was in the Masters at 19. At that age, your whole life is ahead. Your mind is so clear. But, rather quickly, your best can be behind you.
- Seve Ballesteros
Image of Seve Ballesteros
Some people have claimed that I opted to play in Europe more than in the United States because I received appearance fees from the European Tour. This is not true. The basic reason was that I felt more at ease in Europe. It is the environment I am familiar with.
- Seve Ballesteros
Image of Seve Ballesteros
Coming from Europe to San Francisco, nine hours difference, is too much.
- Seve Ballesteros
Image of Seve Ballesteros
I take very seriously every tournament.
- Seve Ballesteros
Image of Seve Ballesteros
It is our responsibility to ensure that the integrity of the game is upheld.
- Seve Ballesteros
Image of Seve Ballesteros
The superstar players cannot play too much because they have a lot of pressure. They have other commitments.
- Seve Ballesteros
Image of Seve Ballesteros
I would like to see some of the American players go overseas and spend as much as 1 spend away from Spain.
- Seve Ballesteros
Image of Seve Ballesteros
When you don't compete, that's what happens. You make silly mistakes on the course.
- Seve Ballesteros
Image of Seve Ballesteros
I think that Tiger Woods takes over so much that if he wasn't around, if he had retired, the golf world would be in serious difficulties.
- Seve Ballesteros
Image of Seve Ballesteros
Confidence comes by practice. It doesn't happen overnight. Nothing happens without hard work.
- Seve Ballesteros
Image of Seve Ballesteros
Life is like sport. You have to fight every day and the key is to never give up.
- Seve Ballesteros