Robert Graves

Image of Robert Graves
Hardly one soldier in a hundred was inspired by religious feeling of even the crudest kind. It would have been difficult to remain religious in the trenches even if one had survived the irreligion of the training battalion at home.
- Robert Graves
Collection: Religious
Image of Robert Graves
I do not love the Sabbath, The soapsuds and the starch, The troops of solemn people Who to Salvation march. I take my book, I take my stick On the Sabbath day, In woody nooks and valleys I hide myself away. To ponder there in quiet God's Universal Plan, Resolved that church and Sabbath Were never made for man.
- Robert Graves
Collection: Book
Image of Robert Graves
Take your delight in momentariness, Walk between dark and dark a shining space With the grave 's narrowness, though not its peace.
- Robert Graves
Collection: Dark
Image of Robert Graves
Every fairy child may keep Two strong ponies and ten sheep; All have houses, each his own, Built of brick or granite stone; They live on cherries, they run wild I’d love to be a Fairy’s child.
- Robert Graves
Collection: Strong
Image of Robert Graves
There should be two main objectives in ordinary prose writing: to convey a message and to include in it nothing that will distract the reader’s attention or check his habitual pace of reading – he should feel that he is seated at ease in a taxi, not riding a temperamental horse through traffic.
- Robert Graves
Collection: Reading