Martin Freeman

Image of Martin Freeman
I think what 'The Hobbit' and Middle-earth deal in are quite universal and timeless themes of honour and love and friendship... so they're things that do resonate with people.
- Martin Freeman
Collection: Friendship
Image of Martin Freeman
Like any friendship or marriage, familiarity breeds more contempt, and love, and everything.
- Martin Freeman
Collection: Marriage
Image of Martin Freeman
Most people have a passive relationship with music and clothes, with culture. But music was my first contact with anything creative. Music is it, as far as I'm concerned.
- Martin Freeman
Collection: Relationship
Image of Martin Freeman
You absorb 2,000 years of history just by being near the Thames.
- Martin Freeman
Collection: History
Image of Martin Freeman
I think people just like seeing friendship. I think people like seeing people who just drive each other up the wall, but at same time, can't live without each other.
- Martin Freeman
Collection: Friendship
Image of Martin Freeman
I value being able to go into a record shop and people leaving me alone.
- Martin Freeman
Collection: Alone
Image of Martin Freeman
I was probably cool around the end of 2002.
- Martin Freeman
Collection: Cool
Image of Martin Freeman
I can live without endless television programmes and films just centered around computers. I can sort of live without that.
- Martin Freeman
Collection: Computers
Image of Martin Freeman
I've always loved Christmas and that's not really gone away from me from being a child to now. It's always a magical time and I'm unashamed in my love for Christmas.
- Martin Freeman
Collection: Christmas
Image of Martin Freeman
I like anything with my face on it, just from an aesthetic point of view.
- Martin Freeman
Image of Martin Freeman
I think the world needs to see more of my face.
- Martin Freeman
Image of Martin Freeman
I want to inspire children to be obsessed over jewellery.
- Martin Freeman
Image of Martin Freeman
I hope I inspire children to make films.
- Martin Freeman
Image of Martin Freeman
To be honest, if people thought my performance in 'The Office' was the same as my performance in 'The Hobbit,' it would tell me everything I needed to know about what they know about acting.
- Martin Freeman
Image of Martin Freeman
I enjoy fighting scenes. I like fighting in film. I like pretending to fight in films.
- Martin Freeman
Image of Martin Freeman
I don't have sentimental attachments to characters at all.
- Martin Freeman
Image of Martin Freeman
Most people aren't these grandstanding heroes.
- Martin Freeman
Image of Martin Freeman
I've had several really tangible dreams about UFOs, and they've been amazing!
- Martin Freeman
Image of Martin Freeman
I don't write anything off without reading a script, and if it's a good one, I'll consider it, whether it's for $20 or a million dollars.
- Martin Freeman
Image of Martin Freeman
When I was at youth theatre and drama school, I never thought people would mistake me for a stand-up.
- Martin Freeman
Image of Martin Freeman
Coming back from doing 'The Hobbit,' you think 'Sherlock' is realistic, but of course, it's not that realistic.
- Martin Freeman
Image of Martin Freeman
Like, honest to God, I don't expect people to be into what I'm into.
- Martin Freeman
Image of Martin Freeman
I don't like affectation.
- Martin Freeman
Image of Martin Freeman
If everyone's just saying what they feel and doing whatever they want, there's no drama in the world. And there's also no truth to it, 'cause that's just not the truth.
- Martin Freeman
Image of Martin Freeman
When people bully us, we are complicit in it in some way. We do allow it to happen to some extent.
- Martin Freeman
Image of Martin Freeman
It's always the case, whenever you're doing someone real, how much you want to do an impression or a characterisation. If I was doing Churchill, or Gandhi - people know exactly how they talked, walked.
- Martin Freeman
Image of Martin Freeman
I think the hardest part about anything you do for 18 months is just keeping yourself together for 18 months.
- Martin Freeman
Image of Martin Freeman
I don't get cast as the guy who steps off a yacht in a white linen suit with a martini.
- Martin Freeman
Image of Martin Freeman
Any pigeonhole is something to be rebelled against.
- Martin Freeman
Image of Martin Freeman
I've always slightly envied other actors I know who have different reputations. I think, 'God, you don't get people coming up to you, going, 'Hey!' - because they're scared of you.'
- Martin Freeman
Image of Martin Freeman
I've always been attracted to darkness.
- Martin Freeman
Image of Martin Freeman
It would be a shame for me if I were to become 'Mr. Half-Hour Sitcom.'
- Martin Freeman
Image of Martin Freeman
Even someone as truly dark as Lorne Malvo is still very attractive, and you want to spend time with him because he's a fun character.
- Martin Freeman
Image of Martin Freeman
I'm always interested with other actors in what their process is, and are they still interested in acting, as opposed to being a star.
- Martin Freeman
Image of Martin Freeman
I don't like 'cool telly.'
- Martin Freeman
Image of Martin Freeman
I like the quiet life sometimes. I also love a bustling press conference sometimes as well. I love a 600 metre red carpet.
- Martin Freeman
Image of Martin Freeman
Being an actor is just like being any other sort of self-employed person - we're all just happy to have a job in the first place, but we also thrive off the uncertainty of it.
- Martin Freeman
Image of Martin Freeman
I wanted to be an actor because I saw 'Dog Day Afternoon,' you know what I mean?
- Martin Freeman
Image of Martin Freeman
I'm afraid I don't have a very pragmatic or unromantic view of props. I don't imbue them with any great sense of mystery or anything.
- Martin Freeman
Image of Martin Freeman
I think when see you a character on the screen who is actually being touched by the world, and the stuff is actually landing on him, it makes you empathize.
- Martin Freeman
Image of Martin Freeman
Are there many Tims in America? I don't know if I can think of many American Tims.
- Martin Freeman
Image of Martin Freeman
I've been well-known in Britain for a long time.
- Martin Freeman
Image of Martin Freeman
I've always liked clothes, since I was a kid.
- Martin Freeman
Image of Martin Freeman
I'm just a sucker for a good script.
- Martin Freeman
Image of Martin Freeman
I love watching Billy Bob, just as a punter anyway. I like his work. But working with him is really easy and really straight-forward. He's immediately good. He doesn't have to work up to it. He doesn't make your life difficult. He listens. He's a very good listener, in terms of his acting.
- Martin Freeman
Image of Martin Freeman
I have less than no interest in trying to replicate another brilliant actor's work, thank you very much.
- Martin Freeman
Image of Martin Freeman
We can all look on the Internet and go, 'He hates me! Oh, but she loves me. Oh, but he hates me,' you know. And that way, madness lies.
- Martin Freeman
Image of Martin Freeman
I have no opinion on 48 frames a second at all. I'd be completely unsuitable to talk about that.
- Martin Freeman
Image of Martin Freeman
I was on record before I did 'The Hobbit,' saying I don't care at all about 3D. And I suppose I should now say I care a lot about 3D. I've always loved 3D, I think everything should be 3D, and I think it's just a shame 'The Godfather' wasn't in 3D.
- Martin Freeman
Image of Martin Freeman
I love eating. I mean, I really, really love eating.
- Martin Freeman