Randy Moss

Image of Randy Moss
I can't really have any friends. It's sad, really. It's lonely. But that's how I am.
- Randy Moss
Collection: Sad
Image of Randy Moss
Do your job; be the best at whatever your job description is.
- Randy Moss
Image of Randy Moss
When I got drafted by Minnesota, and I think I said this a couple weeks ago, I think I felt obligated to bring a Super Bowl to Minnesota.
- Randy Moss
Image of Randy Moss
It's not my fault that people don't know me. I'm going to speak my mind, no matter what the consequences are.
- Randy Moss
Image of Randy Moss
I think I played in Lambeau maybe 14, 15 times. I've played there a lot of times. It's in the teens, double digit. I've had success on that field, won and lost.
- Randy Moss
Image of Randy Moss
I'm still overwhelmed and, at the same time, kind of star struck that I am part of this New England Patriots organization.
- Randy Moss
Image of Randy Moss
Everybody has their own answer of what a catch should be. I say, secure the ball; if the ball is not moving, it's a dead ball, simple as that.
- Randy Moss
Image of Randy Moss
Ain't nothing but 10 grand. What's 10 grand to me?
- Randy Moss
Image of Randy Moss
Well, I've learned a lot from Bill Belichick. I've said time and time again, before I got to New England, I thought I knew a lot about football. But I think he taught me a lot from A to Z. I still carry it to this day.
- Randy Moss
Image of Randy Moss
What I have done in my nine year career was just a glimpse of what I can do.
- Randy Moss
Image of Randy Moss
When you're rich you don't write checks.
- Randy Moss
Image of Randy Moss
If you're asking me where my heart and where I'm happy is, I love playing with Tom Brady. I love being coached by Bill Belichick.
- Randy Moss
Image of Randy Moss
I always forgive, but I never forget.
- Randy Moss
Image of Randy Moss
And it hurts as a player, that you put a lot of hard work in during the week, and at the end of the week, Sunday, when you get on the field, that's when they acknowledge about the hard work that you put in throughout the week. That's actually a disappointment.
- Randy Moss
Image of Randy Moss
I don't know how many more times I'll be in New England again. But I leave coach Belichick and those guys with a salute: 'I love you guys. I miss you. I'm out.'
- Randy Moss
Image of Randy Moss
I am a little older and understand the nature of the business - the older you get the more your skills supposedly diminish, but I think I am getting wiser in how to use my physical skills. That's the frustrating part when you put so much heart and desire into things and feel like you are not wanted.
- Randy Moss
Image of Randy Moss
The New England Patriots have always been a special organization and I've always watched from afar.
- Randy Moss
Image of Randy Moss
I try to have fun with the fans, try to have fun.
- Randy Moss
Image of Randy Moss
I love the game so much. I've been penalized. I've been fined. I have some regrets in my career. But for those four hours on Sunday, you can be free and just let it all go. Retiring had nothing to do with football; it had to do with my family.
- Randy Moss
Image of Randy Moss
I had to get some things right in my personal life. And once I got my family on the same page, to understand who I am and what I do for a living, I asked my oldest daughter, 'What do you think about Daddy coming back?' And she said, 'I didn't think you were done. I want you to win the Super Bowl.'
- Randy Moss
Image of Randy Moss
I'm from West Virginia. If you didn't know what was happening in NASCAR, you were on the outside. NASCAR is a big league sport, but it's still also country and redneck.
- Randy Moss
Image of Randy Moss
People always say that Randy Moss can't stick to the rules. Even my own rules.
- Randy Moss
Image of Randy Moss
To all my critics, you get paid to be negative.
- Randy Moss
Image of Randy Moss
I love the game of football. I've been playing since I was 6 years old, and now that I am retired and not really into it physically, it's all about the mental part of it now. It's just coaching and teaching the game.
- Randy Moss
Image of Randy Moss
I am more into the old school guy than I am with the new school guys. I came in young and I had to pay my dues to be considered a vet. To be able to play for over 10 years at wide receiver, that's why I like looking at the older guys like Larry Fitzgerald, Teddy Ginn Jr., Brian Hartline. That's what I'm about.
- Randy Moss
Image of Randy Moss
When you're rich, you don't write checks. Straight cash, homey.
- Randy Moss
Collection: Sports
Image of Randy Moss
Nobody controls me but my mama and God.
- Randy Moss
Collection: Mama
Image of Randy Moss
I smoke a blunt once every blue moon. But hey, the moon looks kinda blue tonight.
- Randy Moss
Collection: Moon
Image of Randy Moss
Excluding nobody, I'm the best player in the National Football League.
- Randy Moss
Collection: Football
Image of Randy Moss
I don't want records. I want a Super Bowl ring.
- Randy Moss
Collection: Football
Image of Randy Moss
You can't stop me in bump. And you definitely can't stop me playing off. You just try to contain me and stop me from getting a lot of catches.
- Randy Moss
Collection: Trying
Image of Randy Moss
I'm one of the most competitive guys in the NFL. Believe me, nobody wants it more than me.
- Randy Moss
Collection: Football
Image of Randy Moss
I'm just enjoying the ride. I'm just contributing what I can.
- Randy Moss
Collection: Football
Image of Randy Moss
In a way, I am what they say I am. I am a hard-ass. I'm hard to get along with. Most of the time I'm moody. All that's true. I got no problem with people saying that.
- Randy Moss
Collection: People
Image of Randy Moss
I Play When I Want to Play.
- Randy Moss
Collection: Play
Image of Randy Moss
The one thing I did learn at Florida State, I learned to talk trash, believe that
- Randy Moss
Collection: Believe
Image of Randy Moss
I don't care about my image. I'm already paid. I've already got my money, so why worry about my image?
- Randy Moss
Collection: Football
Image of Randy Moss
I've always just loved to play football, even if it was street football, like razzle-dazzle.
- Randy Moss
Collection: Football
Image of Randy Moss
I'm a guy here to play football. I'm not here for photos or newspapers or TV shows or trophies or awards. I'm not into all that.
- Randy Moss
Collection: Football
Image of Randy Moss
I have used, you know, marijuana ... since I've been in the league....But as far as abusing it and, you know, letting it take control over me, I don't do that, no....hopefully ... I won't get into any trouble by the NFL by saying that, you know. I have had fun throughout my years and, you know, predominantly in the offseason.
- Randy Moss
Collection: Fun
Image of Randy Moss
I like to keep my surroundings low-key. I don't need much around me. I'm easy don't need a lot of racket.
- Randy Moss
Collection: Keys
Image of Randy Moss
If it's early in the game and the team's not doing well, I get frustrated when I don't get the ball, because I think I can spark the team and get the crowd into it.
- Randy Moss
Collection: Team
Image of Randy Moss
I want to keep winning, the hell with the record.
- Randy Moss
Collection: Football
Image of Randy Moss
Everybody knows I got a temper. It's not a temper temper-not an off-the-field temper. It's a competitive temper, wanting to do good. But as far as being a guy who disrupts a lot of things, who doesn't want to listen? Nah, man. That's false. That's false because I'm excelling.
- Randy Moss
Collection: Men
Image of Randy Moss
He hasn't shown me anything but how he carries himself as a professional man, husband, father and athlete. Tom Brady is a pro's pro. I love the man and everything he's accomplished.
- Randy Moss
Collection: Husband
Image of Randy Moss
I'm starting to realize I can't practice a certain way during the week and expect to play another way on Sunday.
- Randy Moss
Collection: Sunday
Image of Randy Moss
I have used, you know, marijuana ... since Ive been in the league.
- Randy Moss
Collection: Marijuana
Image of Randy Moss
My concentration and focus level tends to go down sometimes when I'm in a bad mood.
- Randy Moss
Collection: Football
Image of Randy Moss
I'm a country boy who hasn't really been exposed to city living, and it throws me.
- Randy Moss
Collection: Football
Image of Randy Moss
The Moss of old is back!
- Randy Moss
Collection: Nfl