Sal Khan

Image of Sal Khan
Being a billionaire is sort of passe.
- Sal Khan
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When I used to try and describe what the Khan Academy was, I would tell people that if it were a for-profit, I would be on the cover of 'Forbes.'
- Sal Khan
Image of Sal Khan
Later in life, when my kids struggle to understand a tricky concept or master a new skill, I want them to have the strength and experience to tell themselves, 'I don't know how to do this... yet!' I want them to be confident that, even if something seems challenging today, they have what it takes to figure it out.
- Sal Khan
Image of Sal Khan
All too often, technology is treated as a silver bullet for perceived problems in education. This sometimes leads to knee-jerk investments, using scarce resources to invest in software or hardware without a clear notion of how either might actually empower learning.
- Sal Khan
Image of Sal Khan
Teachers can use technology-based assessments to inform their instruction. These assessments can quickly produce data and surface patterns that help teachers identify where students are faltering and intervene with targeted coaching immediately, before the student falls too far behind.
- Sal Khan
Image of Sal Khan
To be clear, people are the most important part of any classroom. If given the choice between a great teacher and the world's most advanced education technology, I'd pick the teacher any day for my own children.
- Sal Khan
Image of Sal Khan
There is too much acceptance of people saying, 'I am a math person, or I am an artsy person.' It makes me cringe.
- Sal Khan
Image of Sal Khan
There are things you can get in that physical experience you cannot get virtually.
- Sal Khan
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Just as computer science is missing from our school system, so is science fiction.
- Sal Khan
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I love Victorian novels, the way they capture the nuances of the human condition.
- Sal Khan
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I learned from my peers, and I learned from doing projects, and I learned from mentors, but I learned very little from lectures, and I've talked about how little I attended them.
- Sal Khan
Image of Sal Khan
We're so used to the tests telling me if I'm smart or not. It's telling me if I know the material or not.
- Sal Khan
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Our goal with Khan Academy Kids is to inspire a life-long love of learning.
- Sal Khan
Image of Sal Khan
You have all this education theory, and people try to make larger statements than maybe what their data would back up, because they've done these small experiments that are tied to a very particular case with a very particular implementation... theory definitely matters, but I think dogma matters less.
- Sal Khan
Image of Sal Khan
I'm starting a virtual school for the world, teaching things the way I wanted to be taught.
- Sal Khan
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I'm the 'Dear Abby' of math problems. But if you understand something, shouldn't you be able to explain it? Isn't that the whole point?
- Sal Khan
Image of Sal Khan
I've already got a beautiful wife, a great son, and a house. What else do you need?
- Sal Khan
Image of Sal Khan
I think history shows us that there is not one credible credential that has come from the for-profit reality, and that is because the for-profit reality is inherently motivated to maximize the level of people that take it.
- Sal Khan
Image of Sal Khan
The ancient universities was not as based on how many credit hours you're taking and whether you've completed your credit hours. The ancient universities were much more interested in customized, personalized learning... Where you have a mentor and where you're learning at your own pace.
- Sal Khan
Image of Sal Khan
If you're going to charge someone for something, you have to show them value for it.
- Sal Khan
Image of Sal Khan
I'd set up the Khan Academy as a not-for-profit in 2008, but I was doing well in my job and initially thought I could fund the Academy myself. But by 2009, I was getting so much good feedback that I told my wife that I wanted to do this full time. We had some funds to fall back on, and I knew doing this made me happy.
- Sal Khan
Image of Sal Khan
Some kids grasp a subject faster and race ahead to the next level, while others continue to struggle with the first. The great thing we've seen is that if you let a student take his time to master a concept, he will probably race ahead on the next one.
- Sal Khan
Image of Sal Khan
Far too many bright, motivated kids are being badly served by their educational experiences - ones at elite, wealthy schools as well as underfunded ones.
- Sal Khan
Image of Sal Khan
Can watching video lessons or using interactive software make people smart? No. But I would argue that it can do something even better: create a context in which people can give free rein to their curiosity and natural love of learning so that they realize they're already smart.
- Sal Khan
Image of Sal Khan
Free educational materials will, at minimum, prepare more people for college and allow them to be more successful once they get there. Most students want credentials that employers respect, and free educational materials alone will not do this.
- Sal Khan
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I do believe that education should become as close to free as possible.
- Sal Khan
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As technology plays a major role inside and outside the classroom, we want to make sure education innovation is accessible.
- Sal Khan
Image of Sal Khan
I was a good but not super serious student until about 10th grade, until I was about 14 or 15. Then I started to realise how competitive the world is. I started to meet kids who were more high-performing.
- Sal Khan
Image of Sal Khan
The reason the gifted students of the world like Khan Academy is because we don't say, 'Memorize this formula,' but say, 'Let's try to derive it from core principles,' or, 'I forgot my trig identity, so I'm going to just try to prove this to you.'
- Sal Khan
Image of Sal Khan
A good traditional conceptual instruction is what I got from my better professors at MIT. They would be at a chalkboard, and they would literally be explaining something and working through a problem, but it wasn't rote. They were explaining the underlying theory and processes and intuition behind it.
- Sal Khan
Image of Sal Khan
People who are looked up to in America will often say, 'I don't get math.' And they'll often say it like they're being humble, but they seem almost proud of it because it's acceptable to act this way.
- Sal Khan
Image of Sal Khan
People in the media and press often say they've never been good at math. It might be that people that consider themselves creative didn't consider themselves good at math or didn't find math interesting at those early stages. And those creative people are disproportionately represented in those influential roles.
- Sal Khan
Image of Sal Khan
At a lot of college graduations, you'll hear people say, 'Follow your passions,' and that is important, but no one talks about the stress of not having enough money, the issues of debt, and the issues of work stress.
- Sal Khan
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The answer is pretty clear that your intelligence can actually be changed.
- Sal Khan
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One cannot be dogmatic about the right solution.
- Sal Khan
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It's definitely important to have a vision, to have kind of a sense of what might be possible, but not to be dogmatic about your beliefs about the way something has to be done.
- Sal Khan
Image of Sal Khan
I always wanted to start a school. I talked about it in college - but I didn't do anything about it.
- Sal Khan
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Teachers' unions don't act in the interest of most teachers.
- Sal Khan
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Many of the best teachers I know are being laid off because their unions value seniority over intellect, passion, creativity, and drive.
- Sal Khan
Image of Sal Khan
Our goal is for Khan Academy's software and content to be the best possible learning experience and for it to be for everyone, for free, forever. This is why we are a non-profit, and it's also what drives our small team and supporters.
- Sal Khan
Image of Sal Khan
I've been surprised at how motivated a lot of people are that you wouldn't traditionally think would be that kind of a motivated student.
- Sal Khan
Image of Sal Khan
I'd like to see a reality where, if someone wants to work when they turn 18 to help support their family, and they learn at their own pace on something like the Khan Academy or other things, that they can just, on their own, get a bunch of the credits they need just by testing out of things.
- Sal Khan
Image of Sal Khan
Education has helped me a lot.
- Sal Khan
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My father's side of the family was very active in education.
- Sal Khan
Image of Sal Khan
My parents separated when I was two, and then my father passed away, so I never really knew that side of the family.
- Sal Khan
Image of Sal Khan
I went to a fairly normal, middle-of-the-road public school in a suburb of New Orleans, but it gave me huge opportunities.
- Sal Khan
Image of Sal Khan
At the end of the day, what matters is whether your product works and whether people like it.
- Sal Khan