Mark Meadows

Image of Mark Meadows
Activist court rulings, a broken infrastructure, and widening loopholes, have thrown our immigration system into an unmistakable chaos.
- Mark Meadows
Image of Mark Meadows
Let's vote to fund the wall.
- Mark Meadows
Image of Mark Meadows
My colleagues and friends in the Freedom Caucus believe something very simple: Our country deserves a secure border and immigration laws that put the safety, security and prosperity of Americans first.
- Mark Meadows
Image of Mark Meadows
President Trump promised to negotiate trade agreements to get better deals for America and protect American jobs. Bottom line: He delivered.
- Mark Meadows
Image of Mark Meadows
Every major industry sector in the U.S. would be positively impacted by the USMCA, with blue-collar manufacturing jobs seeing the most significant gains.
- Mark Meadows
Image of Mark Meadows
Once the USMCA is sent to Congress, the House has a responsibility to step up and swiftly ratify the agreement.
- Mark Meadows
Image of Mark Meadows
Unfortunately, Democrats don't want to wage a war on poverty or improve program integrity; they prefer talking points.
- Mark Meadows
Image of Mark Meadows
Can we have a serious conversation about improving the integrity of our poverty programs in this country?
- Mark Meadows
Image of Mark Meadows
I, along with many of my Republican colleagues, believe there is so much more we can do for those who are trapped in our social safety net programs. But we are limited by the level of discourse with which of our colleagues on the other side of the aisle are willing to engage.
- Mark Meadows
Image of Mark Meadows
From the moment Donald Trump was inaugurated, Washington Democrats have been myopically focused on politically targeting his administration and impeaching him.
- Mark Meadows
Image of Mark Meadows
When we look at the majority of the American people, when they believe that their leadership is letting them down, there is only one option out there for us, and that's to change that leadership.
- Mark Meadows
Image of Mark Meadows
Donald Trump has made outstanding picks for his Cabinet.
- Mark Meadows
Image of Mark Meadows
I am friends with both men, President Trump and Chairman Cummings. I know both men well. Neither man is a racist. Period. Both love America.
- Mark Meadows
Image of Mark Meadows
Serving as Chief of Staff would be an incredible honor.
- Mark Meadows
Image of Mark Meadows
The last thing you want to do is go up against someone in your own party and certainly your own president.
- Mark Meadows
Image of Mark Meadows
Any time you tell the president of the United States you're not there, is it difficult? I would say extremely difficult.
- Mark Meadows
Image of Mark Meadows
I can tell you that anyone who knows me knows that there is not a racial bone in my body.
- Mark Meadows
Image of Mark Meadows
Why should we allow a Democrat President in the White House to use executive orders and not do the same with a Republican President?
- Mark Meadows
Image of Mark Meadows
I've put forth measures that would actually eliminate some of the executive branch power. You know, philosophically, that's where I am.
- Mark Meadows
Image of Mark Meadows
We have a crisis with a need to secure the border.
- Mark Meadows
Image of Mark Meadows
When you serve, whether it's here in the House or in the White House or anywhere else, it's a distinct honor and privilege and so that's about the extent of it.
- Mark Meadows
Image of Mark Meadows
If there's a conservative district and we have a commitment from someone to join the Freedom Caucus, that sends a very strong message.
- Mark Meadows
Image of Mark Meadows
In all humility, I don't know that an endorsement from Mark Meadows is going to make a difference as much as the commitment of that particular candidate to really represent the people.
- Mark Meadows
Image of Mark Meadows
The more conservative the district, the more conservative the member should be.
- Mark Meadows
Image of Mark Meadows
To suggest that all members of the Republican conference represent their district in a manner that's reflective of the makeup of their district would not be accurate.
- Mark Meadows
Image of Mark Meadows
Mo Brooks is serious about making sure we fulfill our campaign promises ,and if anyone is willing to stand up to Leader McConnell on behalf of the people of Alabama it's Mo Brooks.
- Mark Meadows
Image of Mark Meadows
National security needs to be priority number one and if you're willing to play politics with our national security then you have no business serving in the Senate or the House.
- Mark Meadows
Image of Mark Meadows
If we've got Democrats, whether they be in the House or the Senate, that are not willing to put our national security as their very top priority and secure our borders, I think it's time that we get someone else in that position and that goes regardless of party.
- Mark Meadows
Image of Mark Meadows
We continue to send money to the U.N. for countries who are anti-American and anti-Israel - it's got to stop.
- Mark Meadows
Image of Mark Meadows
I think we need the make sure our border is secure, not just from a standpoint of strategic fencing or border slats, whatever you want to call it, but we need to make sure that once and for all, we secure our border to make sure our communities are safe.
- Mark Meadows
Image of Mark Meadows
You know the voice of the people is a very, very powerful tool.
- Mark Meadows
Image of Mark Meadows
Everybody knows that from a national security standpoint we need to secure our southern border.
- Mark Meadows
Image of Mark Meadows
We should really focus on an American First agenda, and these climate pacts and climate regulations have been designed to not necessarily give American workers and the American environment a head start. It really gives our competition a greater ability to compete internationally and disadvantage American companies.
- Mark Meadows
Image of Mark Meadows
One thing that Washington D.C. does not do well is cut spending.
- Mark Meadows
Image of Mark Meadows
I want to make sure that we have a tax code that makes sure that everyone benefits, including those in poverty and those middle-income wage earners and those that have already lived the American dream as well as making sure that everyone can receive the benefits of a robust economy and not just the select few.
- Mark Meadows
Image of Mark Meadows
Does anything good happen a couple days before Christmas? Nothing good happens just a few days before Christmas.
- Mark Meadows
Image of Mark Meadows
The CBO is the only group that makes the weatherman's ten-day forecast look like exact science. They seem to miss their projections with extreme regularity.
- Mark Meadows
Image of Mark Meadows
I'm very confident in the voice and the power of the American people.
- Mark Meadows
Image of Mark Meadows
We need to make sure pre-existing conditions are taken care of, but propping up Obamacare, a failing system, is not the way to do it.
- Mark Meadows
Image of Mark Meadows
Some people like to campaign like a conservative and legislate like a progressive.
- Mark Meadows
Image of Mark Meadows
We need a wall or a sophisticated fence, as long as it secures our border.
- Mark Meadows
Image of Mark Meadows
Let's keep winning! I love to be exhausted on winning!
- Mark Meadows
Image of Mark Meadows
I know Judge Roy Moore to be not only be a man of character in spite of the tens of millions of dollars that are flowing into Alabama to suggest otherwise.
- Mark Meadows
Image of Mark Meadows
I think what happens is when we start to look at the facts, everybody has their impression of what truth is.
- Mark Meadows
Image of Mark Meadows
Roy Moore is a man of faith.
- Mark Meadows
Image of Mark Meadows
In Washington, D.C., they don't do real work.
- Mark Meadows
Image of Mark Meadows
I'm one of these guys who believes you represent the people who sent you to Washington, D.C., not matter what the cost. The cost could be very grave.
- Mark Meadows
Image of Mark Meadows
Under the Trump presidency we have a unique opportunity to actually roll back regulations, make the economy work, and more importantly make sure that the swamp does not consume Washington, D.C.
- Mark Meadows
Image of Mark Meadows
Washington, D.C. is not on the side of mainstream and main street America.
- Mark Meadows