R. O. Blechman

Image of R. O. Blechman
We artists are hypersensitive, or we wouldn't be - couldn't be - artists.
- R. O. Blechman
Collection: Artist
Image of R. O. Blechman
In the mid-fifties, a revolution occurred and a new word entered the vocabulary of commercial art. Concept... But the change was not entirely good. Our gain was also a loss... There was great value in something well observed and carefully delineated. If the head and heart were often absent, there was something to be said for the presence of a hand.
- R. O. Blechman
Collection: Art
Image of R. O. Blechman
If you send your work to the magazines, you may be in for a shock. You may get a rejection note. The worst kind. A printed form. And probably you will be shattered. Shattered.
- R. O. Blechman
Collection: Rejection