Pooja Bedi

Image of Pooja Bedi
I'd be lying if I said that I took it all very calm and cool when my 12-year-old marriage broke up. I did feel angry, bitter, sad, but I didn't let them consume me.
- Pooja Bedi
Collection: Marriage
Image of Pooja Bedi
I have never followed fitness or fashion.
- Pooja Bedi
Collection: Fitness
Image of Pooja Bedi
I love this planet and I feel that depriving yourself from anything which this planet has to offer is taking you backwards on your road to fitness.
- Pooja Bedi
Collection: Fitness
Image of Pooja Bedi
I don't discriminate between a boy and girl when it comes to friendship.
- Pooja Bedi
Collection: Friendship
Image of Pooja Bedi
A lot of people don't know how to pull themselves out of their rut and how to change realities. In technology, you routinely have an 'upgrade' for your phones and computers. Our personal inner software needs upgrading too.
- Pooja Bedi
Collection: Computers
Image of Pooja Bedi
Single parenting isn't easy, but it's a choice I made and as with everything else in my life it's been a 'give it your 100 per cent or don't do it.'
- Pooja Bedi
Collection: Parenting
Image of Pooja Bedi
If you have to ban something, ban products which are actually harmful for us, like cigarettes. Smoking also affects the health of people standing around you. But we won't ban such things. We're told don't eat fish, don't eat meat, don't wear miniskirts and other such things.
- Pooja Bedi
Collection: Health
Image of Pooja Bedi
People who wear brighter colors are extremely sexy and confident.
- Pooja Bedi
Image of Pooja Bedi
If I want someone, I can go to any extent to get him. My craziness for a man has no limits at all.
- Pooja Bedi
Image of Pooja Bedi
Men who wear thongs have to be absolutely confident and have no qualms in flaunting their body.
- Pooja Bedi
Image of Pooja Bedi
I believe in one energy that is benign, loving, warm and nurturing power.
- Pooja Bedi
Image of Pooja Bedi
I believe immensely in past life regression.
- Pooja Bedi
Image of Pooja Bedi
I was born to two rebellious people and it is in my blood to speak my mind.
- Pooja Bedi
Image of Pooja Bedi
I love food and I never skip my veggies.
- Pooja Bedi
Image of Pooja Bedi
Religion comes with several diktats but spirituality doesn't have any rules.
- Pooja Bedi
Image of Pooja Bedi
I am not the kind to hide the fact that I have used artificial means to hide or correct my features.
- Pooja Bedi
Image of Pooja Bedi
Kamasutra shaped my career in every possible way. It enhanced the whole sexism quotient that I had come with. It made me famous and infamous.
- Pooja Bedi
Image of Pooja Bedi
I don't know how we existed when there was no SMS. It saves time, as it cuts out all the pleasantries exchanged on the phone.
- Pooja Bedi
Image of Pooja Bedi
The idea is to grow. There is a shelf life for every avatar and the nature of roles will change and one just has to keep doing different things.
- Pooja Bedi
Image of Pooja Bedi
I've ventured into my past life and have experienced it. What I was in the previous life and why I've taken birth in this world, I believe in all of this because I've seen it on my own.
- Pooja Bedi
Image of Pooja Bedi
Now my children also don't have a particular religion as I also didn't have. The only difference is that now they have Muslim and Parsi also in their blood. So they may be called Hindu, Buddhist, Muslim, Sikh, Christian and Parsi!
- Pooja Bedi
Image of Pooja Bedi
As long as one uses the SMS facility to keep in touch or for work, it's okay. But, it should never intrude into your personal sphere. There are people I know who use it in relationships and there one has to draw a line.
- Pooja Bedi
Image of Pooja Bedi
I love to be known as a sex symbol.
- Pooja Bedi
Image of Pooja Bedi
India is abundant in ayurveda, yoga, meditation, holistic wellness, therapists, energy healers, natural and chemical-free skincare, haircare organic foods and more.
- Pooja Bedi
Image of Pooja Bedi
I am a very talkative person and enjoy interacting with people.
- Pooja Bedi
Image of Pooja Bedi
My philosophy is live life so you won't mind talking about it.
- Pooja Bedi
Image of Pooja Bedi
The lockdown has taught people how to make do with what they have and how to consume responsibly. For the sake of our environment and our very own holistic wellness, I hope this wellness trend of sustainability continues to grow and spread.
- Pooja Bedi
Image of Pooja Bedi
Cooking at home is a great wellness trend simply because you know exactly what goes into your meal and you can tweak it to your tastes.
- Pooja Bedi
Image of Pooja Bedi
Age-old therapies that Indian households have followed for centuries, like drinking kasha's, mixing turmeric with pepper and honey, planting tulsi for purification and the use of aromatherapy to boost immunity have now become new age therapies.
- Pooja Bedi
Image of Pooja Bedi
My wardrobe comprises of the world's top designers and is equally filled with shopping from roadside stalls and local shops because I believe 'if it looks good, it looks good!' full stop.
- Pooja Bedi
Image of Pooja Bedi
Everyone should nurture the ability to laugh at themselves.
- Pooja Bedi
Image of Pooja Bedi
A more holistic view encompassing mental, emotional, financial, social and spiritual wellness is as important as physical health, is now defined, understood, and aspirational.
- Pooja Bedi
Image of Pooja Bedi
The beauty & distinction of Happy Soul is that it caters to physical, mental, emotional and spiritual wellness in all forms.
- Pooja Bedi
Image of Pooja Bedi
I am lucky to be genetically blessed.
- Pooja Bedi
Image of Pooja Bedi
I love food but due to my active lifestyle, have never been fat or flabby.
- Pooja Bedi
Image of Pooja Bedi
Swimming, trekking, outdoor sports activities have been a part of life right from childhood through youth.
- Pooja Bedi
Image of Pooja Bedi
It felt great to acquire rock-solid, fab abs, toned shoulders and great legs.
- Pooja Bedi
Image of Pooja Bedi
My children have really liked the men in my life and they have liked each one of them.
- Pooja Bedi
Image of Pooja Bedi
More than I wanting to be married, it has been my kids who tell me that I should settle down.
- Pooja Bedi
Image of Pooja Bedi
Experiences in life are supposed to make you better, not bitter. If one marriage doesn't work out, it's not necessary that the second one won't.
- Pooja Bedi
Image of Pooja Bedi
No show is bigger for me than my children.
- Pooja Bedi
Image of Pooja Bedi
I hug my kids, staff, dogs; that is the way I show my affection. If people don't understand that, I can't help it.
- Pooja Bedi
Image of Pooja Bedi
I write relationship columns for a couple of publications.
- Pooja Bedi
Image of Pooja Bedi
I grew up in a no man's land. My mother was ultra liberated and she thought I was backward because I didn't smoke or do drugs, yet for the society, I was very modern. Mothers would keep their daughters away from me for fear they would get corrupted.
- Pooja Bedi
Image of Pooja Bedi
My marriage ended when I was pregnant with my second child. I lost all the support system with little money left. Then the book 'Who Moved My Cheese' changed my life.
- Pooja Bedi
Image of Pooja Bedi
I am so energetic and affectionate 24/7 that people around me think I do drugs.
- Pooja Bedi
Image of Pooja Bedi
People ask me how can I give them relationship advice when my marriage was a failure. I tell them staying put in a bad relationship is not success, leaving a terrible relationship successfully, is a success.
- Pooja Bedi
Image of Pooja Bedi
Interestingly, Laxmi Narayan Tripathi, who is a transgender, was really close to me. She used to tell me that she was ready to change her sexuality for me. In fact, she would touch me and hug me like a man. Her voice would change when she spoke to me and called me darling and it became rather macho. I think it was really cute and lots of fun.
- Pooja Bedi
Image of Pooja Bedi
I didn't choose to be a celebrity daughter; that was a gift.
- Pooja Bedi
Image of Pooja Bedi
It's terrible to be trapped in a bad marriage. It would be nice if your marriage was forever, but why grudge it for what it was not?
- Pooja Bedi