Robert Parish

Image of Robert Parish
Golden State was basically a guard-oriented offense so I didn't use it that much.
- Robert Parish
Image of Robert Parish
I've got a young mind.
- Robert Parish
Image of Robert Parish
I don't want to be taking up space, but as long as I can make a contribution, I want to play.
- Robert Parish
Image of Robert Parish
If you don't play with intensity in this league, you're going to get embarrassed. Without hard work, you don't have a chance.
- Robert Parish
Image of Robert Parish
Obviously, there are nights in any job when you don't want to be there, but that's when the pride factor comes in.
- Robert Parish
Image of Robert Parish
My ego has been in check for a long time.
- Robert Parish
Image of Robert Parish
Coming off the bench behind a fine young center like Alonzo Mourning fits my style.
- Robert Parish
Image of Robert Parish
I think Paul Pierce, the way he manufactures points, is the best player the Celtics have seen thus far.
- Robert Parish
Image of Robert Parish
An induction into the prestigious USSSA Hall of Fame is a humbling honor and a testament to everyone who helped foster and grow Worth's partnership with USSSA.
- Robert Parish
Image of Robert Parish
I'm 38, and everyone is making a big deal out of it because I got a few gray hairs cropping in my sides.
- Robert Parish
Image of Robert Parish
I don't think it matters how old you are as long as you keep yourself physically fit.
- Robert Parish
Image of Robert Parish
I come across as being arrogant and dismissive, even if that is not the case.
- Robert Parish
Image of Robert Parish
I know what it is to be misunderstood.
- Robert Parish
Image of Robert Parish
I had 30 years of playing basketball and I came through it unscathed.
- Robert Parish
Image of Robert Parish
It would have been a short career if I had not been traded to Boston. I was rejuvenated in Boston.
- Robert Parish
Image of Robert Parish
Growing up, I didn't like basketball. I played football and baseball and ran some track.
- Robert Parish
Image of Robert Parish
I've always been one to shy away from the publicity, the limelight, whatever you want to call it. I prefer to be in the background.
- Robert Parish
Image of Robert Parish
You could say that as I've gotten more mature, I've acquired more manure.
- Robert Parish
Image of Robert Parish
There are no expectations on a 40-year-old man. All I have to worry about is intensity, and things will take care of themselves. I don't have to worry about championships, all-star games, contracts. I can just walk on the court and play.
- Robert Parish
Image of Robert Parish
The tattoos, they were just something to do.
- Robert Parish
Image of Robert Parish
I'm not comfortable with being honored, showered with appreciation. But it's always appreciated.
- Robert Parish
Image of Robert Parish
It's just a fact. You've got to deal with racism wherever you go.
- Robert Parish
Image of Robert Parish
I was very lucky that I never had any serious injury. But it was the love and passion for the game that got me playing for so long.
- Robert Parish
Image of Robert Parish
I was a very quiet kid, had nothing much to say.
- Robert Parish
Image of Robert Parish
I kind of look at Boston as my second home.
- Robert Parish
Image of Robert Parish
It ranks right up there with winning a championship, being selected as one of the 50 greatest athletes in the NBA. It's definitely a highlight in my career.
- Robert Parish
Image of Robert Parish
I was always happy off the court at Golden State. It was on the court that I was frustrated.
- Robert Parish
Image of Robert Parish
I can't speak for anyone else, but I know how good I have it. You can't find a much better job than this. There are only 300 players in this league, so I feel very fortunate and proud to be one of those players.
- Robert Parish
Image of Robert Parish
I thought if I could play 10 years in the league, it would be a great career more than I could ever hope for in my wildest dreams.
- Robert Parish
Image of Robert Parish
It's difficult for a 7-footer to be in the background. But I try to do it as much as I can.
- Robert Parish
Image of Robert Parish
Everyone knows my career was catapulted to another level when I got traded to the Boston Celtics.
- Robert Parish
Image of Robert Parish
Dennis Johnson, Danny Ainge, Bill Walton, Quinn Buckner, Scott Wedman. Even if you get talent like that, it's hard to keep talent like that together.
- Robert Parish
Image of Robert Parish
There weren't many plays for me. A lot of my stats came off broken plays, or when I didn't allow the options to play out and just took the shot.
- Robert Parish
Image of Robert Parish
My father taught me a good lesson: Don't get to low when things go wrong. And don't get too high when things are good.
- Robert Parish
Collection: Funny
Image of Robert Parish
Meadowlark inspired me to play for a long time. I thought, 'If he could do it, I can do it.' The legacy that Meadowlark leaves is something that every child and adult can benefit from.
- Robert Parish
Collection: Children