Nancy Mace

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Many of our veterans face an invisible, life-long struggle to come to terms with horrifying experiences they endured while protecting the rest of us.
- Nancy Mace
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Federalism doesn't empower D.C. to dictate to the states or the local level.
- Nancy Mace
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Scientists have known for decades animal testing is far from the best way to test the effectiveness of a new drug. Regardless, the FDA requires anyone developing a new drug to rely on outdated and inhumane animal testing techniques to get their approval.
- Nancy Mace
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Regardless of the political consequences, I'm going to tell the truth.
- Nancy Mace
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As a strong fiscal conservative I believe in putting America first.
- Nancy Mace
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Electric air mobility transportation, which is basically small, commuter-like flying cars, is poised to change the way we travel, and do it in a sustainable and eco-friendly way.
- Nancy Mace
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On my first day in Washington, I swore an oath of office to the Constitution of the United States, and it is and always will be the foundation for every vote I take.
- Nancy Mace
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Congress must have the ability to provide broad oversight, conduct investigations and make use of its subpoena power, which it used throughout our nation's history, from investigating the Titanic's sinking to exposing organized crime.
- Nancy Mace
Image of Nancy Mace
Congress has powers, and they are an important check on the other branches of government.
- Nancy Mace
Image of Nancy Mace
Leadership doesn't mean you remain silent on the most important political issue of our time because you're worried about reelection.
- Nancy Mace
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We need to take all of the science into account and not selectively choosing what science to follow when we are making policy decisions.
- Nancy Mace
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I've been a proponent of vaccinations and wearing masks when you need to.
- Nancy Mace
Image of Nancy Mace
I'll stand up for educational opportunities for our children and for parents across the Lowcountry in Congress.
- Nancy Mace
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Having broken a few glass ceilings myself over the years, I intended to make the point that as women, our gender doesn't define us. We are so much more than that.
- Nancy Mace
Image of Nancy Mace
If we don't speak up and speak out, our voices will never be heard.
- Nancy Mace
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I guess if you got elected on a bumper sticker slogan you didn't really mean, it makes perfect sense to try to get reelected the same way. But there's a problem if your record doesn't match your rhetoric. Instead of a guiding principle, it becomes an empty promise.
- Nancy Mace
Image of Nancy Mace
I won't put my party ahead of my constituents or what I believe in, and I've proven that over and over again in my time in the South Carolina Legislature.
- Nancy Mace
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I've done everything from working at a local Waffle House to becoming the first female graduate of The Citadel.
- Nancy Mace
Image of Nancy Mace
I'm running to offer common sense, fiscal conservative, conservationist representation our 1st District used to have and can again.
- Nancy Mace
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Far too often we look to government for solutions to our health care issues.
- Nancy Mace
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As we all know, health care is not getting any cheaper since government expanded its reach into the industry.
- Nancy Mace
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I said my vote will always be based on the Constitution and the rule of law, absent pressure from any party, politics or any desired result.
- Nancy Mace
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I supported President Trump in a large primary field. I worked for him. I proudly voted for him. And I'm grateful for his support in my own election.
- Nancy Mace
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Much of America's energy potential remains untapped because it is too lengthy, complicated and expensive to navigate through the myriad federal and state laws, regulations, permits and agencies.
- Nancy Mace
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We should create energy policies based on science, not politics.
- Nancy Mace
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Our dependence on oil and natural gas won't vanish overnight, but America's energy future will shine brighter if we continue to develop wind, solar, nuclear, geothermal, biofuel, hydropower and other clean alternatives and give ourselves time to transition.
- Nancy Mace
Image of Nancy Mace
The Taliban, who controlled Afghanistan, harbored and protected the terrorist organization that was behind the 9/11 attacks on the United States, and they needed to pay a price.
- Nancy Mace
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Our mission in going to Afghanistan was honorable and necessary.
- Nancy Mace
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We should have learned from Desert Storm and other brief military interventions: When we go to war, we should have a clear mission, we should win resoundingly, and we should have a definitive exit strategy.
- Nancy Mace
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We never had an exit strategy in Afghanistan, at least not one that made any sense.
- Nancy Mace
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In the COVID-19 era, every American is suddenly faced with very real and devastating challenges.
- Nancy Mace
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Our nation's history cannot be undone. And we should not try to rewrite it either.
- Nancy Mace
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I have a history of being a strong voice. I've never been shy to agree or disagree with Republicans or Democrats.
- Nancy Mace
Image of Nancy Mace
Our country needs real, less divisive, less violent leadership on the issue of race, and there is no better place to start than in South Carolina's 1st District. We have shown tremendous leadership over and over during the toughest times despite our history.
- Nancy Mace
Image of Nancy Mace
The United States isn't a racist country. South Carolina isn't a racist state. And we've moved on from our nation's racist past.
- Nancy Mace
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As someone who represents a district with multiple military bases and who has several family members in the military, I know well the profound personal impact the decision to ramp up to war footing has on the lives of our military service members.
- Nancy Mace
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From the COVID-19 pandemic to controlling our own border, our nation has many difficulties to face here at home.
- Nancy Mace
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The Constitution states that Congress alone has the authority to decide if we go to war. Unfortunately, from Syria to Somalia to Niger, Republicans and Democrats alike have played a role in eroding Congress' authority.
- Nancy Mace
Image of Nancy Mace
New York City is different from Charleston, which is different from Atlanta.
- Nancy Mace
Image of Nancy Mace
Parks and beaches allow people to get in the sun and exercise. Sunlight is where we derive vitamin D, which helps boost our immunity, especially against viruses.
- Nancy Mace
Image of Nancy Mace
We should use prudence when making decisions as to what is best for us, our families and our communities based on the information we have.
- Nancy Mace
Image of Nancy Mace
I've had COVID. While my case did not require hospitalization, it was nonetheless serious, painful and debilitating.
- Nancy Mace
Image of Nancy Mace
If I overexert myself when exercising, I hyperventilate, something I never experienced before COVID.
- Nancy Mace
Image of Nancy Mace
Vaccine hesitancy happens on both sides of the aisle, and COVID doesn't discriminate.
- Nancy Mace
Image of Nancy Mace
Can you still get COVID after you're vaccinated? Some small number will, but it will most likely be a mild case because you received the vaccination. I wish our public health officials had been clearer about this from the start. Vaccines aren't force fields around your body, but they help our immune system better prepare to fight off a virus.
- Nancy Mace
Image of Nancy Mace
Two people who have the same education and perform the same job should receive the same pay regardless of their gender, race, or any other irrelevant characteristic.
- Nancy Mace
Image of Nancy Mace
The raw wage gap number is not a measure of equal pay for equal work. It is a comparison of averages.
- Nancy Mace
Image of Nancy Mace
I am not saying there is no gender wage gap. I am saying that it is statistically unlikely that women earn less than men because of widespread discrimination.
- Nancy Mace
Image of Nancy Mace
I've been in a male dominated industry my entire life, and I've seen that discrimination every industry that I've been in.
- Nancy Mace