Michael Hedges

Image of Michael Hedges
You cant make your music good. You cant try to be good. You can try to be present and you can try to remain open so what is going to speak to you can speak through you.
- Michael Hedges
Collection: Trying
Image of Michael Hedges
I’m not trying to play the guitar. I’m trying to play music.
- Michael Hedges
Collection: Guitar
Image of Michael Hedges
I play guitar because it lets me dream out loud.
- Michael Hedges
Collection: Dream
Image of Michael Hedges
Heaven is all around, Translated to sound.
- Michael Hedges
Collection: Heaven
Image of Michael Hedges
I wonder if Harley-Davidson makes a unicycle
- Michael Hedges
Collection: Wonder
Image of Michael Hedges
I just turn the record in. I don't think about the commercialism of it, but rather what's getting me off. That's why I stay in this business, because I can still afford to do exactly what I want to do.
- Michael Hedges
Collection: Thinking