Sam Champion

Image of Sam Champion
When I was doing local weather full time, I would wake up in the morning or stay up all night to make sure the snowflakes started at the time that I said they would.
- Sam Champion
Collection: Morning
Image of Sam Champion
My hope is that anyone who is in love, has been in love, understands love, will be a person who will stand up and say everyone deserves to feel that.
- Sam Champion
Collection: Feels
Image of Sam Champion
When I was going to college, there were probably four colleges in the nation that offered a major in meteorology. I wasn't fortunate enough to be in a part of the country where that was readily accessible. I have been doing weather since I graduated from college. I feel solid about what I'm doing.
- Sam Champion
Collection: Country
Image of Sam Champion
The polar bear for many has become a living symbol of the dangers of global warming. The powerful kings of the arctic are finding their habitat shrinking.
- Sam Champion
Collection: Kings
Image of Sam Champion
Not everyone agrees the bears should be protected. Hunters, oil interests, even the state of Alaska has questions about the effects protection would have on oil and gas exploration and commercial shipping. But for many others, the bears are a symbol of a bigger crisis threatening the planet.
- Sam Champion
Collection: Alaska