Morena Baccarin

Image of Morena Baccarin
It was humbling to see how many fans there are of 'Serenity.' It's like an underground fan base.
- Morena Baccarin
Image of Morena Baccarin
What I say is the only thing I can control.
- Morena Baccarin
Image of Morena Baccarin
I understand people are curious, but it doesn't matter. My personal life is my personal life.
- Morena Baccarin
Image of Morena Baccarin
All I think about is my son, my family, and my future family.
- Morena Baccarin
Image of Morena Baccarin
With a toddler, chilling out is hard to do.
- Morena Baccarin
Image of Morena Baccarin
You've got to bring your A-game when you're in the same household as a military guy.
- Morena Baccarin
Image of Morena Baccarin
I've had some strange fan encounters, that's for sure.
- Morena Baccarin
Image of Morena Baccarin
The dream as an actor is being able to bounce back and forth between different things.
- Morena Baccarin
Image of Morena Baccarin
There are some roles that are more still and internal and emotional, and others that are more physical, which get you out of your mind for a while.
- Morena Baccarin
Image of Morena Baccarin
Nothing can prep you for eight years of sex scenes in one day.
- Morena Baccarin
Collection: Sex
Image of Morena Baccarin
I don't have any powers other than the power of sex. And humor.
- Morena Baccarin
Collection: Sex
Image of Morena Baccarin
I love it when you have a lull in the day and you turn on the TV and a random movie is on that you either have never seen or haven't seen in years. Like "Coming to America" (1988) or "Misery" (1990) or "Moonstruck" (1987).
- Morena Baccarin
Collection: Years
Image of Morena Baccarin
Nobody's safe, humor wise.
- Morena Baccarin
Collection: Wise
Image of Morena Baccarin
I feel that I have grown so much as an actor being on 'Homeland'.
- Morena Baccarin
Collection: Actors
Image of Morena Baccarin
You can't throw a rock without a comic book character falling out of a tree.
- Morena Baccarin
Collection: Book