Ronnie Wood

Image of Ronnie Wood
It's good fun, making a solo album, because there's perhaps songs that wouldn't get used for the Stones or any other kind of outfit that I'm working with. It's just nice to be the boss.
- Ronnie Wood
Image of Ronnie Wood
I've always thrived on getting a drive from different emotional circumstances that I'm going through.
- Ronnie Wood
Image of Ronnie Wood
When I get intimate with my paintings, it's a real good spiritual thing to get off my chest. Same as playing the instruments is a great release.
- Ronnie Wood
Image of Ronnie Wood
During the Eighties, when I was hurting for money, I thought, 'Hang on a minute - I can paint.' I was living in New York and I thought it would get the grocery money coming in, and it escalated from there.
- Ronnie Wood
Image of Ronnie Wood
I have a life coach out with me on tour, a very nice guy from L.A. He just prepares me for each day.
- Ronnie Wood
Image of Ronnie Wood
All my family back to the 1700s were water Gypsies. My brothers and me, we were the first ones to be born on dry land. All the rest of them were born on barges in the canals.
- Ronnie Wood
Image of Ronnie Wood
I'm more lost when I'm not on tour. I'm in a bit of a muddle at nine o'clock - 'Where's the stage?' On tour, there are people directing and supervising you.
- Ronnie Wood
Image of Ronnie Wood
I find it hard to get old and hard to say, 'No.'
- Ronnie Wood
Image of Ronnie Wood
Married life is absolutely brilliant.
- Ronnie Wood
Image of Ronnie Wood
I have a lot of growing up to do. But I think, 'Hell, is it too late?'
- Ronnie Wood
Collection: Growing Up
Image of Ronnie Wood
When I first started all this, it was mostly music fans that came along, Stones fans. But now, I'm being taken seriously. I've got highfalutin art collectors and everything!
- Ronnie Wood
Collection: Music
Image of Ronnie Wood
During the Eighties, when I was hurting for money, I thought, "Hang on a minute - I can paint." I was living in New York and I thought it would get the grocery money coming in, and it escalated from there.
- Ronnie Wood
Collection: Hurt
Image of Ronnie Wood
We'll rock till we drop. We have all agreed this won't be the last time. Everyone's rocking.
- Ronnie Wood
Collection: Retirement
Image of Ronnie Wood
I can't go along with all that shit about having to give everything up. I'd always say to them in the clinic I'm still going to have a Guinness, I'm still going to have a glass of wine. They say you can smoke 400 cigs a day and drink 20 cups of coffee, but you can't have a line or a drink again.
- Ronnie Wood
Collection: Coffee
Image of Ronnie Wood
I will miss a good friend who was so talanted. He was such agreat performer/ guitar player. Sleep well Prince.
- Ronnie Wood
Collection: Sleep
Image of Ronnie Wood
Back in those days, all us skinny white British kids were trying to look cool and sound black. And there was Hendrix, the ultimate in black cool. Everything he did was natural and perfect.
- Ronnie Wood
Collection: Music
Image of Ronnie Wood
I think people are just creative, and this can be expressed in a number of ways. Bob Dylan and David Bowie create both music and art.
- Ronnie Wood
Collection: Art
Image of Ronnie Wood
In my family, they were all big boozers, but they all lived to ripe old ages.
- Ronnie Wood
Collection: My Family