Omid Djalili

Image of Omid Djalili
Where I find it very difficult to get comedy from and where I naturally don't go is human suffering.
- Omid Djalili
Image of Omid Djalili
I usually get called misogynistic, usually by women, and what do they know? They're not even men.
- Omid Djalili
Image of Omid Djalili
Muslims believe in Moses, Christ, Buddha, but they say Mohammed was the last, everyone in the world should become Muslims. The Baha'is believe their prophet is the latest and not the last. All religions are different chapters in the same book.
- Omid Djalili
Image of Omid Djalili
The first job I ever had was working for my dad, helping him out with some of his work as a translator - he used to take in sick lodgers who had come over from Iran to get medical assistance. It was 1975 and I was 10 at the time.
- Omid Djalili
Image of Omid Djalili
It started when I did a 20-minute act in the comedy clubs and only had enough material for 17 minutes, so I filled with a bit of belly dancing. Then the act got stronger and I didn't need it, but people asked for it.
- Omid Djalili
Image of Omid Djalili
Dancing is joyous. I've been asked several times to take part in 'Strictly Come Dancing' and have always refused because I haven't had the time - it's a commitment.
- Omid Djalili
Image of Omid Djalili
I don't understand why there is such a trend now for comedy to be cruel. Once you're cruel, you're not a comedian any more.
- Omid Djalili
Image of Omid Djalili
The prospect of living in a world where there is no God terrifies me. Even if the atheists are right, it doesn't uplift me to hear them.
- Omid Djalili