Robert Parish

Image of Robert Parish
Good grooming and hygiene are essential. It's never too early to start being concerned about your appearance - first impressions are everything.
- Robert Parish
Collection: Good
Image of Robert Parish
I can be very stoic looking, that's just my facial expression. I don't smile a lot.
- Robert Parish
Collection: Smile
Image of Robert Parish
In my mind, I would always be a Celtic. I was very thankful and humbled that the Hornets saw fit to allow me to play a couple more years, but the only time I thought of myself as a Charlotte Hornet was game time. Other than that, when the jersey came off, I still felt like I was a Celtic.
- Robert Parish
Collection: Thankful
Image of Robert Parish
I cannot thank Don DeDonatis enough for his leadership of USSSA, his stewardship of our business initiatives, and his friendship to me over the years.
- Robert Parish
Collection: Friendship
Image of Robert Parish
I always have room for another ring, unless it's a wedding ring.
- Robert Parish
Collection: Wedding
Image of Robert Parish
You should never put your hands on a woman, under any circumstances.
- Robert Parish
Image of Robert Parish
Across the board, most NBA teams do not call back. You need a court order just to get a phone call back from these organizations. I'm not a part of their fraternity.
- Robert Parish
Image of Robert Parish
I guess people think I'm aloof just because I don't talk much. I guess I'd think the same thing if I saw myself.
- Robert Parish
Image of Robert Parish
Boston has some of the best fans in any sport. They are very knowledgeable. They understand me. I was loved, embraced, and supported; what more can you ask for as an athlete?
- Robert Parish
Image of Robert Parish
I've surprised a lot of people, including myself, with my longevity.
- Robert Parish
Image of Robert Parish
Wait until you have made a definitive decision, about whatever it is that you are pondering, and then make a public announcement.
- Robert Parish
Image of Robert Parish
I will always be a Celtic at heart. That's where my career took off.
- Robert Parish
Image of Robert Parish
I'd be the first to say that I'm a distant individual. I have a tendency to come across as being aloof and dismissive.
- Robert Parish
Image of Robert Parish
I have never been one to seek or want attention or admiration or a pat on the back for what I've done.
- Robert Parish
Image of Robert Parish
I've never been a person that was concerned about accolades or the media embracing me.
- Robert Parish
Image of Robert Parish
I need a coaching job in the NBA. I'm restless and I need money.
- Robert Parish
Image of Robert Parish
I want to make it clear, I'm not whining, and the Celtics owe me nothing. But having said that, you would think at least I would have a conversation about a coaching job, since that's what I want to do.
- Robert Parish
Image of Robert Parish
I'm not saying Brad Stevens should not be getting praise for the job that he's done, because I feel like he's done an outstanding job. I'm just saying the amount of praise he's getting, you'd think he won a championship or two. They don't give Steve Kerr that much love. Come on.
- Robert Parish
Image of Robert Parish
The one opinion that experience does for you is it keeps you cool, calm, and collected under pressure.
- Robert Parish
Image of Robert Parish
I think experience helps but it's not required to be successful.
- Robert Parish
Image of Robert Parish
You need talent and good coaching to be successful in the NBA.
- Robert Parish
Image of Robert Parish
I was seriously thinking about having a very short basketball career before the trade because of all the losing that I experienced with the Warriors, and being blamed for the Warriors demise.
- Robert Parish
Image of Robert Parish
I can't speak for the Warriors but for me and my career, being traded to the Celtics changed the trajectory of my career.
- Robert Parish
Image of Robert Parish
I exceeded my expectations of longevity in the NBA.
- Robert Parish
Image of Robert Parish
I told myself coming into the league that if I could play for six or seven years, that would have been a great career.
- Robert Parish
Image of Robert Parish
I haven't talked to the press much. That's why I've gotten kind of a bad reputation. They look at me and think I don't give a damn. But I'm not comfortable with the attention.
- Robert Parish
Image of Robert Parish
I use Kung Fu. That really helps my flexibility and coordination.
- Robert Parish
Image of Robert Parish
I basically gave up drinking. Personally, I thought I was drinking too much and, over the long run, it caught up with me.
- Robert Parish
Image of Robert Parish
I don't talk about my private life.
- Robert Parish
Image of Robert Parish
I always feel like you should walk into a room or walk down the street, like you belong. That's the philosophy that I always try to subscribe to.
- Robert Parish
Image of Robert Parish
To be honest my mentor was my mom and dad. I was very blessed and fortunate to have parents like I had.
- Robert Parish
Image of Robert Parish
I was always looking at the ground because I was self-conscious about my height. I had big feet, big hands, and all that.
- Robert Parish
Image of Robert Parish
Shoot, I ain't working for free. You can never have enough money.
- Robert Parish
Image of Robert Parish
You've got to listen to yourself, do what you think is best. Because if you listen to the critics, you might be going in all different directions.
- Robert Parish
Image of Robert Parish
I've had the zeroes since junior high school. We didn't have enough numbered shirts to go around, so my shirt was called double zero. I liked it, so I kept it.
- Robert Parish
Image of Robert Parish
I am a loner, I suppose.
- Robert Parish
Image of Robert Parish
On the West Coast, things are more relaxed, maybe because people have more fun outdoors. In the East, where the weather is not so good, people have to stay indoors. They're very knowledgable fans. This makes you play even harder.
- Robert Parish
Image of Robert Parish
I have a great deal of respect for Coach Fitch. When we won the championship in '81, he was the main reason why we won. We were down and he never let us doubt ourselves.
- Robert Parish
Image of Robert Parish
I've been blessed with a good body that has held up over the years and I love the game.
- Robert Parish
Image of Robert Parish
My parents always taught me to be humble no matter what the experience, to not think I was better than anyone else.
- Robert Parish
Image of Robert Parish
My father always shied away from attention. Whenever he'd get a compliment, he'd downplay it.
- Robert Parish
Image of Robert Parish
At Golden State, it was basically a guard-oriented offense and it wasn't either around me or in my direction.
- Robert Parish
Image of Robert Parish
Playing with a winner is important.
- Robert Parish
Image of Robert Parish
I've had my share of losing.
- Robert Parish
Image of Robert Parish
No center would be great without the right people around him.
- Robert Parish
Image of Robert Parish
As far as any personal records, if I get 'em, fine, and if I don't, fine.
- Robert Parish
Image of Robert Parish
Not head coach - Assistant would be very attractive, but I don't think I have the discipline to deal with all the egos and personalities a head coach has to deal with.
- Robert Parish
Image of Robert Parish
I know if someone talked trash to me, I'd want to kick his butt.
- Robert Parish
Image of Robert Parish
Joe Kleine is not a legitimate center in the sense that he is not a shot blocker and not an intimidator. He's not a force on the offensive end.
- Robert Parish
Image of Robert Parish
Every year it happens. When I'm not putting up big numbers, I start hearing it - that I'm too old, that time finally has caught up with me.
- Robert Parish