Morten Andersen

Image of Morten Andersen
My mom and dad encouraged my brother and I to travel and broaden our horizons.
- Morten Andersen
Image of Morten Andersen
My bother Jakob is amazing and talented and we'll always have a special bond.
- Morten Andersen
Image of Morten Andersen
I value the long snapper and holder.
- Morten Andersen
Image of Morten Andersen
I'm proud to be Danish.
- Morten Andersen
Image of Morten Andersen
It's tough to talk about individual records when you lose the football game.
- Morten Andersen
Image of Morten Andersen
I was a gymnast and I was a handball player.
- Morten Andersen
Image of Morten Andersen
Consistency, health and a desire to compete. To compete and excel at what I do. That and having good people around you - making my job easy. Great snappers, holders, great protections, great special teams coaches.
- Morten Andersen
Image of Morten Andersen
I'm trying to leave something that I can look back on with great satisfaction.
- Morten Andersen
Image of Morten Andersen
I want to know for sure that I left everything on the field.
- Morten Andersen
Image of Morten Andersen
I'm trying to leave a legacy.
- Morten Andersen
Image of Morten Andersen
The key, and you can talk without exception to anybody out there, former players, Pro Football Hall of Famers, gold jackets... What was the key to their success? Longevity. Staying healthy. Very simple.
- Morten Andersen
Image of Morten Andersen
I think Brady has found a way to completely transform his body, to maintain his body in elite shape. Supplementation, rest, hydration, diet, training, how he trains, how much he throws, how much he trains and throws in the offseason.
- Morten Andersen
Image of Morten Andersen
The two words that come to me when thinking of Mahomes: instinct and intuition. He has both in abundance.
- Morten Andersen
Image of Morten Andersen
You can defend the scheme, but you can't defend the freelance ability of Mahomes. When you see stuff on film that's not in any playbook, you have to go, 'let's keep him between the tackles if we can.' It's pick your poison.
- Morten Andersen
Image of Morten Andersen
Football never defined me and it never will.
- Morten Andersen
Image of Morten Andersen
Is the Pro Football Hall of Fame important to players to feel they belong? Of course it is. It's the pinnacle but it doesn't define me and I don't lose sleep over it and I can't control that anyway.
- Morten Andersen
Image of Morten Andersen
For some reason the kicker position has the stigma of 'we can go to the bar and get another guy.'
- Morten Andersen
Image of Morten Andersen
The mental training and visualisation I did, making practice more difficult than games, gave me an advantage on gameday.
- Morten Andersen
Image of Morten Andersen
I had a one-kick mentality. I had a saying: 'when a kick leaves the foot it leaves the mind.' Mind you, easier said than done.
- Morten Andersen
Image of Morten Andersen
I had no idea of the grandeur and vastness of the Himalayas. It is mindboggling. It makes you realize how small you are in the larger context.
- Morten Andersen
Image of Morten Andersen
I sympathize with any guy that misses because I know that it eats at your gut.
- Morten Andersen
Image of Morten Andersen
I was in maybe 10, 15 snaps a game and my job was to put points on the board.
- Morten Andersen
Image of Morten Andersen
I think understanding where you are as an athlete is important. Creating a baseline so that you know in what direction you are moving. You are either getting better or you're getting worse. There is no status quo in the high-performance business.
- Morten Andersen
Image of Morten Andersen
Performance feedback is important.
- Morten Andersen
Image of Morten Andersen
There were many, many moving parts to my preparation. I think one of the reasons that I had a fair amount of success in some perceived high-pressure situations is because I was well-prepared.
- Morten Andersen
Image of Morten Andersen
Change is sometimes very healthy for a player. My separation from the Saints to the Falcons was very quick and abrupt and distasteful in many ways. I do think that I moved on and focused with renewed vigor and passion for the game. I continued to play at a very high level.
- Morten Andersen
Image of Morten Andersen
I had never played in front of 10,000 people in my life, coming from a little village in western Denmark. We might have 20 people watching a soccer game or maybe a hundred people watching a team handball game on the select team.
- Morten Andersen
Image of Morten Andersen
I didn't grow up with the pressure to perform.
- Morten Andersen
Image of Morten Andersen
Worked with a lot of great people, and I took great pride in my work and tried to bring it every day.
- Morten Andersen
Image of Morten Andersen
I had very stubborn will, and it's been a great ride and I can't think of anything greater than going to Canton and being immortalized up there.
- Morten Andersen
Image of Morten Andersen
I was drafted by the Saints in the fourth round in 1982. And I'm their leading scorer. I'm in their Ring of Honor.
- Morten Andersen
Image of Morten Andersen
In Denmark it's dark half the time so we don't age as fast.
- Morten Andersen
Image of Morten Andersen
You see it with soccer players, you see it with CEOs - people with positions of power - they retire and they're miserable. They're driving their families crazy because they no longer have this validation and adrenaline.
- Morten Andersen
Image of Morten Andersen
I had a really hard time for about a year and a half after football.
- Morten Andersen
Image of Morten Andersen
Besides the quarterback there's more scrutiny on the kicker than any position, and it takes a special human being to thrive in that environment for a long period of time, because most of the time it's a series of potential failures.
- Morten Andersen
Image of Morten Andersen
There is this notion that the kicker is only one or two missed kicks away from being fired and I don't like that.
- Morten Andersen
Image of Morten Andersen
The challenge, every year, when March came around and the new offseason started, was to plug yourself into the routine and understand that it's a marathon and that you have to really work hard in March, April, May, June, July and August to be ready for the regular season.
- Morten Andersen
Image of Morten Andersen
Even the greatest of the great players have their records broken, and that's part of the excitement, not only of football but of pro sports.
- Morten Andersen
Image of Morten Andersen
It was a great community and great vibe at Arrowhead.
- Morten Andersen
Image of Morten Andersen
Let's end the rhetoric that kickers are just a sideshow.
- Morten Andersen
Image of Morten Andersen
I would venture to say that every kicker out there has had probably at least one or two concussions.
- Morten Andersen
Image of Morten Andersen
The kickoff is one of the single-most violent plays in football, to run at full speed for a head-on collision.
- Morten Andersen
Image of Morten Andersen
I don't make goals that are ridiculous.
- Morten Andersen
Image of Morten Andersen
The goal of every athlete in the NFL is to make it to the Super Bowl.
- Morten Andersen
Image of Morten Andersen
I've had this burning desire to be in the big game.
- Morten Andersen
Image of Morten Andersen
I've never lost sight of the fact that I always wanted to be in a Super Bowl. I didn't put any pressure on myself to get there.
- Morten Andersen
Image of Morten Andersen
You have to be ready at all times. You never know when the big kicks are going to come.
- Morten Andersen
Image of Morten Andersen
We can choose to study anything. We can choose to pay attention to anything, focus on anything. We might as well focus on something positive that we can learn from.
- Morten Andersen