Nick Clegg

Image of Nick Clegg
Joining the Liberal Party was a no-brainer for me... And when you are a young man, you don't get a calculator out saying, 'Am I going to get to power?' You get propelled forward by idealism.
- Nick Clegg
Image of Nick Clegg
What I hope is in five years' time, I can go to the British people in the election and say: Lots of you doubted that coalition politics worked, but it has worked.
- Nick Clegg
Image of Nick Clegg
Voters tell politicians what they want through the ballot box. Constantly second-guessing them by speculating whether the parties should gang up on each other misses the point.
- Nick Clegg
Image of Nick Clegg
My head spins. One moment I'm told I'm too edgy, then people say I'm too angry, then that I show too much passion... make your minds up.
- Nick Clegg
Image of Nick Clegg
I would be open about the fact that, clearly, politicians should be able to speak to each other. David Cameron doesn't seem to accept this, but if the British people have voted then of course you have to try and provide good stable government.
- Nick Clegg
Image of Nick Clegg
Liberal Democrats in government will not follow the last Labour government by sounding the retreat on the protection of civil liberties in the United Kingdom. It continues to be essential that our civil liberties are safeguarded, and that the state is not given the powers to snoop on its citizens at will.
- Nick Clegg
Image of Nick Clegg
The Liberal Democrats will add a heart to a Conservative government and a brain to a Labour one.
- Nick Clegg
Collection: Heart
Image of Nick Clegg
You see people literally in a different galaxy who are paying extraordinarily low rates of tax.
- Nick Clegg
Collection: People
Image of Nick Clegg
I totally rule out any arrangements with the SNP — in the same way I rule out any arrangements with Ukip - because there is no meeting point for me with one party that basically wants to pull our country to bits and another party that wants us to pull out of the EU. I would never recommend to the Liberal Democrats that we help establish a government which is basically on a life support system, where Alex Salmond could pull the plug any time he wants.
- Nick Clegg
Collection: Life
Image of Nick Clegg
I work in lockstep, hand in glove, with the prime minister on these issues, and as we are supportive to the Eurozone so they can sort their problems out, in return they introduce safeguards to ensure precisely what I said: that the single market is not fragmented and that important industries like the financial services industry are treated fairly. Not exceptional treatment, but are just simply treated fairly, on a level playing field within Europe.
- Nick Clegg
Collection: Hands
Image of Nick Clegg
[All governments] get into a rut where every potentially good story turns into a bad one.
- Nick Clegg
Collection: Government
Image of Nick Clegg
Growth that lasts does not threaten our children's future. It recognises that our planet is a gift that must be cherished. That tomorrow is our responsibility as much as today.
- Nick Clegg
Collection: Children
Image of Nick Clegg
Most people in the country would think the diamond jubilee is a wonderful occasion for us to celebrate together as a community and as a nation. But I suspect that most people in the country would think, given that there is very little money around, that this probably would not be the top of their list of priorities for the use of scarce public resources.
- Nick Clegg
Collection: Country
Image of Nick Clegg
One of the best ways to make growth personal is to give employees a share in their firm, a real incentive to go the extra mile, more of a 'John Lewis Economy' if you like...We know that firms where employees are engaged and own a stake do at least as well as other companies in the good times and have performed even better in recent bad times. Expanding and recruiting at a much faster rate and achieving better productivity...So, why do they make up just 2% of our business landscape?
- Nick Clegg
Collection: Real
Image of Nick Clegg
I genuinely believe that we will look back on today as a landmark for equality in Britain ... No matter who you are and who you love, we are all equal. Marriage is about love and commitment, and it should no longer be denied to people just because they are gay.
- Nick Clegg
Collection: Believe
Image of Nick Clegg
Nothing will do more damage to the pro-European movement than giving room to the suspicion that we have something to hide, that we do not have the “cojones” to carry our argument to the people.
- Nick Clegg
Collection: People
Image of Nick Clegg
I firmly believe that the principles behind Contraction & Convergence provide the best long-term framework for a fair and equitable climate change mitigation policy
- Nick Clegg
Collection: Believe
Image of Nick Clegg
Every time [Chris Bryant] asks a question I become more and more baffled why anyone would want to hack his phone and listen to his messages
- Nick Clegg
Collection: Phones
Image of Nick Clegg
On the BSkyB bid, Rupert Murdoch is now in town in London seeking to sort things out. I would simply say to him, look how people feel about this. Look how the country has reacted with revulsion to the revelations. So do the decent and sensible thing and reconsider, think again, about your bid for BSkyB.
- Nick Clegg
Collection: Country
Image of Nick Clegg
I think it is a simple statement of principle that in a democracy you should make your MPs work harder for your vote and try and get at least majority support in their local area, and that in a nutshell is what AV does.
- Nick Clegg
Collection: Hard Work
Image of Nick Clegg
After the economic 9/11, we will face a new world order.
- Nick Clegg
Collection: Order
Image of Nick Clegg
I totally accept that it's a legitimate criticism that when you are involved in the day-to-day scrum of government that what can get lost is the narrative, the hymn sheet the song that inspires and lifts people's sights.
- Nick Clegg
Collection: Song
Image of Nick Clegg
[Ed Miliband]'s elevated personal abuse into a sort of strategy
- Nick Clegg
Collection: Abuse
Image of Nick Clegg
I care more about getting this right [NHS reform] than I do about getting it done.
- Nick Clegg
Collection: Nhs
Image of Nick Clegg
I don’t watch a huge amount of telly. I read a lot. I’m reading at the moment ‘Freedom,’ by Jonathan Franzen, a great big brick of a book, and I’m loving it.
- Nick Clegg
Collection: Reading
Image of Nick Clegg
We are keen to stress that a strong euro zone is good for a strong United Kingdom. It’s not for us to write the changes that the euro zone needs to embark on.
- Nick Clegg
Collection: Strong