Mary Pilon

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As the U.S. prison population has surged over the decades, the legal profession's distaste for former inmates has become more conspicuous. And it isn't only law. Medical schools often have committees to evaluate cases and mitigating factors but are generally reluctant to admit ex-inmates.
- Mary Pilon
Collection: Legal
Image of Mary Pilon
As the issue of youth fitness - from obesity to proper exercise regimens - takes on more resonance in schools and communities across the country, CrossFit Kids and other preschool fitness programs are raising questions about when and how children should start playing organized sports or hitting the gym.
- Mary Pilon
Collection: Sports
Image of Mary Pilon
Journalism isn't about how smart you are. It's not about where you're from. It's not about who you know or how clever your questions are. And thank God for that. It's about your ability to embrace change and uncertainty. It's about being fearless personally and professionally.
- Mary Pilon
Collection: God
Image of Mary Pilon
At the turn of the twentieth century, board games were becoming increasingly commonplace in middle-class homes. In addition, more and more inventors were discovering that the games were not just a pastime but also a means of communication.
- Mary Pilon
Collection: Communication
Image of Mary Pilon
Women in finance bore the brunt of layoffs more than their male counterparts during the Great Recession in 2008 and were also more likely to have been in back office jobs that were replaced by computers.
- Mary Pilon
Collection: Computers
Image of Mary Pilon
Ultimately, the joy of sports is social and psychological, both in the ballpark and around a television on Super Bowl Sunday.
- Mary Pilon
Collection: Sports
Image of Mary Pilon
Lizzie Magie was a pretty astonishing woman. She was an outspoken feminist, she had acted, she had done some performing, she had written some poetry, and she was a game designer.
- Mary Pilon
Collection: Poetry
Image of Mary Pilon
Virtual reality has an exciting future and oodles of room to grow.
- Mary Pilon
Collection: Future
Image of Mary Pilon
We spend millions on fitness each year, yet we seem to get fatter.
- Mary Pilon
Collection: Fitness
Image of Mary Pilon
The fitness industry has long thrived off the well-intended coming through their doors and signing up with dreams of self-improvement, only to fade into their couches. Those who stick with it often feel like hamsters on treadmills.
- Mary Pilon
Collection: Fitness
Image of Mary Pilon
Individual participation in the stock market through 401(k)s helped fuel the go-go days of Wall Street in the 1980s and birthed asset management juggernauts like Fidelity, Vanguard, Pimco, BlackRock, and dozens of others.
- Mary Pilon
Image of Mary Pilon
Throughout the Great Recession of 2008, the average 401(k) balance lost anywhere from 25 to 40 percent of value. Nobody was more harmed than baby boomers or recent retirees, who, unlike younger workers, didn't have the time for the market to rebound or were no longer contributing and therefore unable to invest when stocks were cheap.
- Mary Pilon
Image of Mary Pilon
In the 1880s, women were decades away from earning the right to vote. Few owned property - if they were even permitted to do so. In addition to childcare obligations, many toiled in work that was either underpaid or not paid at all. Essentially, the gears of progress for women were moving slowly in just about every arena of life.
- Mary Pilon
Image of Mary Pilon
Wall Street trading floors have long been seen as bastions of testosterone that rewarded, literally, those with sharp elbows who could throw a punch.
- Mary Pilon
Image of Mary Pilon
Before she made her bid for the U.S. presidency in 1872, Victoria Woodhull worked as one of the first female stockbrokers in the country, starting a firm, Woodhull, Claflin & Company, with her sister in 1870.
- Mary Pilon
Image of Mary Pilon
Typically, if a politician makes immigration an issue, it's because of the belief that immigrants are taking jobs from Americans.
- Mary Pilon
Image of Mary Pilon
I think that my main business is as a news person.
- Mary Pilon
Image of Mary Pilon
I remember, often, when you tell people you're doing a book about board games, they think you're totally nuts. And that might be warranted. But I feel like if we can't get the story of Monopoly right... what hope is there for anything else?
- Mary Pilon
Image of Mary Pilon
I think that when you talk to people about Monopoly, they love talking about their memories associated with it. And for me, I'm the same way. I mean, when I think about Monopoly, I think of my family playing at the holidays.
- Mary Pilon
Image of Mary Pilon
Journalists know that often you don't grab stories, they grab you.
- Mary Pilon
Image of Mary Pilon
If bingeing on bad emergency-room-themed television has taught me anything, it's that crisis situations bring out the best and worst in people.
- Mary Pilon
Image of Mary Pilon
I'm astonished at how quickly the Great Recession came and went.
- Mary Pilon
Image of Mary Pilon
Once you let go of the idea of waiting for a magical lightning bolt of genius to hit, you can really get to work.
- Mary Pilon
Image of Mary Pilon
To play 'Tetris' is to knowingly opt in to something that has no end and no way of winning.
- Mary Pilon
Image of Mary Pilon
Despite the laserlike focus it generates, 'Tetris' has no clear endpoint and no easily defined opponents. Unlike with most other video games, you're playing only against yourself, without any concrete goals other than to keep on fitting blocks into other blocks.
- Mary Pilon
Image of Mary Pilon
The greatest obstacle in 'Tetris' is time and one's own ability to navigate it - kind of like life itself.
- Mary Pilon
Image of Mary Pilon
Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube have sparked a booming industry of so-called influencers - people with large-scale followings who are paid considerable sums by large companies to tout their products or ideas.
- Mary Pilon
Image of Mary Pilon
Instagram influencers project a specific, highly crafted image of perfection - one that is largely white, thin, and psychologically Zen. Critics argue that this boom, in turn, has helped fuel excessive self-promotion in which we post about only the good moments rather than reality - essentially, a distorted echo chamber.
- Mary Pilon
Image of Mary Pilon
Human beings have kicked around the concept of what individual happiness means for centuries, from the Bible to the ancient Greeks to the 1859 bestseller 'Self-Help.'
- Mary Pilon
Image of Mary Pilon
Recognizing chronic sadness may encourage someone to reach out to a friend, family member, or counselor rather than concealing the distress.
- Mary Pilon
Image of Mary Pilon
If workplaces that enlist happiness consultants really care about worker satisfaction, why not offer better maternity and paternity policies? Daycare options? They could advise managers to stop calling workers to come in on weekends or expect them to answer emails late on weeknights.
- Mary Pilon
Image of Mary Pilon
Trucking-company terminals are places where paperwork gets filled out, driving orders are given, and partners are assigned. They can often be social hubs for drivers, breaking up the monotony and solitude they face on the road.
- Mary Pilon
Image of Mary Pilon
The conditions for harassment are built into the very structure of the trucking business, beginning with the training process.
- Mary Pilon
Image of Mary Pilon
Without federal assistance, most elderly Americans would be unable to afford long-term care - and most nursing homes would be unable to keep the doors open.
- Mary Pilon
Image of Mary Pilon
For years, women in India were largely discouraged from participating in high-level sports - and, unless the women were wealthy, good facilities were hard to come by, anyway.
- Mary Pilon
Image of Mary Pilon
When most people think of Tae Kwon Do - which, in the United States, is not all that often - they think of sparring, a form of competition that both men and women perform at the Olympics.
- Mary Pilon
Image of Mary Pilon
'Power breaking,' also called Hanmadang - which means something like celebration or festival in Korean - involves breaking large amounts of wood, concrete, granite, and the like with specific hand and foot techniques. Practitioners rely on repeated resistance training and the idea that, over time, the body can adapt to stress.
- Mary Pilon
Image of Mary Pilon
For generations, minor-league baseball has been seen as the scrappier, sometimes seedier, counterpart to its big-league sibling. Games are often cloaked in strange and sometimes awkward theme nights. Some of the mascots are ragged or downright bizarre. The ballparks are smaller and filled with fewer fans.
- Mary Pilon
Image of Mary Pilon
While most American labor unions have struggled for the past several decades, professional baseball players comprise one of the strongest packs of organized workers in the world.
- Mary Pilon
Image of Mary Pilon
It's not uncommon for some Khmer boxers to fight with dangerous frequency, sometimes as often as weekly or bi-weekly, getting up to three hundred or more fights in a career, with the length of a career varying from fighter to fighter, some engaging in bouts far past their prime.
- Mary Pilon
Image of Mary Pilon
Yachting may call to mind champagne flutes and seersucker, but danger and risk have always been a part of the America's Cup.
- Mary Pilon
Image of Mary Pilon
The fear among athletes and organizers is that sailing is becoming more associated with silver hair than silver trophies.
- Mary Pilon
Image of Mary Pilon
The America's Cup World Series was created in 2011, with an eye toward conjuring more off-cycle interest and marketing opportunities. It coincided with the ascent of foiling catamarans, a type of boat that goes faster and looks almost Photoshopped, the way it practically floats in air when it races.
- Mary Pilon
Image of Mary Pilon
Historically, companies haven't hesitated to end their relationships with professional athletes amid scandals.
- Mary Pilon
Image of Mary Pilon
Women's combat sports have been on a good run in the United States. Claressa Shields won a gold medal in women's boxing at the London Olympics in 2012, when it became a medal sport. American women won medals in taekwondo and judo as well.
- Mary Pilon
Image of Mary Pilon
One of sports journalism's great ironies is that covering an Olympics can be wildly unhealthy. NBC shows athletes in peak health performing on the ice and snow, but not the haggard reporters subsisting for three weeks on stadium starches, cheap beer, deadlines, and little sleep.
- Mary Pilon
Image of Mary Pilon
The first few days without a cellphone were difficult. I felt liberated from the static of Facebook and Twitter but feared that I had missed some email or call that someone had died.
- Mary Pilon
Image of Mary Pilon
Like Barack Obama's father, Trump's mother was an immigrant. But Trump doesn't often bring up his Scottish ancestry on the campaign trail.
- Mary Pilon
Image of Mary Pilon
The fall of Rome seemed unthinkable to people at the time but inevitable to historians reflecting upon it with the benefit of context.
- Mary Pilon
Image of Mary Pilon
In a culture obsessed with happiness, Americans may not be allowing for acceptance that it's OK to sometimes not be perky.
- Mary Pilon