Matthew Hussey

Image of Matthew Hussey
Don't just praise a guy's achievements. Praise the personality traits that made them possible.
- Matthew Hussey
Image of Matthew Hussey
It's instinct: Men love to feel like they take care of you. Knowing you feel protected makes his ego grow two sizes bigger.
- Matthew Hussey
Image of Matthew Hussey
It's powerful for a guy to know your exes have regrets.
- Matthew Hussey
Image of Matthew Hussey
Here's the truth that everyone misses - you must not invest in a guy based on how much you like him. You have to invest in a guy based on how much he invests in you.
- Matthew Hussey
Image of Matthew Hussey
Guys don't approach women who look like they are going to say 'Sorry, no.'
- Matthew Hussey
Image of Matthew Hussey
There's nothing like a man watching a roomful of guys look his woman up and down to make him desire what he already has (and vice versa).
- Matthew Hussey
Image of Matthew Hussey
Commitment phobes will be scared of making plans for the next weekend, let alone six months from now!
- Matthew Hussey
Image of Matthew Hussey
You know he's invested when he doesn't treat his 'friend time' and 'girlfriend time' as mutually exclusive.
- Matthew Hussey
Image of Matthew Hussey
If he wants you over for the holidays or can't wait for you to have dinner with his buddies, it's a sign he wants them to love you as much as he does.
- Matthew Hussey
Image of Matthew Hussey
People don't want to be put on the spot over whether or not they like you, they want to come to that conclusion themselves. It's ok to let someone know you're interested, but there's no need to go any further than that.
- Matthew Hussey
Image of Matthew Hussey
Remember that the most confident people make others feel confident around them.
- Matthew Hussey
Image of Matthew Hussey
Women can be made to feel like that makes them seem 'too demanding,' but it's better than wasting time on someone who isn't planning any future with you.
- Matthew Hussey
Image of Matthew Hussey
Plenty of casual daters will throw you off with maddening phrases like 'I'm just enjoying having fun with you.' This doesn't make them a bad person, but it's your call now how to respond. Just don't assume 'having fun' or any such cliche means they're going to suddenly decide they want a relationship next week.
- Matthew Hussey
Image of Matthew Hussey
The thing that actually makes a guy settle down is when a woman comes along who has a different set of standards than the other women he's met. Then she immediately becomes unique.
- Matthew Hussey
Image of Matthew Hussey
If you want to meet a better quality man, you're going to have to get used to taking more risks.
- Matthew Hussey
Image of Matthew Hussey
When someone feels truly in love, they feel certain. That means they lose any commitment-phobia and will want to find ways to bring you closer together.
- Matthew Hussey
Image of Matthew Hussey
Even the toughest of eggs to crack will have soppy, soft moments when they feel in love. Usually they'll want to be more physically affectionate in terms of hugging and kissing, and they'll feel more protective towards you.
- Matthew Hussey
Image of Matthew Hussey
Quite simply, if someone tells you often that they're dreaming of, or thinking about, you, it means you're someone they see as a big part of their life. When you're in their head, it means you're also pretty close to their heart.
- Matthew Hussey
Image of Matthew Hussey
I love when people come up to me and tell me they are in a relationship because of me. But I equally love the breakup stories, the person who says, 'I left someone last week because of you.' I like to think I saved 10 years of their lives.
- Matthew Hussey
Image of Matthew Hussey
Even when I was young, I cared too much about what other people thought, especially girls.
- Matthew Hussey
Image of Matthew Hussey
You become a better dater when you have a truly fulfilling life that is not dependent on someone else. Even if someone leaves, your life continues unscathed.
- Matthew Hussey
Image of Matthew Hussey
Ghosting's a horrible thing, isn't it? It doesn't feel good, it feels like a rejection. And what's more, it feels like a rejection where there's no closure.
- Matthew Hussey
Image of Matthew Hussey
If you're in business and you make a sales call and that lead doesn't buy from you, you don't sit there all day mourning the loss of that lead. You go out there and make 10 more sales calls!
- Matthew Hussey
Image of Matthew Hussey
I really like classic, simple clothes.
- Matthew Hussey
Image of Matthew Hussey
The whole 'Secret' sensation really rubbed me the wrong way; I just don't believe in it. The grain of truth is that what you focus on you'll get more of, and that's got to do with the reticular activating system in your brain, not 'The Secret.'
- Matthew Hussey
Image of Matthew Hussey
I have strong views, and I can't imagine not ever being honest about those views.
- Matthew Hussey
Image of Matthew Hussey
One of the people I most admired was Christopher Hitchens. He was extremely polarizing but extremely honest, to a fault sometimes, but I respected him for that, and I loved his debating style.
- Matthew Hussey
Image of Matthew Hussey
Working with guys allowed me to at least understand guys in a way that I could then say to women, 'Look, here's what I've learned about men.'
- Matthew Hussey
Image of Matthew Hussey
With any form of change, it's kind of like you're dislodging something. Once you've done it a little bit, you can open the floodgates.
- Matthew Hussey
Image of Matthew Hussey
Too many women are being chosen by men that they don't choose.
- Matthew Hussey
Image of Matthew Hussey
There is literally no one on earth who isn't interested in relationship dynamics, or how to meet someone special. Or if they've already met someone special, how to make that relationship as good as it can be. It's a universal subject.
- Matthew Hussey
Image of Matthew Hussey
I think people don't want be alone. Ultimately, we want to feel connected. We want to feel like there is someone who actually sees us in the world. That's the big thing: to be seen. How many people actually feel seen?
- Matthew Hussey
Image of Matthew Hussey
I don't think the idea of being seen changes in its importance. I think it's always true. When relationships start to have problems, it's almost always because we don't feel seen by that person anymore.
- Matthew Hussey
Image of Matthew Hussey
Getting hurt in a relationship is simply a part of life.
- Matthew Hussey
Image of Matthew Hussey
You'd never be able to appreciate what's good in life if you've never experienced the bad.
- Matthew Hussey
Image of Matthew Hussey
I am known predominantly for dealing with people's relationships.
- Matthew Hussey
Image of Matthew Hussey
People en masse have lost the ability to go out there and meet people in real life.
- Matthew Hussey
Image of Matthew Hussey
The number one mistake people make in attraction is either doing too much or too little.
- Matthew Hussey
Image of Matthew Hussey
How do you bust out of the friend zone? It's a horrible place to be when you end up there unintentionally with someone you have a romantic interest in.
- Matthew Hussey
Image of Matthew Hussey
One of the classic mistakes is we think if we get closer to someone by just listening to all of their relationship woes, we're going to suddenly end up romantically involved.
- Matthew Hussey
Image of Matthew Hussey
When you say yes to the invite of someone new, you're also saying yes to their network. And their network contains people you may be attracted to.
- Matthew Hussey
Image of Matthew Hussey
I believe that if a guy doesn't offer to pay the whole thing when he asks you on a date, he wasn't taught right. But I also believe if a woman on a date allows him to pay for the whole thing without at least offering to pay half, she wasn't taught right.
- Matthew Hussey
Image of Matthew Hussey
Just because someone isn't allowing you to pay for the date, it doesn't mean you can't contribute on some level. For example, if someone took you for dinner and a movie, they may have paid for the dinner, they may have paid for the movie tickets, but then you buy the popcorn.
- Matthew Hussey
Image of Matthew Hussey
Speaking from personal experience, if someone asked me on a date, I would still want to pay.
- Matthew Hussey
Image of Matthew Hussey
Women leave my seminars with a level of confidence they didn't have before. They can go out, meet people, start conversations and have a good time. They don't have to worry about waiting for someone great to come along as they know they have the tools to make it happen.
- Matthew Hussey
Image of Matthew Hussey
When women want things to get more serious they can come across like relationship saleswomen but a man wants to think his own mind took him there.
- Matthew Hussey
Image of Matthew Hussey
Women are conditioned to believe Prince Charming is going to come and sweep them off their feet.
- Matthew Hussey
Image of Matthew Hussey
Too many people say they want someone extraordinary in their lives but they aren't extraordinary themselves.
- Matthew Hussey
Image of Matthew Hussey
Life isn't easy but it's not as complicated as we make it out to be.
- Matthew Hussey