Nancy Mace

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We all agree that we want a clean energy future; we also agree energy needs to be affordable and reliable. Robust domestic energy production leading to energy independence will allow us to meet our energy needs and support our allies in Europe.
- Nancy Mace
Collection: Independence
Image of Nancy Mace
I do believe that religious liberty, the First Amendment, gay rights, and transgender equality can all coexist. I'm also a constitutionalist, and we have to ensure anti-discrimination laws don't violate First Amendment rights or religious freedom.
- Nancy Mace
Collection: Freedom
Image of Nancy Mace
Keep Ukraine out of NATO, urge Putin to respect international boundaries and issue a credible threat: If Russia invades Ukraine, then the United States and Europe will embargo all Russian fossil fuels.
- Nancy Mace
Collection: Respect
Image of Nancy Mace
Leadership means you communicate. It means you believe in transparency and the rule of law.
- Nancy Mace
Collection: Leadership
Image of Nancy Mace
Mayors have their fingers on the pulse of their communities to a degree which is simply impossible for us in Congress.
- Nancy Mace
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Like all Americans, I am skeptical when any government agency pries into our personal and private lives under the guise of rooting out 'threats.'
- Nancy Mace
Image of Nancy Mace
When our military men and women are violated or abused by their teammates, it is our duty to ensure they have the tools and support they need to heal.
- Nancy Mace
Image of Nancy Mace
Trees are key to not only protecting our environment, but our way of life.
- Nancy Mace
Image of Nancy Mace
The very existence of vaccine passports represents a major threat to the liberty and privacy of Americans everywhere, and they shouldn't be forced to pay for them with their hard-earned tax dollars.
- Nancy Mace
Image of Nancy Mace
We owe so much to those brave veterans who sacrificed their health or their lives in service to our country. Removing arbitrary barriers which keep their families from accessing the benefits they deserve isn't a partisan issue.
- Nancy Mace
Image of Nancy Mace
I'll work with anyone and everyone willing to work with me to ensure our veterans and their families get everything they deserve.
- Nancy Mace
Image of Nancy Mace
How we handle mental illness can mean life or death.
- Nancy Mace
Image of Nancy Mace
No matter your religion, philosophy, or political beliefs, violence is not the way to achieve peace.
- Nancy Mace
Image of Nancy Mace
Americans who serve in the armed forces risk everything to defend our country. When they sacrifice their health or their very lives in the name of freedom, we owe them a massive debt we can never fully repay.
- Nancy Mace
Image of Nancy Mace
When Americans alert the nation to waste, fraud, and abuse by the federal government, they take immense personal, professional, and emotional risks.
- Nancy Mace
Image of Nancy Mace
Whistleblowers help root out corruption and we must ensure they aren't victimized or silenced by those who seek to abuse their power.
- Nancy Mace
Image of Nancy Mace
Our veterans served and defended our country against those looking to harm us. It's our responsibility to ensure they're not abused by those looking to rob or use them.
- Nancy Mace
Image of Nancy Mace
Veterans are not only targets of scammers and con artists for financial purposes, but also victims of extremists looking to take advantage of our retired troops.
- Nancy Mace
Image of Nancy Mace
The mandated use of so-called 'vaccine passports' poses a huge risk to the personal liberty and privacy of millions of Americans and could actually discourage people from getting vaccinated against COVID-19.
- Nancy Mace
Image of Nancy Mace
American citizens should never be forced to 'show their papers' just to live their everyday lives.
- Nancy Mace
Image of Nancy Mace
I look forward to continuing my work on conservation issues important to all of us.
- Nancy Mace
Image of Nancy Mace
I'm a swing district, that's socially moderate and fiscally conservative.
- Nancy Mace
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I've been called a lot of things. I just don't care.
- Nancy Mace
Image of Nancy Mace
I have friends and family that identify as LGBTQ.
- Nancy Mace
Image of Nancy Mace
Like millions of Americans, I've watched in horror as criminal police officers abused their power against the very citizens they're sworn to protect.
- Nancy Mace
Image of Nancy Mace
Sadly, Speaker Nancy Pelosi is more interested in making hollow political statements than in working to solve problems.
- Nancy Mace
Image of Nancy Mace
Our Constitution guarantees the right of every American to free association, but millions of Americans are deprived of this right when they're forced to pay union dues to a union they never decided to join.
- Nancy Mace
Image of Nancy Mace
I believe in every employee's right to not join a labor union or pay union dues if they so choose.
- Nancy Mace
Image of Nancy Mace
For decades, unelected bureaucrats in Washington have imposed heavy-handed regulations on South Carolinians. What's worse, these bureaucrats operate as player, coach, and referee, interpreting and enforcing the rules they write for the game they make the rest of us play.
- Nancy Mace
Image of Nancy Mace
I will continue to reject ideas that have no place in the Republican Party or the U.S. Congress.
- Nancy Mace
Image of Nancy Mace
I'm tired of the 'say one thing, do another' politics rampant in D.C.
- Nancy Mace
Image of Nancy Mace
It's past-time to prioritize the needs of everyday hard-working Americans.
- Nancy Mace
Image of Nancy Mace
I decided to go to The Citadel because I had something to prove to myself, personally: that I could face adversity, that I could face an obstacle unlike any other, and I wouldn't quit. Because in high school I quit. I gave up on myself. I gave up on everything. Gave up on my future. Gave up on my friends, my family.
- Nancy Mace
Image of Nancy Mace
My life has been a series of successes and failures. As much as I have succeeded, I have also failed.
- Nancy Mace
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I dropped out of school when I was 17. And I had no hope for the future.
- Nancy Mace
Image of Nancy Mace
Democratic women don't hold a monopoly on breaking glass ceilings. It's Republican women, too. We all have been breaking barriers most of our life.
- Nancy Mace
Image of Nancy Mace
I'm an equal-opportunity relationship builder.
- Nancy Mace
Image of Nancy Mace
We need to do everything in our power to reduce the tension and division tearing our nation apart and start to hold ourselves accountable for the words we use when talking with the American people.
- Nancy Mace
Image of Nancy Mace
One of the most important checks Congress has on the executive branch is its ability to hold it accountable to the American people. It's so important, our Founders wrote it into Article I of our Constitution.
- Nancy Mace
Image of Nancy Mace
I've never shied away from telling the truth, and as a Member of the Oversight and Reform Committee, I will make sure President Biden and his cabinet do the same.
- Nancy Mace
Image of Nancy Mace
When drafting our Constitution, the Founders took great care to ensure our military is above politics, that its leaders were civilians.
- Nancy Mace
Image of Nancy Mace
General Lloyd Austin's qualifications are impeccable. He's everything we could expect from someone looking to lead our armed forces.
- Nancy Mace
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We live in a digital world and our laws should reflect that.
- Nancy Mace
Image of Nancy Mace
To strengthen our cybersecurity workforce is to strengthen our national defense.
- Nancy Mace
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Many of us are vocal about our disdain for 'cancel culture' but then want to cancel those we disagree with, even within our own party.
- Nancy Mace
Image of Nancy Mace
The embrace of QAnon, conspiracy theories, or any other extreme, racist, bigoted, or violent views will always get a forceful condemnation from me.
- Nancy Mace
Image of Nancy Mace
Leadership means doing the right thing, even against your own party.
- Nancy Mace
Image of Nancy Mace
As a mother, I know when parents only have one choice, they have no choices. But school choice is meaningless without choice in funding.
- Nancy Mace
Image of Nancy Mace
I supported Trump's reelection and believe he should have won.
- Nancy Mace
Image of Nancy Mace
We elect leaders to make decisions, tough decisions sometimes, on our behalf.
- Nancy Mace