Morten Andersen

Image of Morten Andersen
I make goals that are motivational, that are specific, that are realistic.
- Morten Andersen
Collection: Motivational
Image of Morten Andersen
I landed in Indianapolis on my 17th birthday. There to greet me was my new American family, the Bakers. I had barely blown out the candles on my birthday cake before the question came, 'So, do you want to go watch a football game? We need a kicker.'
- Morten Andersen
Collection: Birthday
Image of Morten Andersen
Nobody is guaranteed tomorrow, but why not have goals that are cool and motivational?
- Morten Andersen
Collection: Motivational
Image of Morten Andersen
We have a Danish Christmas. On Christmas Eve we dance around the tree, hold hands, sing carols. There are real candles on the tree.
- Morten Andersen
Collection: Christmas
Image of Morten Andersen
I owe Bum Phillips a huge tip of the 10-gallon hat. He had patience with me when I started my NFL career in New Orleans. And he stuck with me until we got it right.
- Morten Andersen
Collection: Patience
Image of Morten Andersen
I don't spend a lot of time reflecting on my career. That's not quality time for me.
- Morten Andersen
Image of Morten Andersen
With Harry Kane, if he wants to be legit on this then awesome, but you can't tell me Harry Kane knows the intricacies of being an NFL kicker much like I don't know about being a Premier League soccer player.
- Morten Andersen
Image of Morten Andersen
I'm not debating he doesn't have skill, but I don't think it's fair to say that Harry Kane can just insert himself as a bona fide NFL kicker - there is more to it, he has to earn that just like we earned it.
- Morten Andersen
Image of Morten Andersen
High achievers sometimes are not the nicest people.
- Morten Andersen
Image of Morten Andersen
The defining moment of my life came... when I trotted onto the field wearing a purple jersey No. 46, shoulder pads meant for a linebacker and a helmet that could hold more than one large box of movie popcorn.
- Morten Andersen
Image of Morten Andersen
I believe my induction sends a clear message that the position of the specialist is important, relevant and undeniable. Hopefully more will find their way into the Hall of Fame.
- Morten Andersen
Image of Morten Andersen
Just the high level of consistency over a quarter-century, that's what I'm most proud of. And then being able to deliver big kicks when they counted, when the game was on the line.
- Morten Andersen
Image of Morten Andersen
I'm just very fortunate that Bum Phillips gave me a chance to stay around for a couple years.
- Morten Andersen
Image of Morten Andersen
I was really involved with school and activities during my time at Ben Davis. I was at that place 12 hours a day, five days a week. It was the center of my life. It's the place where I got my start in America, and the people in Indiana were so friendly.
- Morten Andersen
Image of Morten Andersen
My English wasn't that good at first, and I made mistakes, especially with the slang.
- Morten Andersen
Image of Morten Andersen
For the longest time, I thought 'my bad' was 'my bag.' I'd say, 'My bag' and no one would say anything.
- Morten Andersen
Image of Morten Andersen
When people ask me how I lasted so long, I tell them it was determination. I never stopped working hard, because I knew kickers were expendable. They'll slide your name out of that slot over your locker really fast and replace you if you don't get the job done.
- Morten Andersen
Image of Morten Andersen
It's always fun to pass the wisdom on to the next generation.
- Morten Andersen
Image of Morten Andersen
I have a deep appreciation and respect for what I discovered here in the United States of America.
- Morten Andersen
Image of Morten Andersen
The number of people who've been a part of my football life is staggering.
- Morten Andersen
Image of Morten Andersen
I have a deep love for the city of New Orleans and its football team.
- Morten Andersen
Image of Morten Andersen
I have great admiration of the spirit of the people of New Orleans. They love life and stay positive.
- Morten Andersen
Image of Morten Andersen
I was born in the kingdom of Denmark, the birthplace of famous Danish fairytale writer, Hans Christian Andersen. His magical stories have traveled the world, and just like he did, inspired young and old alike. When I was young, I often imagined the faraway places he described.
- Morten Andersen
Image of Morten Andersen
My story isn't only about my love for the country of Denmark and its people, but also my deep appreciation and respect for what I discovered here in the United States of America.
- Morten Andersen
Image of Morten Andersen
I truly have lived the American dream.
- Morten Andersen
Image of Morten Andersen
I will always be a part of New Orleans and I will always be a Saint.
- Morten Andersen
Image of Morten Andersen
American football was not on the radar at all for me.
- Morten Andersen
Image of Morten Andersen
The one, single most important thing that I've had throughout the years, throughout when it didn't look good, was will.
- Morten Andersen
Image of Morten Andersen
The pressure associated with important kicks is a perceived notion, something created by the fans and media. As long as I'm relaxed and at peace, then pressure is nonexistent.
- Morten Andersen
Image of Morten Andersen
There's a saying that I like. 'There are one billion Chinese people who couldn't care less about what I do.' My little egocentric endeavors are insignificant. They certainly don't change world events.
- Morten Andersen
Image of Morten Andersen
Goals are like apples in a tree. Some are a little higher than others, so you just have to jump higher.
- Morten Andersen
Image of Morten Andersen
I make sure to talk to my parents and brother once a week. I have to keep up my Danish. Phoning is easy, a quick fix.
- Morten Andersen
Image of Morten Andersen
I'm asked so many times if I'll move back to Denmark when my career is over. I don't know.
- Morten Andersen
Image of Morten Andersen
Waiting to try a crucial kick sets something off inside of me. I'll tell myself. My mother doesn't care about this field goal, my father doesn't care about this field goal, and my brother doesn't care about this field goal. Five million Danes don't care if I make this kick. Please. Let me go home.
- Morten Andersen
Image of Morten Andersen
I get extremely homesick.
- Morten Andersen
Image of Morten Andersen
The safe bet would have been to say, 'I'm just going to stay in Denmark,' but I don't think that was ever really in the DNA of our family to play the card that was always comfortable and safe.
- Morten Andersen
Image of Morten Andersen
If your ears and eyes are open to new possibilities and opportunities, they are right in front of you sometimes.
- Morten Andersen
Image of Morten Andersen
You've got to have a plan, have goals and have good people around you.
- Morten Andersen
Image of Morten Andersen
I feel my career has been three entities - one with the Saints, one with the Falcons and a third sort of career with the Giants and the Chiefs.
- Morten Andersen
Image of Morten Andersen
I'm a wine nerd.
- Morten Andersen
Image of Morten Andersen
I do mental training throughout the week. I take myself through specific game situations so when they come up I've rehearsed them.
- Morten Andersen
Image of Morten Andersen
I get acupuncture a couple of times a week, and I get massage therapy. They'll work the ankles, make sure they're not locked up. There are so many bones in the foot, you need to make sure they're all aligned.
- Morten Andersen
Image of Morten Andersen
It sounds geekish, I know, but to me, there's nothing better than the sound of a solidly hit ball.
- Morten Andersen
Image of Morten Andersen
When you try a 50-yarder in Pittsburgh in December, it's almost impossible. When you try a 50-yarder in a dome anytime, it's a lock if you kick it straight.
- Morten Andersen
Image of Morten Andersen
It's tougher, obviously, to kick in the wind and the rain.
- Morten Andersen
Image of Morten Andersen
When the game's on the line, I want to be out there, deciding it.
- Morten Andersen
Image of Morten Andersen
I love putting the exclamation point on a game.
- Morten Andersen
Image of Morten Andersen
I would argue that, besides the quarterback position, kickers affect the outcome of games more than anyone.
- Morten Andersen
Image of Morten Andersen
Danish values are something that I have always adhered to throughout my career in the U.S., and I'm happy to see Better Collective is applying those same values to the betting industry.
- Morten Andersen
Image of Morten Andersen
The one single most important thing I've had throughout the years, when it didn't look good, was will. Will to excel and will to do it for as long as I can, at the highest level.
- Morten Andersen