Mary Chapin Carpenter

Image of Mary Chapin Carpenter
Sometimes you get there in spite of the route Losing track of your life and what it's about The road seems to know when to straighten right out... I could wonder if all of it led me to you I could show you the arrows and circles I drew I didn't have a map, it's the best I could do On the fly and on the run
- Mary Chapin Carpenter
Collection: Life
Image of Mary Chapin Carpenter
It seemed inevitable to try to address my feelings about everything that had happened. To a certain degree, it felt cathartic, but it's less cathartic to me than it is illuminating and helping me navigate my own feelings.
- Mary Chapin Carpenter
Collection: Feelings
Image of Mary Chapin Carpenter
20-some years ago, I'd have a big old radio with a tape deck, and I'd hit record and try to get something down on the tape, but nowadays, I can use my handy little smart-phone; I sing into the app for voice memo.
- Mary Chapin Carpenter
Collection: Smart
Image of Mary Chapin Carpenter
The joy of being in the studio is having people being utterly free to throw out their ideas.
- Mary Chapin Carpenter
Collection: Ideas
Image of Mary Chapin Carpenter
I know some artists who come out of country music and the three sessions a day work ethic where you walk in, and you're told you play this note, this note, and this note, and you don't vary it. I know that works great for some people. It wouldn't work for me.
- Mary Chapin Carpenter
Collection: Country
Image of Mary Chapin Carpenter
I certainly felt the desire to reach as many people as I could; I wanted to make the most of this opportunity, sure. But I wouldn't call it pressure the way we're thinking of it now.
- Mary Chapin Carpenter
Collection: Opportunity
Image of Mary Chapin Carpenter
When I started out, it was this sense of, "Let's put out a record and see what happens and see where you go and see how you feel and where we can take it." That was a very different world back then.
- Mary Chapin Carpenter
Collection: Different
Image of Mary Chapin Carpenter
There's two lanes running down this road which ever side your on, accounts for where you want to go or what you're running from.
- Mary Chapin Carpenter
Collection: Running
Image of Mary Chapin Carpenter
Fool you once, you are forgiven. Fool you twice, you're just a fool.
- Mary Chapin Carpenter
Collection: Fool
Image of Mary Chapin Carpenter
The light of the moon is all we've got to go on...
- Mary Chapin Carpenter
Collection: Moon
Image of Mary Chapin Carpenter
I woke to find every window open I woke to find the heavy door ajar And I walked outside and stood upon the hilltop And gazed once more on a bright morning star I walked outside and every bird was singing As I found again my bright morning star
- Mary Chapin Carpenter
Collection: Morning
Image of Mary Chapin Carpenter
I've crossed lines of word and wire and both have cut me deep. I've been frozen out and I've been on fire, and the tears are mine to weep.
- Mary Chapin Carpenter
Collection: Sadness
Image of Mary Chapin Carpenter
In the late 80s, artists could be signed to labels and be nurtured. It wasn't, "We're going to give you one shot, and if you don't measure up, you're gone".
- Mary Chapin Carpenter
Collection: Artist
Image of Mary Chapin Carpenter
Think I'll flip a coin, I'm a winner either way Mmmmmm, I feel lucky today
- Mary Chapin Carpenter
Collection: Philosophical
Image of Mary Chapin Carpenter
I feel like politics have always informed what I do. If you know anything about my music, you know I've never been shy about stating how I vote.
- Mary Chapin Carpenter
Collection: Shy
Image of Mary Chapin Carpenter
Everything changes in every genre, whether it's pop, rock or country.
- Mary Chapin Carpenter
Collection: Country
Image of Mary Chapin Carpenter
As far as politically how country music goes, it's true that it's regarded from a distance as a genre of music that at different times, the more right elements of the political spectrum have claimed for their own.
- Mary Chapin Carpenter
Collection: Country