Sebastian Gorka

Image of Sebastian Gorka
I'm an immigrant, a legal immigrant to the United States. I only became a citizen five years ago. Every day, for seven months, I pinched myself as I was walking in and out of the West Wing, so it's only in America, right? Only in America.
- Sebastian Gorka
Collection: Legal
Image of Sebastian Gorka
If you misdiagnose, if you misdiagnose anything, whether it's a serious disease or a international geopolitical threat, you will never solve it.
- Sebastian Gorka
Image of Sebastian Gorka
There is no evidence at all that a voting booth was hacked or one person's vote in America was taken from Trump candidate to Clinton candidate.
- Sebastian Gorka
Image of Sebastian Gorka
Anybody who says it is in America's interest to not have better relations with Russia doesn't know what they're talking about when it comes to geopolitics.
- Sebastian Gorka
Image of Sebastian Gorka
Whether you're dealing with your allies in Europe or you're dealing with a resurgent Russia, whether you're dealing with Iran or North Korea, you have to use the whole panoply of national tools of power to deal with the challenges the world faces.
- Sebastian Gorka
Image of Sebastian Gorka
Russia has always been involved in propaganda and disinformation.
- Sebastian Gorka
Image of Sebastian Gorka
People don't realize there's a whole separate entrance to the White House for journalists.
- Sebastian Gorka
Image of Sebastian Gorka
From a child growing up in the U.K., I used to listen until the wee hours of the night to talk radio.
- Sebastian Gorka
Image of Sebastian Gorka
I think talk radio belongs to conservatives now after the last 20, 30 years of Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, my colleagues at Salem, Dennis Prager, Hugh Hewitt, Larry Elder.
- Sebastian Gorka
Image of Sebastian Gorka
I may not have taken the stand, but I was an expert on the Boston bombing trial.
- Sebastian Gorka
Image of Sebastian Gorka
Would you take anybody's views on Christianity seriously if they hadn't read the New Testament? Of course you wouldn't. So I read the Koran.
- Sebastian Gorka
Image of Sebastian Gorka
Nobody has the right - even a Muslim - to talk for all Muslims.
- Sebastian Gorka
Image of Sebastian Gorka
I see myself as somebody who supports the bravest of the brave - the warfighter.
- Sebastian Gorka
Image of Sebastian Gorka
I'm accused by many people of being the most serious man on television.
- Sebastian Gorka
Image of Sebastian Gorka
If there's no overlap between the interests of the people you sit down with, then the negotiations really can't be driven anywhere.
- Sebastian Gorka
Image of Sebastian Gorka
If you obsess about one thing, you're just going to miss the broader picture.
- Sebastian Gorka
Image of Sebastian Gorka
I was deputy assistant to the president. My job was strategist in the office of the chief strategist, Stephen Bannon. Somebody once described me as the president's national security utility infielder.
- Sebastian Gorka
Image of Sebastian Gorka
I was born in 1970. I was hardly goose-stepping down Nuremberg.
- Sebastian Gorka
Image of Sebastian Gorka
If you look at the way Donald Trump has treated law enforcement, if you look at the way he's treated the military, this is a man who fully understands the burden of leadership and the responsibility he has as the commander in chief.
- Sebastian Gorka
Collection: Military
Image of Sebastian Gorka
The idea that you can separate jihadi terrorism from Islam is exactly what got us in the mess we are today, with 65 million refugees around the world and with ISIS controlling territory in multiple countries.
- Sebastian Gorka
Collection: Country
Image of Sebastian Gorka
Life is a little different from what you would read in the mainstream media inside the White House.
- Sebastian Gorka
Collection: Media
Image of Sebastian Gorka
Arab nation, Egypt, is not mentioned [in the Muslim Ban]? This is where facts are optional for the liberal media.
- Sebastian Gorka
Collection: Egypt
Image of Sebastian Gorka
How does the phrase radical Islamic terrorism link all the believers of a faith to terrorism? If I said radical Christian terrorism, does that mean I as a Catholic are a terrorist?
- Sebastian Gorka
Collection: Christian
Image of Sebastian Gorka
Let's talk about real fake news. If this were about a religion or if this were about a Muslim ban, then how come the largest Muslim nation on the planet...Indonesia, exactly, isn't listed?
- Sebastian Gorka
Collection: Real