Sal Khan

Image of Sal Khan
What I did by virtue of skipping a lot of classes was get two undergraduate degrees and a master's in four years. It wasn't slacking. There were much more productive ways of learning everything than sitting in lectures.
- Sal Khan
Collection: Learning
Image of Sal Khan
A one-size-fits-all lecture is not the way to go about education.
- Sal Khan
Collection: Education
Image of Sal Khan
No one goes on a direct path, even though it sometimes feels like your peers might be racing ahead. Everyone's trying to figure it out. But if you just put yourself out there, step out of your comfort zone, establish yourself in terms of skills, mentorship, but leave space for your passions, then you're going to turn out pretty well.
- Sal Khan
Collection: Space
Image of Sal Khan
I never viewed technology as a replacement for the human experience. I viewed it as something that could liberate the human experience.
- Sal Khan
Collection: Experience
Image of Sal Khan
The whole reason why we have this kind of assembly line model of education that we inherited from the Prussians, is they were the first people - it's a very egalitarian motive - to say how do we educate everyone.
- Sal Khan
Collection: Education
Image of Sal Khan
Louisiana was as close to South Asia as the United States could get: it had spicy food, humidity, giant cockroaches, and a corrupt government.
- Sal Khan
Collection: Food
Image of Sal Khan
I am personally an idealist. I was lucky enough to follow my dreams in my own life, so you should definitely follow your dreams.
- Sal Khan
Collection: Dreams
Image of Sal Khan
Education has to be more than tests and formulas.
- Sal Khan
Collection: Education
Image of Sal Khan
Education is not an end to itself. You need to know algebra but also how to navigate the world.
- Sal Khan
Collection: Education
Image of Sal Khan
The ideal direction is using something like Khan Academy for every student to work at their own pace, to master concepts before moving on, and then the teacher using Khan Academy as a tool so that you can have a room of 20 or 30 kids all working on different things, but you can still kind of administrate that chaos.
- Sal Khan
Collection: Teacher
Image of Sal Khan
If high-quality content can be effectively delivered via technology, teachers can devote more time to creating innovative experiences, leading Socratic dialogs, or coaching students one-on-one in more targeted and focused interventions.
- Sal Khan
Collection: Technology
Image of Sal Khan
The math you need for most of finance is ninth-grade algebra, and most people feel reasonably comfortable with that. But I think the financial world there has been - I don't know if it's by design, or this is how it's evolved - there are bad actors who have wanted to obfuscate because you can benefit from the lack of transparency.
- Sal Khan
Collection: Finance
Image of Sal Khan
The single most important personal finance decision you make is your career.
- Sal Khan
Collection: Finance
Image of Sal Khan
Something happens in school sometimes where you're like, 'Oh, I'm not an expert, and I have to defer to people who are.' And it happens not just in school: it happens in religion, too. Defer to the experts. A printing press is a big deal - they got the Bible, and all of a sudden they could read it for themselves.
- Sal Khan
Collection: Religion
Image of Sal Khan
You only have so much time in the day, and you only have so many working years. Where do you want to invest that life?
- Sal Khan
Image of Sal Khan
Education should be a fundamental human right.
- Sal Khan
Image of Sal Khan
As my kids grow up, I think a lot about the lessons and values I want to impart to them. More than any particular skill or even financial support, I believe perseverance and resilience will serve them best, regardless of what curveball life inevitably throws them.
- Sal Khan
Image of Sal Khan
Creating a clear and engaging video explanation of a complex concept is a great way to demonstrate mastery and to help others understand and love the subject, too.
- Sal Khan
Image of Sal Khan
I hope I could spend the rest of my life learning and communicating.
- Sal Khan
Image of Sal Khan
Kids and adults alike are having their curiosity drained away by boredom in class or the workplace, and by the unremitting background noise of a dumbed-down pop culture.
- Sal Khan
Image of Sal Khan
Our mission at Khan Academy is a free, world-class education for anyone, anywhere, and college readiness is a crucial part of that. We want to help as many students as possible prepare for college and for life, and since the SAT measures preparedness for college, our partnership with the College Board is a natural fit.
- Sal Khan
Image of Sal Khan
Formal education must change. It needs to be brought into closer alignment with the world as it actually is, into closer harmony with the way human beings actually learn and thrive.
- Sal Khan
Image of Sal Khan
After my parents' divorce in the early seventies, I grew up with my mother, who wasn't super educated herself. But there were a lot of kids from the subcontinent in the neighbourhood, many of whom were academic achievers. So my sister and I grew up around them, and both of us did well in school.
- Sal Khan
Image of Sal Khan
Sometimes I think people confuse rote learning with traditional conceptual instruction.
- Sal Khan
Image of Sal Khan
India, with one of the largest education systems in the world, has always been a priority for Khan Academy.
- Sal Khan
Image of Sal Khan
Rather than saying, 'I can't do this,' 'Sesame Street' encourages us to say, 'I can't do this... yet!' That one word changes everything. It emphasizes that your capability isn't fixed. It highlights the reality that our brain is like a muscle.
- Sal Khan
Image of Sal Khan
Great people are attracted to great people and great visions.
- Sal Khan
Image of Sal Khan
I see no reason why there still are large lectures in universities throughout the world. When people gather, they should be interactive, problem-solving, and experimenting; not passively listening.
- Sal Khan
Image of Sal Khan
We want to make access to a world-class education like clean drinking water or electricity.
- Sal Khan
Image of Sal Khan
If a student has access to a great school, Khan Academy can supercharge it. It should help a well-resourced school, and if you don't have that, then Khan Academy can have even a bigger impact. But I don't see it as replacing the actual schools... we want to empower teachers and fill in the gaps.
- Sal Khan
Image of Sal Khan
Some of the beauty of a university is that every professor is given a lot of autonomy over what he or she does. That's also what makes it very hard for even a very forward-thinking president to change courses.
- Sal Khan
Image of Sal Khan
I am infamously bad at asking for money.
- Sal Khan
Image of Sal Khan
Suffice it to say that our over-reliance on testing is based largely on habit, wishful thinking, and leaps of faith.
- Sal Khan
Image of Sal Khan
Every school is different and serves different populations.
- Sal Khan
Image of Sal Khan
I'm a fan of hard science fiction, which is science fiction that is possible.
- Sal Khan
Image of Sal Khan
I'm big fan of soulful music - classic rock with a folk-ish twist.
- Sal Khan
Image of Sal Khan
I'm actually a bit of a technophobe, which surprises people. I like to stay unplugged as much as possible.
- Sal Khan
Image of Sal Khan
I'm not the kind to hang out on Facebook or Twitter or even talk on the cellphone, really.
- Sal Khan
Image of Sal Khan
I was always asking people about their work. How do you do a job like that? Do you love it? What does it pay? I was lucky to have access to people who could answer my questions. Otherwise, my life could have turned out very differently.
- Sal Khan
Image of Sal Khan
One of the biggest ways to level the playing field is to give all young people the same context on what opportunities are out there. And that means touching on some of the questions that are a little taboo in society: How much money do you make? What are your stresses? What would you do differently if you could?
- Sal Khan
Image of Sal Khan
My personal narrative - I was lucky early on in my career to have some really strong mentors. I didn't realize it at the time, but that's what really built me up.
- Sal Khan
Image of Sal Khan
In Idaho, we hope to see educators using Khan Academy to individualize their instruction. Instead of a one-size-fits-all lesson, teachers will be able to focus their attention on specific students who are struggling while the rest of the class engages with material appropriate for them.
- Sal Khan
Image of Sal Khan
What you have in most education software is that they're catering to the decision-maker who makes the budget allocations, and that decision-maker has a lot of check boxes. Does it do this? Check. Does it do that? Check. They could care less about the end user experience.
- Sal Khan
Image of Sal Khan
It's an old idea. It's arguably the first way that people learn, that, hey, if you need to learn something, if you're having trouble with it, keep working on it until you master it and then you go to a more advanced concept. But in the education systems that all of us grew up in, we all learned at a fixed pace.
- Sal Khan
Image of Sal Khan
A lot of times, when kids have problems with algebra or trigonometry, it has nothing to do with the subject matter, has nothing to do with their innate intelligence. It's just they that they had some gaps in elementary school that they never got to fill in.
- Sal Khan
Image of Sal Khan
I've learned that certain things are much harder than when you write about them in a book.
- Sal Khan
Image of Sal Khan
I grew up with plenty of smart people. They would beat me at chess; they could solve brain teasers before I could, but then they would struggle in algebra. These were incredibly smart people who simply did not have the foundation in math that I had.
- Sal Khan
Image of Sal Khan
I realized that there are many people who are very good students, but they think of themselves as bad students. At the end of the day, what they are really missing is way to understand where their gaps are and a way to address those gaps.
- Sal Khan
Image of Sal Khan
One's perception of themselves has a much bigger role than has been acknowledged to determine who succeeds and who does not.
- Sal Khan
Image of Sal Khan
We don't believe that you should ever replace physical education. Even in a thousand years, a computer will never be able to do so.
- Sal Khan