Paul Nassif

Image of Paul Nassif
Some alternative medicines work when the instructions are followed. But I always recommend seeing a medical professional.
- Paul Nassif
Collection: Medical
Image of Paul Nassif
Pumping parties are when you go to someone's residence but obviously not in a medical office and have whatever injected into your face and your body.
- Paul Nassif
Collection: Medical
Image of Paul Nassif
Some people are on their darn computers all day long.
- Paul Nassif
Collection: Computers
Image of Paul Nassif
Your skin is a barrier that protects you from environmental aggressors like pollution, bacteria and moisture loss.
- Paul Nassif
Collection: Environmental
Image of Paul Nassif
I'm glad to be a part of 'Botched' and I'm thankful for the opportunity.
- Paul Nassif
Collection: Thankful
Image of Paul Nassif
I've lost about 19 pounds, and I do two things. One: calorie counting - calorie in and calorie out, that's No. 1. Two: working out six days a week.
- Paul Nassif
Image of Paul Nassif
Performing unconsented surgeries is considered battery because the patient can't voice their opinion - they're unconscious.
- Paul Nassif
Image of Paul Nassif
You know when people overdo it... and their breasts are way too large or they overdo their face, I mean, that's what gives plastic surgery a bad name.
- Paul Nassif
Image of Paul Nassif
On the Housewives I was real chunky. In person I don't look that fat.
- Paul Nassif
Image of Paul Nassif
Obviously everyone's weight fluctuates. But I'm focusing on working out and watching what I'm eating.
- Paul Nassif
Image of Paul Nassif
The younger folks, the Gen Z-ers and millennials, might abuse their skin a little bit, and because they're so young they aren't intentionally taking care of their skin to protect it in the long run.
- Paul Nassif
Image of Paul Nassif
First of all, you want to make sure you find a doctor that is a board-certified specialist in whatever that field is - whatever it is - whether it's plastic surgery, facial plastic surgery, ocular plastic surgery, brain surgery, whatever it is. And two, if they do a procedure, you want to make sure they do a lot of it.
- Paul Nassif
Image of Paul Nassif
I still ponder what gets in people's minds and souls, why they do the things they do.
- Paul Nassif
Image of Paul Nassif
I think with social media and men wanting to look good - since honestly a lot of the older men are going out with younger women - they do want to use Botox.
- Paul Nassif
Image of Paul Nassif
I get a call from my sister. They go, 'We met the funniest, funniest doctor in Newport Beach.' And they introduced me to Dr. Terry Dubrow.
- Paul Nassif
Image of Paul Nassif
I chose a specialty in plastic and reconstructive surgery because it's very rewarding to watch someone with broken bones or bad scars return to normal.
- Paul Nassif
Image of Paul Nassif
In all of life, I've never heard of a C-section where a scalpel goes too deep and actually slices into the baby's forehead. Or even touches the baby's forehead.
- Paul Nassif
Image of Paul Nassif
I'm not the typical doctor that gives patients what they want. I don't do that. I try to give them what I want as long as they're okay with that. I know what's going to match their face.
- Paul Nassif
Image of Paul Nassif
Kim Kardashian buttocks are very popular. However, that's dangerous as it can be fatal if done badly.
- Paul Nassif
Image of Paul Nassif
Appearing on TV as a plastic surgeon showcases your talents and that increases demand. We're very busy. The negative thing is that sometimes patients think you can work magic, which, of course, you cannot.
- Paul Nassif
Image of Paul Nassif
Everyone is filtering their selfies to make them look perfect. We're seeing it more and more in my clinic - patients want to look like a photo they've tweaked. They show me the picture and say: 'This is the new me.' But many times it's not realistic.
- Paul Nassif
Image of Paul Nassif
To make any endeavor successful, you have to put that time and energy into something and work long hard days. Whether it's on the weekends or at night. You have to be constantly looking to improve things.
- Paul Nassif
Image of Paul Nassif
Most peoples work ethnic tends to be OK, but not fantastic.
- Paul Nassif
Image of Paul Nassif
I've had my nose done a bunch of times.
- Paul Nassif
Image of Paul Nassif
The excess skin, especially in my neck, was driving me crazy.
- Paul Nassif
Image of Paul Nassif
I was a hard person to deal with as a patient.
- Paul Nassif
Image of Paul Nassif
I am not close minded at all to having more children.
- Paul Nassif
Image of Paul Nassif
It would be very interesting to travel across the world.
- Paul Nassif
Image of Paul Nassif
Obviously it's always hard when you tell a patient you can't help them, because maybe it's a physical constraint with the surgery, but in regards to telling a patient that they're not realistic and they're not appropriate psychological candidates, we're pretty used to it.
- Paul Nassif
Image of Paul Nassif
I have three boys right now. Obviously, I would love a girl. But we're going to see what happens naturally.
- Paul Nassif
Image of Paul Nassif
You have to take care of your skin.
- Paul Nassif
Image of Paul Nassif
The hardest procedures are the complex nasal reconstructions. With these you have to be so careful, because the skin of the nose can be very destroyed and turns black and can fall off. It's extremely difficult and scary.
- Paul Nassif
Image of Paul Nassif
Without naming names, I definitely think that celebrities nowadays are really having better surgery. It's looking a lot more natural than ever which is really great.
- Paul Nassif
Image of Paul Nassif
When on the show it is mostly reconstructions that I work on, but locally and on a day-to-day basis it is rhinoplasties. I also get a lot of people coming to me about upper eyelid lifts, too.
- Paul Nassif
Image of Paul Nassif
I see the skin from the inside out when I'm operating on it - I can see the dehydration and the abuse.
- Paul Nassif
Image of Paul Nassif
As a plastic surgeon, I know the skin better than anybody because I see it in all the different layers.
- Paul Nassif
Image of Paul Nassif
Don't smoke - nicotine and tobacco can really hurt your skin.
- Paul Nassif
Image of Paul Nassif
There's no danger to suddenly stopping fillers or Botox.
- Paul Nassif
Image of Paul Nassif
Skincare is what's going to help you look fresh, plumped, and toned.
- Paul Nassif
Image of Paul Nassif
Everybody out there should watch 'Botched.'
- Paul Nassif
Image of Paul Nassif
If someone overdoes fillers or Botox, and many months have passed, they'll start looking more natural, like Dr. Dubrow.
- Paul Nassif
Image of Paul Nassif
You can actually take a weekend course in cosmetic surgery.
- Paul Nassif
Image of Paul Nassif
I look good. I lost a lot of weight.
- Paul Nassif
Image of Paul Nassif
Well, the Brazilian butt lifts are dangerous.
- Paul Nassif
Image of Paul Nassif
When a patient comes in for a face lift, I can get in there and lift up the deep tissue. But, one thing I cannot fix with surgery or these hands is the skin.
- Paul Nassif
Image of Paul Nassif
The celebrities that really protect their skin and look great, whether they're wearing makeup or not, are Reese Witherspoon, Jessica Alba and Jessica Chastain.
- Paul Nassif
Image of Paul Nassif
Every day, before you start, especially if you are going to wear sunscreen, you have to exfoliate.
- Paul Nassif
Image of Paul Nassif
When it comes to Sun Protection Factor, SPF, the higher, the better. Usually, between 30 and 50 is best.
- Paul Nassif
Image of Paul Nassif
Having nasal surgery while you're an active boxer is like breast surgery, a lift right before you have kids. What's the point?
- Paul Nassif
Image of Paul Nassif
I am a tremendous fan of the HydraFacial treatment and am thrilled to have developed my Hydraglucan Intense Hydration Booster exclusively for use with the HydraFacial system.
- Paul Nassif